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Monday, 24 August 2020 10:36

West Java Intensifies Health Protocols in Tourist Destinations

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W Java intensifies health protocols in tourist destinations

Domestic tourists visited Situ Bagendit in Banyuresmi, Garut District of West Java on Friday (Aug 21, 2020). ANTARA/Candra Yanuarsyah/sh


The West Java administration has intensified the implementation of health protocols to contain COVID-19 transmission in tourist destinations as the number of visitors has increased during long week-end.

Head of the province's Tourism and Culture Office Dedi Taufik said here on Sunday, tourism sector in the province has begun to revive since the government imposed policies to adapt with the new normalcy.

"We are still collecting data on the number of visitors to West Java. But, there were crowding in some tourist destinations, especially in the long weekend," Taufik said.

According to Taufik, hotel occupancy in West Java has reached 40 to 50 percent. "One thing that we need to underline is that all hotels and tourist destinations must adhere to health protocols and reduce its capacity."

The provincial government would work closely with local administrations to ensure that tourism operators and tourists have applied health protocols.

"We have to keep on alert and put forward (implementation) of health protocols to avoid new cluster of COVID-19," he added.

The province's COVID-19 task force has continued to promote sanction for violators of the health protocols in tourist destination and the use of SiCaplang application to record the violation.

Under a Gubernatorial Regulation, those who violate the health protocols would be fined Rp100,000 for individuals and Rp500,000 for businesses and institutions.

All fines are given on a three-strike system. First, individuals/institutions be given a written/verbal warning, second, administrative recording and third they will be fined. (ANTARA)

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