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Saturday, 06 January 2018 00:00

Communication and Informatics Ministry and Metranet Create Save Internet Featured

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Welcome in our segment of Miscellany. Today, we will inform about the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and Metranet Determine to Create Safe Internet

The safe and healthy Internet usage has become one of the focuses of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo). The safe and healthy Internet also means the eradication of negative content on the internet such as pornography, gambling, violence, radicalism and racial intolerance. The Ministry ensuresthat censorship machine for pornographic content will start operating in January 2018 after the handover process on December 29, 2017, as quoted from Antara some time ago. The censorship machine with"crawling" system will speed up the handling of pornographic content and be operated by a team consisting of 58 people. Director General of Aptika at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemkominfo), Semuel Abrijanin said that crawling searching for content based on a particular search input differs from monitoring. His side claimsthat they have not been able to and will not lead to monitoring as has been done by China with  the cost worth$15 billion dollars. The system may be used by other agencies in accordance with their respective fields and authorities, such as the National Narcotics Board -BNN forseeking drug content or the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) for seeking unregistered drugs and foods sold to the public. The censorship machine was auctioned by the Ministry, which was worth toRp 211 billion on August 30, 2017, and won by PT Inti which gave the offer price worth Rp 198 billion and the corrected price Rp 194 billion. The machine is targeted to be able to block negative content on the internet more quickly and precisely. The government predicts 50 percent of negative content can be directly blocked when the machine is operated later. Semuel added that negative content reporting through Positive Trust sites has been being processed manually. Incoming reports are numerous but only a few are processed. If done with the machine, all the reported-contents can be opened and read at once in an easier way. In addition to the Ministry, PT Metra-Net (Metranet) as a subsidiary of Telkom Indonesia which is focusing on Digital Services also made efforts to create safe Internet usage for Indonesia people. Metranet officially launched a browser named USearch. This browser comes as a safe surfing solution on the internet because it can block negative content. USearch was first introduced by Telkom Group at DigiSummit event in Jakarta on 22-23 November 2017. Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest number of internet users in the world. Data of in 2017 showed as many as 132.7 million active internet users in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) has blocked about 6,000 sites and accounts with negative content until July 2017. Metranet CEO, Widi Nugroho said that his side was concerned about the number of negative contents on the internet that are very accessible. Therefore, his side presents USearch as a safe surfing solution because it has a high level of security that can block based on keywords sought, not based on the domain. USearch offers a high level of security and privacy because it can filter out negative content on the internet and safe for children and families. USearch can filter and reduce negative search subjects like pornography, gambling and racial intolerance. He said that in the future, it will cooperate with the government, especially the Ministy of Communication and Informatics and the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud). So, USearch can be used in schools. In addition, it also requires the support of all stakeholders to provide information if there is content or subject that needs to be filtered and cared for. The communities can report online through the menu in the Usearch Browser application or through web

Read 1666 times Last modified on Tuesday, 06 February 2018 13:39