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Thursday, 27 August 2020 20:15

Minister Launches Virtual Showcase of Indonesian Products in Singapore

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Minister launches virtual showcase of Indonesian products in Singapore
Indonesian Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto (Antara News/Dewa Wiguna)

Indonesian Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto launched a virtual showcase of Indonesia's products through under its endeavors to reinvigorate its export performance direly impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"I congratulate the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore on the launch of this virtual showcase. We do support the promotion of our commodities through digital platforms," he noted in a statement that ANTARA received in Jakarta on Thursday.

Suparmanto believes the role of digital platforms in assisting Indonesia's economic recovery has become more significant, adding that they would help facilitate the country's exporters to explore the market in Singapore and globally.

In its place, Singapore's importers would also find it easier to have access to Indonesia's good-quality products and credible business partners, Suparmanto noted.

The Indonesian government has made incessant efforts to boost the country's digitally-based trading activities in the Southeast Asian region, including through its endeavors in partaking in ASEAN's Online Sale Day (AOSD), he stated.

The government has also collaborated with Bukalapak, one of Indonesia's leading unicorns, to promote the products of the country's small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Mainland China's Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

"Under the name of the Archipelago, we have, now, placed Indonesian products on Amazon. We have also been intensifying the Indonesian-made movement to support the promotion of products of local SMEs on the country's unicorns," he remarked.

The digital platforms are expected to further promote Indonesian products so that ultimately the country's exports could be boosted to support its national development programs, he stated.

The presence of is also expected to strengthen the partnership between businesspersons of both Indonesia and Singapore, according to Suparmanto, who also utilized the opportunity for promoting the 35th Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI), scheduled to be held virtually on Nov 10, 2020.

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