Earlier, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita urged Apple to consider the first investment scheme, which involves setting up production facilities or factories. This initiative is seen as a key opportunity to create jobs through direct investment.
Meanwhile, discussions with Minister of Investment and Downstream Affairs (BKPM), Rosan Roeslani revealed that Apple has committed to building an Airtag vendor factory in Batam, Riau Islands. The estimated investment value for this project is approximately Rp16 trillion (about US$986 million).
This meeting between the two ministries within the Red and White Cabinet represents a tangible step towards achieving one of the key goals outlined in Asta Cita, the eight strategic missions of President Prabowo Subianto’s administration. The third point of Asta Cita is to "enhance the creation of quality jobs, foster entrepreneurship, develop the creative industries, and continue infrastructure development."
Job creation has indeed been a central focus of President Prabowo’s administration. However, opening high-quality employment opportunities cannot be achieved in the short term. It requires comprehensive planning and a strategic approach to industrialization. This implies the need for well-thought-out programs aimed at enhancing the quality of the workforce in Indonesia.