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Friday, 28 August 2020 01:35

Indonesia Records 3,166 COVID-19 Recoveries, Bringing Tally to 118,575

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Indonesia, on Thursday, recorded 3,166 patients recovering from COVID-19 within the last 24 hours, thereby bringing the recovery tally to 118,575, according to the country's Task Force for COVID-19 Response.

The country also witnessed the addition of 2,719 fresh cases, bringing the tally to 162,884 cases so far.

Meanwhile, the death toll had reached 7,064, with 120 succumbing to the disease within the last 24 hours.

On Thursday, Jakarta recorded 1,538 recoveries, 760 confirmed cases, and 11 deaths.

East Java Province reported 341 new recoveries, 367 fresh confirmed cases, and 30 dead; followed by Central Java, with 215 recoveries, 252 confirmed cases, and 33 dead; and South Kalimantan, with 184 recoveries, 39 confirmed cases, and two deaths.

Moreover, on Thursday, in North Sumatra, 117 people recovered from COVID-19, 104 individuals tested positive for the virus, and six people died of the disease.

South Sulawesi recorded 93 new recoveries, 42 confirmed cases, and six dead.

West Java recorded 86 recoveries, while 154 others contracted the virus, though no one had died of the disease.

Furthermore, seven provinces reported below 10 new cases. Three provinces -- Bangka Belitung, North Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi -- today reported no fresh cases.

The COVID-19 Task Force also recorded 76,201 suspected cases in 485 districts and cities in 34 provinces.

Meanwhile, 29,663 specimens were examined within the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of specimens examined using both the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and molecular rapid test (TCM) methods to 2,136,416. (ANTARA)

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