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Monday, 19 August 2019 11:20

Siwalima Museum

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Siwalima Museum is an important museum which has much information related to Maluku and its natural wealth and culturThe Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan), the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), and the Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) are the three ministries and institutions that will receive the largest portion of the budget in the 2020 Draft State Budget. This was affirmed by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in a press conference about the 2020 Draft State Budget and its Financial Note in Jakarta on Friday (16/8). She explained that the Ministry of Defense responsible for national defense will receive the largest budget allocation to reach Rp127.4 trillion, up 16.2 percent compared to this year's budget projection of Rp109.6 trillion. Meanwhile, the budget of the Ministry of PUPR is allocated Rp.120.2 trillion, and the Indonesian Police reach Rp90.3 trillion. Minister Sri Mulyani reasoned that the National Police budget allocation is also related to the need to secure the simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) in 2020.Meanwhile, the Ministry of PUPR will also receive more budget because the government raises the infrastructure budget by 4.9 percent. Minister Sri Mulyani said that the infrastructure budget would largely be used for the construction of new roads reaching 837 kilometers, 238 kilometers of railroad tracks, 6.9 kilometers of new bridges and 49 new dams.In addition to the three ministries/institutions, the next highest budget is the Ministry of Religious Affairs reaching Rp65.1 trillion, the Ministry of Social Affairs Rp62.8 trillion, the Ministry of HealthRp57.4 trillion and the Ministry of Transportation will reach Rp42.7 trillion.According to Minister Sri Mulyani, an increase in the budget is also given to the Ministry of Social Affairs by 9.7 percent, because an increase in the social assistance budget is provided by the government.Next year, the government will convert non-cash food assistance (BPNT) into a nine-basic necessity card containing assistance amounting to Rp150, 000 per month with a total budget of Rp28.1 trillion, an increase compared to the 2019 BPNT budget.In his speech when delivering the 2020 State Budget and Draft (RAPBN), President Joko Widodo said that the focus of the Draft State Budget is directed at five main points. The first point is strengthening the quality of human resources to realize healthy, smart, skilled and prosperous human resources. The second thing is the acceleration of infrastructure development supporting economic transformation. The third point is the strengthening of social protection programs to respond to the demographic challenges and anticipate aging populations. The fourth point is strengthening the quality of fiscal decentralization to encourage regional independence and the fifth point is anticipation of global uncertainty.e. The Museum is located at Makmur Park, Amasuhu vullage, Nusaniwe district, Ambon, Maluku. It was built in 1973. Siwalima Museum is quite exotic because it is on the hill which directly faces to Ambon Bay. The word of ‘Siwalima’ is taken from local langauge and it consists of two words: Ulisiwa meaning group of Sembilan and Patalima meaning group of Lima. The second word refers to 9 kingdoms which dominated South Maluku and 5 kingdoms which dominated North Maluku. Two words were created one new meaning of ‘Siwalima’ representing the wealth of history, nature, and culture of Maluku, land of the kings. The construction of Siwalima Museum began from the Dutch’s bill which required the Dutch to return historical stuffs to Maluku in 1970. The historical stuffs are many are piled up in reservoirs and need space to be even more useful. Then, it was found one location which is ex-headquarter of West Irian forces and called Makmur Park. Finally, the place becomes the establishment of Museum and functions to display and also to accommodate historical stuffs handed over by the Dutch. The museum is only 5 kilometers from downtown and it takes around 10 minutes by motor vehicles. Siwalima Museum is educational media which is quite effective for present generation to know well the life of Maluku in the past. 

Read 1199 times Last modified on Saturday, 24 August 2019 10:52