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Japan is exploring cooperation with Indonesia on the conservation of Citarum River in West Java as part of a number of project agreements between the two countries. This was stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi who accompanied President Joko Widodo to receive the special envoy, Toshihiro Nikai sent by Japanese Prime Minister Toshihiro Nikai, along with his delegation, at the Bogor Presidential Palace on Friday. Environmental cooperation was among the topics discussed during a bilateral meeting, including the exploration of the conservation of Citarum River which still needs a separate formulation. Minister Retno Marsudi noted that the deputy of the Japanese environment minister will visit Citarum River for a preliminary assessment of conservation cooperation. President Joko Widodo has ordered an immediate revitalization of the longest and largest river in West Java, considering its vital role in upholding the livelihood of the people. (Ant)


President Joko Widodo believes the commemoration of Indonesia-Japan 60th diplomatic anniversary should act as an impetus to implement deals that have been agreed upon by the two countries. The statement was released by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, after the President met with the Japanese Prime Minister`s Special Envoy, Toshihiro Nikai at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java on Friday. She noted that the President has emphasized since the beginning that the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Japan should not be just a ceremonial event. Minister Retno Marsudi also said that during the meeting, Nikai reaffirmed the importance of Indonesia to Japan and the South-East Asian region. (Antara)


Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi will accompany President Joko Widodo to visit five countries in South Asia, namely Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan from 24 to 29 January. In the 4 countries, the President will make a state visit and to India, a working visit. The main focus of this visit is to enhance economic cooperation. Director of South and Central Asia at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ferdy Piay said that India is Indonesia’s big market and has a huge surplus. In Pakistan, Srikanka and Bangladesh, Indonesian trade is also surplus although the amount is relatively small. With Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, the trade between the two countries can still be strengthened.

“…The focus of the economy will also be strong as we want to establish stronger trade cooperation, especially with those three countries namely Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. In the visit of Bangladeshi prime minister in 2017, it’s already encouraged with mutual desire to strengthen trade relations. The possibility of preferential trade agreement is being explored,” Ferdy Piay said.

Ferdy Piay further explained that with Sri Lanka, cooperation through preferential trade agreement scheme will also be strengthened. Indonesia and Pakistan have already had Preferential Trade Agreement but cooperation will be enhanced. In addition to strengthening economic cooperation, the visit to Afghanistan boosts Indonesia's humanitarian diplomacy. This visit is also part of Indonesia's vision to develop a stable and prosperous Indo Pacific region. On the same occasion, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir said that the population of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh is huge, reaching more than 1 billion people. These countries are non-traditional markets of Indonesia. Although the cooperation has been good, many kinds of cooperation will be developed. In India, President Joko Widodo will attend the 25th Anniversary of India-ASEAN and attend the India Republic Day. On the Indian Republic Day, 10 ASEAN heads of state are invited as the guests of honor. ((VOI-Sekarsari/Nrl/Trans Andhyka-Rahmana)



The government of Indonesia will hold an Indonesian-African Forum in Bali on 10th and 11th April. Director of African Region at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Daniel Simanjuntak said that in Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi’s last year’s statement, she pointed out some strategies of Indonesian diplomacy to Africa; one of which is Indonesian-African Forum. In the same year, on the sidelines of the G-20 meeting, President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia would implement the Indonesian-African Forum. In a press briefing held on Friday (January 19), Daniel Simanjuntak remarked that this forum is a historic one. Because for the first time, the government more concretely seeks to explore economic cooperation with African countries. The main objective of this forum is to see and discuss improvement of cooperation. In addition, through this forum, hopefully, there are some business agreements by state-own companies or private sectors.

“…Now in the preparation for the Indonesian-African Forum, the government cooperates with the private sectors especially with Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) and state-owned enterprises. We try to explore what can be achieved in the Indonesian-African Forum,” Daniel Simanjuntak said.

Daniel Simanjuntak further explained that since Indonesia has initiated the Asian-African Conference, Indonesia seeks to make more concrete cooperation in the economic field that benefits both Indonesia and Africa. On the same occasion, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir explained that the forum becomes one of the focuses of Indonesian diplomacy and the diplomatic work of the Foreign Affairs Ministry this year.//// VOI-Sekarsari/Nrl/Rahmana)