Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno shed light on his three key plans to breathe new life into Indonesia's tourism sector.
"Our three main initiatives include innovations, as we need to move swiftly under the president's and the vice president's directives. There needs to be a quick win," Uno noted at the State Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday.
President Joko Widodo earlier today swore in Sandiaga Uno as minister of tourism and creative economy/head of the Creative Economy Board, replacing Wishnutama Kusubandio.
"There needs to be a fundamental change when we re-organize the five super-priority destinations. We need to conduct innovations, right from the costumes to the dances, a total 360-degree coverage," he emphasized.
The minister expounded that innovations will be conducted in terms of infrastructure and other factors related to tourism and creative economy, culinary arts, and fashion, among others.
"Secondly, adaptation. We need to adapt to the current scenario with the COVID-19 pandemic raging on. CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment) protocols are one of the factors we need to ensure as a requirement for revival of this sector," he remarked.
Collaboration was the last factor highlighted by Uno as part of his initiatives.
"We have to involve all parties as this is a huge responsibility. We have to direct our concerns towards the millions of jobs in the tourism and creative economy sector that were hit by the pandemic," he stated.
The minister vowed to fight for the survival and empowerment of the tourism sector.
"That way, we can open the widest possible job opportunities and maintain the level of income and welfare of the community, especially in the tourism sector and the creative economy," he remarked.
President Joko Widodo earlier inaugurated six ministers and five vice ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet at the State Palace here on Wednesday.
The six ministers are Yaqut Cholil Khoumas as religious affairs minister; Budi Gunadi Sadikin as health minister; Tri Rismaharani as social affairs minister; Muhammad Lutfi as trade minister; Sakti Wahyu Trenggono as maritime affairs and fisheries minister; and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno as tourism and creative economy minister/chief of the Tourism and Creative Economy Board.
They were appointed as ministers based on Presidential Decree No. 133/P/2020 dated December 23, 2020, on the replacement of several ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet for the 2014-2024 term.
The five vice ministers are Muhammad Herindra as vice defense minister; Edward Omar Syarif Hiariej as vice minister of law and human rights; Dante Saksono Harbuwono as vice health minister; Harvick Hasnul Qolbi as vice agriculture minister; and Pahala Nugraha Mansyur as vice minister of state-owned enterprises.
They were appointed as vice ministers based on Presidential Decree No. 76/M/2020 dated December 23, 2020, on the dismissal and appointment of vice ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet for the 2019-2024 term. (antaranews)