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Friday, 23 February 2018 09:41

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Regent of North Aceh, Muhammad Thaib suspended the granting of concessions for palm oil plantation in the region, for an unspecified time. The suspension of palm oil expansion permit in North Aceh is caused by several reasons. Take for example, the palm oil is a type of water absorbent tree, which is considered to hamper  the production of other crops. One palm tree spends about 15 liters of water every day. Regent Muhammad Thaib in Lhoksukon on last Tuesday (20/2) said that another reason is the lack of palm oil factory in North Aceh, which accommodates the palm oil, so that the farmers have to sell their commodity to other regions. Currently, the area of palm oil plantation in North Aceh is more than 25 thousand hectares. As replacing palm oil, regent Mohammad Thaib invited the community to grow hybrid coconut, Betang Betara (another type of areca nut) and other productive plant species. He also invited the people of North Aceh to plant at least two hybrid coconut trees in each home yard, because it will be able to produce various benefits.

The government of Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan province is ready to develop Ratu Peranginan Lake tourism which is located at Lokpaikat Village. Head of Culture and Tourism Office of Tapin Regency, Hamdan Rosyadi in Rantau on last Wednesday (21/2) said that his Office has coordinated with one of the mining companies to revive the enchantment of lake. The company is willing to develop the Lake tourist area by using social funds that are directed to the tourism sector. Hamdan also stated that the people can manage the tourism development by establishing the village-owned enterprises. One of Lokpaikat residents, Suparman said that the lake area had become one of the leading tourisms in the region. Hamdan also said, the clear water of the lake at that time was used for health, drinking water and other needs, but since 2005 the lake area has started being contaminated.

President Joko Widodo visited the upstream of Citarum river, Tarumajaya Village, Kertasari sub-district, Bandung regency, West Java on last Thursday (22/2). He came to the location of tree planting on a plot 73 area, Mount Wayang and directly planted the ‘Manglid tree’. The President was accompanied by Minister of Environment of Forestry, Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Public Work and Public Housing, Basuki Hadi Mulyono, Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heriawan, Chief of West Java Regional Police Inspector General (Police),  Agung Budi Maryoto  and Regent of Bandung, Dadang M Nasir.  President Joko Widodo said that his visit to the Citarum River upstream is aimed to see the rehabilitation movement in the river watershed area, which has been started from February 1. Moreover, the President stated that to ensure the construction of rehabilitation program, he will see directly within three months or six months. Currently, PT Perkebunan Nasional -PT PN VIII (8) has provided an area covering 950 hectares to be planted. President Joko Widodo also said that the land can be planted with various species of productive plants such as coffee, rubber, and Manglid.

Read 1424 times Last modified on Saturday, 24 February 2018 19:50