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President Joko Widodo expressed optimism that mass media is still needed amidst the leap of information technology era and the rise of social media.  This was disclosed by President Joko Widodo when opening the peak Commemoration of the National Press Day in 2018 in Padang City, West Sumatra. The President said that the presence of mainstream media and social media is still needed as a pillar of truth enforcement. He views that media as the fourth pillar of democracy is still needed to convey honest information and absorb people's aspirations.
“…But I believe that in an age of technological advances, in the era of abundant information and abundance of misinformation, the press is increasingly needed. The press is increasingly necessary to become a pillar of truth. The press is increasingly needed as a pillar of enforcement of facts. The press is increasingly needed as an enabling pillar of aspiration in society. The press is increasingly needed to help build a new cultural narrative and building a new narrative civilization. Photographing the ever-increasingly fast-paced society is increasingly efficient which is now spawned with an industrial revolution era 4.0 based on the digitalization of computing power and data analytics; producing a lot of innovation that we must immediately know, that we must immediately understand if we do not want to be abandoned. Once again, the press is needed to help build a new cultural narrative to build a new narrative of the civilization.”
In addition to the official opening by President Joko Widodo, the peak of National Press Day 2018 is also highlighted by the signing of a memorandum of understanding. The event also improves the competence of journalists between the Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) and a number of parties both private and state enterprises in order to advance the national press. The peak of National Press Day 2018 also gave  award to a number of national journalists. The award is given as a form of appreciation for the work and dedication of journalists in the field of journalism. (Ndy/trs Rezha)
If a country wants to become the winner in the competition with another country, then the most fundamental and very basic thing to be prepared is the availability of adequate infrastructure. "Because of this infrastructure, transportation and logistics costs will be much cheaper," said President Joko Widodo during Groundbreaking of Pekanbaru Stage I (Padang - Sicincin) toll road and the inauguration of Padang Bypass Capacity Expansion Project at Jln. Padang Bypass Km. 25, Padang City, West Sumatra Province, Friday afternoon, February 9, 2018.
On the occasion, the President said logistics costs in the country are more than twice that of Malaysia, even with Singapore,  wbich isthree times more expensive. "How can our country's products compete when transportation costs, logistics costs twice as much as three times more expensive than other countries," the President said.
Therefore, the start of construction of the 244 km-long Padang - Pekanbaru toll road can reduce logistics costs. Moreover,  this time it takes approximately 9 hours from Padang to Pekanbaru. 
The President estimates that after the construction of this toll road is completed in 2023, Padang - Pekanbaru can be reached for 2.5 hours to 3 hours. This decrease in travel time can improve competitiveness. "Things like this are more efficient and cheaper when compared to the expenses we spend today," said the President.
The estimated cost of the Padang - Pekanbaru toll road investment is Rp78 Trillion. The toll road is also expected to have a tremendous positive impact on the economy of West Sumatra and surrounding areas as well as Riau Province.
The province of West Sumatra is a province that is known to have potential in the tourism sector, among others Mandeh which is currently only in the stage of road development to get to this area. "Then also Bukittinggi, also Tanah Datar everything in West Sumatra is beautiful and beautiful everything," said Head of State.
But the natural beauty of a region without the support of adequate infrastructure will not encourage tourist visits. "Who wants to come in? Who wants to visit? Nothing, but maybe if the infrastructure is ready, this infrastructure exists, doubled can be 3 times, 4 times even five times," said the President.
In Padang - Pekanbaru toll road section the longest tunnel in Indonesia  with  estimated cost Rp9 Trillion will also be built because it must penetrate Bukit Barisan Mountains 
Also present accompanying President and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo were Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Agriculture and Spatial Planning / Head of BPN Sofyan Djalil, Social Minister Idrus Marham, Deputy Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar, West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno and BRI Chief Commissioner Andrinof Chaniago. (Release Protocol, Press and Media of  Secretariat of the President) 

jcrJapan Credit Rating Agency Ltd. has raised Indonesia`s Sovereign Debt Rating from BBB- with positive prospective to BBB with stable prospect.

Economic structural reform that has been carried out to achieve sustainable growth has brought a positive impact to improve investment climate, infrastructure development and slow corporate foreign debt withdrawals, ANTARA learned here on Thursday from JCR official statement.

"Private foreign debt has grown limitedly since 2016 because of the implementation of prudent regulations by the central bank that led to increasing economic resilience against external pressure," according to JCR.

JCR also viewed economic policy packages and reduction of Bank Indonesia reference rate as having boosted private investment especially in the non-commodities sector. The decline in the current account deficit and high foreign exchange reserve has also reflected the increasing resilience of Indonesia`s economy, it said.

"Indonesia`s banking sector has remained healthy and financing through financial market has grown strongly reflected by increasing issuence of shares, bonds and medium debt securities," JCR states.

As for the fiscal condition, JCR admits that fiscal reform that has been carried out by the government in the form of shifting subsidy spending to infrastructure, health and education spending has been able to help reduce fiscal deficit and increase spending efficiency.
In a written statement Bank Indonesia governor Agus Martowardojo said JCR`s decision to raise Indonesia`s debt rating reflected international institutions` confidence in the economic structural reform being carried out by Indonesia.

"This also shows that the harmonious synergy between Bank Indonesia and the government has been able to safeguard macro-economic stability and financial system," he said.

JCR improved Indonesia`s sovereign debt rating from stable to positive and at the same time affirmed the rating to BBB- (investment grade) on March 7, 2017. (antaranews)


logo polriThe Argentinian government has expressed gratitude to the Indonesian National Police for its quick response in finding a lost seven-year old Argentinian child, Alum Langone Avalos.
"I have come here to meet National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian to express my deep gratitude to the Indonesian Police for its quick response in handling the case," Argentinian Ambassador to Indonesia, Ricardo Luis Bocalandro, stated after a meeting with Karnavian at the National Police Headquarters here on Thursday.

Karnavian stated that the case was a sensitive issue in Argentine, where any attempt to take away a child, without taking care of it, is regarded as a serious crime.

"The issue has been under the spotlight, including in the social media," he noted.
He praised his ranks and files for their performance to find the child quickly. "Interpol has acted quickly to contact South Sulawesi Provincial Police to arrest (the perpetrator) and take the child to Jakarta. The child was later handed over to the (Argentinian) Embassy," he revealed.

Secretary of the National Central Bureau (NCB) of Interpol Indonesia, Brigadier General Napoleon Bonaparte, explained that the case started a year ago when Alum was picked up by his father Jorge Gabriel Langone from school. Langone later took Alum abroad.

The local court has decided to give the right to Elizabeth, as his natural mother, to take care of him.

Langone, accompanied by his girl friend, Candela Guiterres, took Alum to travel to several countries, including Brazil, Bolivia, Ethiopia, and Indonesia.

On Feb 5, 2018, the Indonesian police found Alum in Tana Toraja tourist site, South Sulawesi.  (antaranews)