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Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek guaranteed three types of vaccines DPT-HB-Hib, DT and Td, used in outbreak respons immunization (ORI) programwill be sufficient to handle diphtheria emergency (KLB) in Indonesia.Nila has ordered PT Biofarma as a state-owned company producing the vaccines to increase production capacity from 15 million vials peryear into 19.5 million vials per yearNila said on Sunday (14/1) that it is sufficient, to handle diphtheria emergency outbreak, 19.million vials in 2018 will be available for Indonesia.Nila ensured the availability of the supplies after confirming the readiness of PT Biofarma to produce the vaccines////tempo

Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi along with Chief de Mission –CdM of Asian Games 2018 Police Commissioner General, Syafruddin, Chief Organizer of Asian Games Inasgoc, Erick Thohir, and Vice Chairman of Central KONI, Soewarn held a joint meeting with related organizations, Inasgoc, KONI and CdM Asian Games 2018 on Friday (12/1/2018). After the meeting, Minister Imam Nachrawi said that the meeting emphasized that the commitment of all sports to raise the dignity of the nation, to make the Asian Games successful is the most important point. He calls for all parties to participate in the success of Asian Games 2018, because this event is a challenge for Indonesian nation. Minister Imam also pointed out to the media to continue to ignite the spirit of Asian Games 2018. (Kbrn.13.1'18/Mar/edit r/Trans by Rhm)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the latest innovation of the Treaty Room website, which is the International treaty database provided in the framework of public services. Press information from the Foreign Ministry in Jakarta, Friday said that the site can be accessed anywhere and anytime by the general public. The site contains various international agreements that Indonesia has signed since it achieved independence. Director General of Law and International Agreements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Damos D Agusman said that the site contains thousands of international agreements. Damos also pointed out that the site managed by the Directorate General of Law and International Agreement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a form of accountability and transparency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Indonesians and foreign people, as well as become an educative tool for younger generations. With the site, the general public can now easily find various international agreements signed by Indonesia with other countries. (Kemlu.13.1'18-Mar/edit r/Trans by Rhm)



To control the price of rice, Ministry of Trade has conducted market operations in some regions prone to price hike since November 2017. Minister of Trade, Enggartiasto Lukita said that the price hike is caused with the scarcity of medium rice that also leads to price hike. At a media gathering held on Friday, January 12, Minister Enggar explained that market operations were not able to reduce the price of rice caused by lack of supply. To that end, the Ministry of Trade also agrees with the Association of Indonesian Retailers -Aprindo and rice distributors to sell premium rice at the highest retail price. Another attempt by the government is to import rice. This choice is taken because high price increases inflation rate and the rice contributes high to the inflation.

"...Import is not something taboo and basically in trading, there is import, and there is export. So, this is a contemporary solution until the price is stable and harvest time comes," Enggartiasto said.

Minister Enggar further explained, the type of imported rice is not grown in Indonesia or special rice and will enter the market as medium rice. The amount of rice to be imported is 500 thousand tons and comes from Thailand and Vietnam. The import rice will enter Indonesia before the harvest and the harvest outcome shall be purchased by Bulog with set price. (Skr)