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Monday, 17 August 2020 10:32

Indian Ambassador Pradeep Kumar Rawat Sends a Message on Indonesia's 75th Independence Day

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Ambasador of India to Indonesia HE. Pradeep Kumar Rawat Ambasador of India to Indonesia HE. Pradeep Kumar Rawat Embassy of India, Jakarta

I am happy to write this article on the auspicious occasion of the 75th Independence Day of Indonesia. This is the occasion when the country commemorates the struggles of founding fathers of Indonesia to break the shackles of colonialism to proclaim independence and laying the foundation of the modern Republic of Indonesia that we see today.

The shared history of colonialism of both Indonesia and India brought our two peoples very close in the last century. The founding fathers of our two countries worked closely with each other, shared ideas and strategies and drew inspiration from each other’s struggle. India hosted the Conference on Asian Relations in New Delhi in 1947, bringing together leaders of 29 countries to express solidarity with the freedom struggle in the other parts of Asia and foster cooperation amongst Asian people, which was an early assertion of Asian identity.

The importance that India attached to Indonesia could be gauged from the fact that the President of Indonesia Sukarno was the Guest of Honour at the first Republic Day celebrations of India in 1950. This shared history set the stage for our leadership in global affairs.

Similarly, Indonesia hosted the Bandung Conference of 1955 bringing together the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa. Together, we helped write the closing chapters of colonialism and the opening sequence of the Non Aligned Movement, which forged the bonds of South-South cooperation and Afro- Asian solidarity.

The India-Indonesia diplomatic ties may be just little more than 70 years old. But these seven decades of engagements have reconnected the people of India and Indonesia, and re-ignited a friendship forged through common civilizational links, a shared struggle against colonialism and an endeavour towards progress and prosperity.
India's ties with Indonesia stretch back more than two millennia. Forged in peace and friendship, religion and culture, art and commerce, language and literature, these enduring linkages are now present in every facet of the magnificent diversity of India and Southeast Asia, providing a unique envelope of comfort and familiarity between our people.

Be it the annual Bali Jatra celebrated in Odisha or the legends of Ramayana and Mahabharata, which are visible across the entire landscape of Indonesia. Sufi traders and Islamic missionaries from Gujarat carried Islam to Indonesia in the 13th Century. Language and literature and the timeless art forms of Ikat and Batik strengthened these linkages. Trade and commerce flourished between our two countries. These bonds between our two people led to the flowering of unique cultures with the same genes of tolerance, non- violence and compassion. ‘Unity in Diversity’ or Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is also a key facet of the shared societal value structures that both countries celebrate, as also the common values of democracy and rule of law.

The visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in May 2018 was a landmark event in our bilateral ties, where the leaders of our two countries decided to strengthen our cooperation in all areas by establishing a New Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and take our bilateral relationship into a new era.

Focused engagements with Southeast Asia has been a prominent feature of our government. In recent years, there have been intensive contacts between India and Indonesia at the leadership level and a rapid development of bilateral relations in political, security, defence, commercial and cultural fields, further strengthened by the “Act East” Policy of India.

The Indo-Pacific region, is increasingly seen as a connectivity pathway - much of the world’s trade passes through these oceans. With the adoption of the ASEAN Outlook on Indo- Pacific last year, the focus is now on evolving a new ASEAN centric security architecture in this region. Indonesia as one of the largest country, the most diverse democracy, and the biggest economy in ASEAN region has a critical role to play in this regard.

India shares Indian Ocean maritime space with Indonesia. The ‘Shared Vision of India- Indonesia Maritime Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific’ fits with our concept of SAGAR - “Security and Growth for All in the Region” - and President Joko Widodo’s Maritime Fulcrum Policy. Improving connectivity between India and Indonesia is a key strategic

priority for both our countries. The significant progress made by us in improving connectivity between Andaman & Nicobar Islands of India and Aceh Province of Indonesia is an important indicator in this regard.
In my last three years in Indonesia, I could feel the energy and dynamism of our engagement. The dozens of other bilateral cooperation mechanisms that we have established in areas as diverse as security, counter-terrorism, trade, energy and agriculture is further testimony to this direction of our relationship.

There are many similarities and convergences between our two countries in terms of macroeconomic and demographic factors. We are among the largest economies and among the two fastest growing major economies in this century. We have the strength and the potential of burgeoning young and dynamic population. In India, more than 800 million people below the age of 35 years are yearning to lead India to a new economic journey.

Indonesia is a country that has great economic potential; a potential that has not gone unnoticed to part of the global community. Indonesia - Southeast Asia's largest economy - contains a number of characteristics that put the country in a great position to gather further momentum in economic development.

Being the largest economy of ASEAN, Indonesia is also one of the largest trading partners of India in this region. In meetings of our Leaders on the sidelines of multilateral fora in 2019, they gave a clear mandate to build a strong economic and development partnership that strengthens the flow of capital, trade, people and ideas between India and Indonesia. They also agreed to identify complementarities on which the two countries could work together for mutual benefit.

India and Indonesia, being large developing countries, have many common challenges in food security, health, technology, infrastructure etc. Especially, at a time when the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has posed new challenges in realizing our developmental goals, it is important for both our countries to come up with innovative solutions aimed at minimizing disruptions to trade and logistics.

India stands prepared to cooperate with Indonesia to tide over these difficult times. I am happy to note that this pandemic has not slowed down the pace of our overall cooperation.

As friends in prosperity and growth, we have also faced this challenge through collaborative and concerted efforts.
The millenia long linkages between our two countries and people has matured to an extent where there is now a great upswing in our bilateral ties. People-to-people ties have continued to flourish building on our civilizational connect. Both Indian and Indonesia are working together in areas such as culture and the arts, literature, media and youth in order to bring the people of our two countries closer.

As forward looking nations driven by the aspirations and hopes of our young populations, we are very much in step with each other. Being at the cusp of the Asian Century, the region needs civilizational powers such as India and Indonesia to not merely grow and emerge as major economies but also to collaborate closely to shape the century and present ideas peace and prosperity for the region and the world. (Embassy of India, Jakarta)

Read 434 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 11:33