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The government of Indonesian and the Netherlands enhance cooperation in law through development of capacity, research, training and technical exchange. The Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia, Rob Swartbol, in “Indonesia-Netherlands Rule of Law and Security Update 2018” in Jakarta on Wednesday (17/1) said that on one hand, the two countries share knowledge in substantive aspect and structure of law, because of similar DNA law. On the other hand, both countries face similar new challenges such as creating inclusive society and making regulation of using internet and technology.


“…On one hand, our 2 countries share a number of commonalities in substantive law and legal structure. This is always fortune as our common legal DNA. On the other hand, we are finishing similar challenges, how to create inclusive societies, how to regulate the use of internet and social media or to curb cyber crime. How to regulate the latest what change technology, how to fight climate change, and environmental degradation or how to deal with illegal fishing. Both countries have to find answers to these new challenges,” The Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia, Rob Swartbol said.

Meanwhile, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Indonesia, Muhammad Hatta Ali said that with the roots of the same legal system, collaboration between Indonesia and the Netherlands is not only important, but also strategic. Furthermore, Ambassador Rob Swartbol said that equal partnership between Indonesia and the Netherlands is conducted to enhance quality and effectiveness of the court apparatus. (Rifai/Trans by Yati)


Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Laoly attended the collaboration event of the Netherlands-Indonesia in law field. In the event themed “Indonesia-Netherlands Rule of Law and Security Update 2018” which was held in Jakarta on Wednesday (17/1), Minister Yasonna also said the Indonesian government is committed to providing legal aid for the poor to increase access on justice and strengthen legislation in Indonesia.


“…Indonesia has a strong commitment for SDGs, access to justice a legal aid for the poor. Legal aid is state obligation as in the rule No. 16/2011. We are committed to providing funding for legal aid. Even though, due to a limited budget, we have not been able to allocate a significant amount of budget for this purpose," Yasona said. 

Furthermore, Minister Yasonna Laoly emphasized on implementing the legislation; Indonesia has established relations with community’s organization starting from making regulation until handing over law aid and service. The relations become key element of the implementation process. Since 2013, the legal aid has been free for the poor’s program which has reached benefits. In 2016, the number of the receivers of the program has reached almost 40 thousand people and in 2017, the number increased almost 50 thousand people. (Rifai/Trans by Yati)


Indonesia is expected to balance its higher education with that of Vietnam, as the latter is considered to have advanced science and technology and continues to experience rapid development.

"Indonesia needs to imitate the system of education in Vietnam, in order to continue to grow and progress," Finance Minister Sri Mulyani stated, after opening the National Working Meeting of the Ministry of Research and Technology and High Education (Kemenristekdikti) 2018 at the University of North Sumatra (USU) in Medan, on Wednesday.

So far, Indonesia remains behind Vietnam in education. In the future, Indonesia must be able to compete with the country. "This can be done if the quality of education in Indonesia can be improved," Sri Mulyani noted.

She mentioned that the government, through the Ministry of Finance, has set a budget fund, worth Rp400 trillion, for the Kemenristekdikti. It can be used for the development of education in the country.

Education in Indonesia should be better, qualified, and be able to create a superior, trusted, and intelligent human being.

"It must be parallel to the educational system of developed countries," she explained.

Sri Mulyani added that the budget funds for education in Vietnam are not much different from that in Indonesia. However, the reality of education in Vietnam is much more advanced and developed when compared with that in Indonesia.

"Therefore, Indonesia should be able to be like Vietnam," the minister of finance stressed.

The National Working Meeting of the Kemenristek took place on Jan 16 and 17, 2018. The national work meeting evaluates program implementation and budget in 2017, program outlook, and budget 2018.

The theme raised in the meeting was high education research and technology in the (fourth) industrial revolution era 4.0.///ANTARA



Development in border areas promotes social justice for all people across Indonesia, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Wiranto stated.

"All people of Indonesia should get justice. People of Indonesia not only live in cities but many of them also reside in rural areas, and they need social justice and welfare," he noted during a coordination meeting of Control and Management of State Border Areas in 2017 and Sharpening of Priority Programs in 2018 in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The meeting was held by the National Border Management Agency.

He pointed out that the government had several tasks to accomplish to support development in border areas, including building social and economic infrastructure.

"Development in Indonesian regions is not yet complete. It should be well-planned and organized," he remarked.

He emphasized that comfort and prosperity should be guaranteed to the people in border areas, so they will be proud of their country.

He pointed out that all elements of the nation should focus on realizing equitable development across regions of Indonesia.

Border areas need adequate infrastructure, including schools, health community centers, mosques, and markets, so that more people will be able to lead a comfortable life, and economic activities will improve.

Earlier, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had vowed to not disregard regions and stay committed to realizing equitable development across all regions of Indonesian through a nation-centric concept.

The head of stat conveyed his promise while delivering a speech at the 2018 National Coordination Meeting of Volunteers of President Jokowi at the Tilangga Auditorium in Rote District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, on Monday (Jan 9).

Deputy Secretary of Protocol, Press, and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin stated that in the last three years of Jokowi`s leadership, regional development was intensively conducted from the border areas to the frontier, outermost, and remote regions in Indonesia. It was in line with the government`s nine-point development agenda to make Indonesia a developed country through nation-centric development.

"We not only develop Java and Sumatra but also all regions in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke and from Miangas to Rote Island," Jokowi noted.

Jokowi highlighted that the development of infrastructure, such as port, railway lines, and road networks, remains a priority of the government, especially in the border areas.

"Infrastructure development is aimed at fostering a populist economy," he remarked during the Three National Pillar Coordination Meeting of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle at the ICE BSD City, Tangerang District, Banten Province, on Saturday (Dec 16).///ANTARA