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Monday, 19 February 2018 13:40

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Four hundred and fifty scouts participated in Siaga Party on Saturday (17/2) held by local scout’s organization at Waduk Gajah Mungkur dam, Wonogiri, Central Java. The party was one of the forms of the real step to manage young generations through scout movement to create godd quality of physically and mentally strong human resource and to teach the importance of togetherness and independency. This was stated by Regent of Wonogiri, Joko Sutopo who is also scoutmaster of Wonogiri branch in his speech when opening the party. All participants were divided into 25 contingents and they participated in 18 kinds of competitions.

Muntok History Volunteer Group (MHVG) from the Netherlands asked permission to provincial government of Bangka Belitung islands to build monument of World War II tragedy at Muntok, West Bangka regency. The monument is as commemoration of of the deaths of 66 soldiers from the Netherlands, England, and Australia, including 21 nurses. This was stated by the Group mediator, Mark Greichen when meeting with Governor of Bangka Belitung, Erzaldi Rosman in Pangkalanbaru, Central Bangka. Mark Greichen  along with Matthew Barclay, Judy Campbell, and Bryce Bird from Australia visited Bangka. Meanwhile, Governor Erzaldi conveyed his appreciation. The Governor said that the intention to build the monument at Muntok will help building tourism destination in Bangka Belitung islands province in the next future, especially in West Bangka regency. The press release on Sunday (18/2) stated that governor of Bangka Belitung islands very supported the monument’s development, and expected a film that tells the tragedy and describes the beauty of the place. On the occasion, the Governor requested to form special forum to manage the making of the monument and the film.

The ship Jaya Indah 8 which was secured at the Sea of Pengibu Island, Bintan regency on Tuesday (13/2/2018), carried explosives more than 1,000 sacks worth Rp 5.2 billion. Public relations of Directorate General of Customs and Excise of Riau islands, Refly Feller Silalah on Friday (16/2) said that the explosives endanger the country's defense and security. It can also be used to bomb fish which can damage environment. Refly also said that the catch began from information from the fishermen. When being secured, the ship crews could not show legal document of transport process. The officers also secured 4 crews, including the captain. The ship and ammonium nitrate have been secured at the Office of Directorate General of Customs and Excise of Riau islands. Refly further said one suspected with initial Y has been defined which is subject to customs crimes for violation of Article 102 Sub-Article of the Customs Act. 

Read 1456 times Last modified on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 06:17