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Monday, 24 August 2020 01:14

Indonesia Adds 2,037 Fresh COVID-19 Cases and 2,302 Recoveries

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Indonesia adds 2,037 fresh  COVID-19 cases and 2,302 recoveries

Medical workers conducted swab test for residents in Wonosobo District in Central Java. ANTARA/HO-Communication and Informatics Office of Wonosobo District

Indonesia on Sunday (23/8) afternoon added 2,037 fresh COVID-19 cases, bringing the tally to 153,535 cases, and 2,302 new recoveries, making the total number of people recovering from the disease to 107,500.

The death toll reached 6,680, including 86 COVID-19 patients succumbing to the novel coronavirus disease within the last 24 hours.

The country also recorded a total of 75,522 COVID-19 suspects. The number of specimens examined on Sunday (23/8) reached 22,152.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases were found in 485 districts and cities in the country's 34 provinces.

Jakarta recorded the highest number of fresh cases, namely 615 cases, while 690 patients recovering and 17 others succumbing to the disease.

East Java Province added 279 new confirmed cases, while 331 people recovering and 19 dead.

Twelve provinces recorded additional COVID-19 cases below 10, and four provinces had no new cases. The four provinces are Aceh, Bengkulu, Jambi and Papua. (ANTARA)

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