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Sunday, 18 February 2018 00:00

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Jogja Air Show (JAS) was officially opened on 17 and 18 February 2018 and it won the enthusiasm of tourists since the first day. Air Force Commander (Danlanud) Adisutjipto Marsma TNI, Novyan Samyoga in Yogyakarta said that at this event, there was a paramotor record breaking followed by 56 paramotor aviators. Other interesting aerospace attractions included The Jupiters, Gantole, Paragliding, trike, aeromodelling and fix wing. Jogja Air Show 2018 was held at Depok Beach, Parangtritis, Watu Gupit, Parangkusumo. The record-breaking of the paramotorswas done at 2 points of departure. At the first point in Parangtritis, there were about 25 paramotors, while at the second point in Parangkusumo, there were about 25-30 paramotors. These paramotor participants came from various regions in Indonesia such as Aceh, Makassar and other regions.

Regional governments in East Priangan region, including Garut, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, and Pangandaran agreed to collaborate on designing and promoting tour packages. However, the concept of a collaborative tour package is still in the planning stage by each local government. Tasikmalaya Mayor Budi Budiman said, the design and concept of collaborative tourism that will be launched is still developing. Through the tour package, each region in East Priangan can participate to get the results. Budi Budiman in Tasikmalaya Saturday (17/2) said that each region explores the various attractions that can be sold and integrated. He is optimistic this plan can be realized because East Priangan has an abundance of potential tourist attractions such as Cipanas in Garut, Cipatujah, Pangandaran, and many other natural attractions. As a first step, Budi claimed to have collected about 40 travel agents who will be invited to work together. These travel agents can be the forerunners in finding local and foreign tourists, who will visit East Priangan.

Let’s end Mosaic of the Archipelago with information about Districts / Cities in Aceh Must Strengthen Aceh's Privileges. The province of Aceh has some privilegesin organizing its government, whether it is in religious life, the administration of indigenous life, the provision of education and the role of ulama or Islamic scholars in determining regional policy. Therefore, Regional Heads in the province must be able to ensure the privileges contained in the Law Number 44 on the Implementation of the Province of Aceh Special Region. Former Vice Regent of Central Aceh of 2007-2012 period, Djauhar, Ali to RRI Takengon, on Saturday (17/2/2018) said that with the age that has reached 441 years, the Aceh government, especially in Central Aceh should be able to make the privileges owned by Aceh established.The Law regulates the implementation of Aceh privileges, such as the implementation of religious life embodied with the implementation of Islamic law and the establishment of Religious Institutions, namely the Office of Islamic Sharia. Furthermore, the implementation of customary life, is manifested by establishing various policies in the empowerment, conservation and development and also establishment of customary institutions. Then, the implementation of education is realized according to the system of National education, and with local content added in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. While the role of ulama in determining the policy is realized by forming a body consists of Islamic scholars and is independent, functioning to give consideration to the regional policy, including government, development, society and Islamic economics.

Read 1476 times Last modified on Monday, 19 February 2018 12:15