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Friday, 09 February 2018 13:16

Mosaic of Indonesia

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The Indonesian government is educating 20 Small and Medium Industries (IKMs) to be startup business in 2018, by utilizing a modern manufacturing technology or e-commerce and market opportunity. Director General of IKM at the Industry Ministry, Gati Wibawaningsih in an official statement in Jakarta Wednesday said, the existence of of startup is currently needed to sell the IKMs’ local products. In realizing the target, the Industry Ministry has a strategic program to educate IKM businesspeople in a bid to have capability in marketing their products. They have made digital platform namely e-smart IKM. The program has started since 2017, as an expansion facility of Indonesian IKM market. In the development program, the Ministry has also cooperated with PT Ruang Raya Indonesia ( on an increasing capacity of human resources in the industry sector, through the utilization of digital information technology such as e-Smart IKM program. The cooperation through the utilization of digital content is expected to improve the effectiveness of industry development program.

Rhode Island University and Maluku provincial govenrment  are exploring cooperation to improve human resources quality, especially the state civil apparatuses (ASN).

Maluku Vice Governor, Zeth Sahburua in Ambon on Wednesday (7/2) said, the Rhode Island University wants to cooperate with the provincial government to improve the human resources quality  of  the state civil apparatuses in Maluku. The Maluku government  welcomes the offer  and will immediately follow up the cooperation. The offer of cooperation was conveyed by Dean and Director of Rhode Island University, John D Kirby when he met the Vice Governor of Maluku, Zeth Sahburua in Ambon on Tuesday (6/2). The wellknown university in the America has signed the Memmorandum of Understanding –MoU with some ministries namely Marine and Fishery Ministry and the National Development Planning Agency-Bappenas as well as a number of outstanding universities in Indonesia such as Bandung Technology Institute –ITB, Bogor Agrigulture Institute –IPB, and Gajah Mada University -UGM. Vice Governor Zeth Sahburua also said that the Marine and Fishery Office of Maluku has prepared five qualified personnel of ASN to participate in the Strata 2 and Strata 3 education program or short education program at the university. After completing their study, they must return to Maluku and will be placed in accordance with their knowledge and professionalism to build Maluku as a whole.

The Tourism Ship will serve tourists to Teluk Lampung area.

To develop tourism sector in Lampung province, Vice Governor of Lampung, Bachtiar Basri launched the tourism ship “Samudra Krakatau” on Wednesday (7/2). The ship will serve tourists to Pahawang island and other islands in Teluk lampung area. Aaunching of the tourism vessel, he said that the presence of Samudra Krakatau Ship can boost the number of tourists to Lampung. He also hoped the ship can bridge the domestic and foreign tourists to the waters of the tourism destinations in Teluk Lampung. In addition to promoting the tourism sector,  the impact can also boost the economy of the local people around the sea tourism object. Vice Governor Bachtiar views that the Lampung government continues to explore tourism destinations that have not been explored. He also said from the existing data, the tourists’ visit to Lampung has increased recently, even it has been recorded exceeding tourist arrivals to Bali. He expressed hope in addition to building infrastructure, the region also boosts synergy among the related stakeholders to improve the tourism sector.

Read 1972 times Last modified on Saturday, 10 February 2018 05:45