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G20 countries focused on the utilization of space technology for handling the impact of climate change during the third Space Economy Leaders’ Meeting (Space20), the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has informed.

G20 is a multilateral cooperation group that comprises 19 countries and the European Union (EU). Indonesia is holding the presidency of the grouping this year and will host the G20 Summit in Bali in November this year.

"We have to be able to prevent climate change's negative impacts such as by understanding ocean phenomena," the head of BRIN's Aviation and Space Research Organization, Robertus Heru Triharjanto, said during a Space20 press conference here on Thursday.

"We have to prevent pollution and over-exploitation of the ocean," he added.

Space technology, such as the use of satellites, can prove beneficial in monitoring the changes in the ocean that can affect the weather and the rise in sea levels, which has become one of the indicators of global warming.

As part of space technology, remote sensing satellites can also be used to monitor the Earth, explore ocean potential, and monitor activities related to pollution and over-exploitation in the oceans, such as illegal fishing.

Space technology can also prove useful in monitoring drought, providing early warnings, tracking greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, monitoring illegal deforestation, and monitoring changes in forests.

The Space20 meeting also discussed the importance of exchanging data produced through the use of space technology, such as the results of remote sensing, so that everyone can understand climate change and handle it, Triharjanto informed.

Given that everyone is connected through ocean-related issues, it has become important to globally share data with those who do not have satellites so that solutions to climate change can be found together, he said.

Space20 is an international collaborative effort between G20 countries, specifically in the space sector, to develop an economic and environmentally friendly space industry. (antaranews)





President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) affirmed that the 94th anniversary of Youth Pledge Day in 2022 became a guide for the Indonesian nation today.

"The oath spoken by our young warriors 94 years ago still resonates and becomes a guide for the Indonesian nation today," Jokowi said on the official Instagram account @jokowi as monitored in Jakarta on Friday.

The head of state affirmed that the development of physical and digital connectivity across various regions is part of the efforts to strengthen unity and progress of the nation.

"The development of physical and digital connectivity that connects regions to regions, islands to islands, end to end of Indonesia is now our endeavor to further strengthen national unity while pursuing progress," he said.

The Youth Pledge was the decision of the second Youth Congress which was held for two days, on October 27-28, 1928, in Batavia or now known as Jakarta. The congress was held by the Indonesian Student Association (PPPI), which was a youth organization comprising students from all over Indonesia.

The decision of Youth Pledge of the congress affirmed the ideals of the Indonesian homeland, the Indonesian nation, and the Indonesian language.

This decision is expected to become the basis for every Indonesian national association to be published in various newspapers and read in front of meetings of associations. Hence, the Youth Pledge is one of the main milestones in the history of the Indonesian independence movement.

The 94th anniversary of Youth Pledge Day in 2022 is a momentum to reaffirm the spirit of and commitment to unity in diversity, an official earlier noted.

"We must live the spirit and commitment to unity in diversity. How can diversity be a strength, and young people can play an optimal role in building the commitment to unite to build the nation," the ministry’s deputy of youth development, Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, noted here on Wednesday.

The Summit of the Youth Pledge Day commemoration will be held in the new capital Nusantara (IKN), Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, on October 28, 2022, with the theme “Bersatu Bangun Bangsa,” or “United to Build the Nation.”

Sholeh believes that all parties need to synergize efforts for building a nation . Not only young people, but all elements of society must also unite in order to realize the ideals of the nation, he added.

"Everyone has a responsibility to build the nation. We must promote the commitment to the youth pledge in the life of the nation and state. There has to be collective awareness," he said.

Series of events to be held at the Summit of the 2022 Youth Pledge Day comprise a youth camp, mass gymnastics, and a parade, he stated.

"We must support young people, who have innovation and creativity to be able to excel," Sholeh added. (Antaranews)





Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto met with the UN Secretary General António Guterres at the UN Headquarters, New York, to discuss various geopolitical developments, impacts of the global crisis, and G20 Summit preparations.

The minister also highlighted various important developments in the G20 meeting throughout this time.

"Indonesia is committed to fighting for the three main agendas of G20 this year, specifically Global Health Architecture, Digital Economy Transformation, and Energy Transition," he noted through a statement on Friday.

G20 countries' commitment within the Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (PPPR) is realized through improvement in funding allocation.

"Domestically, Indonesia has prioritized the energy transition agenda by pursuing various programs, such as decarbonization through coal-phase out, hydropower plant, and exploring the Carbon-Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS) cooperation," he stated.

During the conversation centering on the global crisis, the minister noted that Indonesia's food security is deemed to be relatively strong, with surplus of food production and availability of fertilizers for the future.

In connection with the conflict in Ukraine, food disruption, and global agriculture products, the minister lauded Guterres' efforts in forming the Global Crisis Response Group (GCRG) and Black Sea Initiatives (BIS).

"The Indonesian government supports the extension of Black Sea Initiatives until November 2022," Hartarto remarked.

Guterres noted that discussions were underway on the extension of BIS, but the UN is optimistic that this extension would be approved, so that it can be announced immediately.

He also extends full support and is willing to voice the interest of Indonesia's G20 Presidency for the success of the summit in Bali.

He also sought support from Indonesia and other major developing countries, such as Brazil, India, and South Africa, to take strategic steps in handling the impact of climate change.

All through this time, the UN has established communication and provided support to the issue of climate change. In future, the UN will be ready to delve into collaboration with G20 on this important issue.

Crisis in the finance sector, debt relief agenda, including debt reduction, will continue to be fought for and an agreement is being sought in the G20 Forum.  (Antaranews)





At least 19 countries where most overseas travelers (PPLNs) visiting Indonesia come from are currently experiencing a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, the Health Ministry has noted.

"The five countries whose citizens often enter Indonesia are Australia, Malaysia, India, Singapore, and the United Kingdom (UK)," director for health surveillance and quarantine at the ministry, Achmad Farchanny Tri Adryanto, said at the “Talkshow for Facing New Variants: Tighten Health Protocols, Complete Vaccination” on Thursday.

Out of the five countries, the new XBB variant of COVID-19 has been detected the most in India and Singapore.

According to the ministry’s data, as of October 19, 2022, in addition to the five countries, the United States, Germany, South Korea, France, Russia, the Netherlands, Vietnam, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, China, Spain, and Canada have also reported a surge in infections.

The director appealed to all parties to stay vigilant since some of the 19 countries are located adjacent to Indonesia, such as Singapore, thus there are concerns that the spike in cases in those countries may also affect Indonesia.

“The number of overseas travelers coming from Singapore reached 26,851 on October 9–15 (2022). Thus, on average, around 20 thousand to 30 thousand people enter Batam city (Riau Islands province) from Singapore per week," he noted.

The government will continue to monitor the global situation and the development of the transmission of the XBB variant, he stated.

To prevent large-scale transmission of the variant in Indonesia, the government is currently increasing health quarantine surveillance.

The surveillance is being carried out not only on overseas travelers, but also on transportation and shipments at cross-border posts (PLBNs), especially those arriving from countries affected by the XBB variant.

In addition, the Health Ministry is also trying to improve the vaccination coverage as well as the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) examination of the detected COVID-19 cases in all laboratories and health offices.

"All positive cases which we find must be further examined by Whole Genome Sequencing examination. Thus, we can find out the variants and sub-variants causing the cases as soon as possible," Adryanto said.

He also appealed to the public to bolster the observance of the health protocols and remain disciplined in implementing them.

"Let's make wearing masks and washing hands as our lifestyle. Then, secondly, let's complete our vaccination doses," he added. (Antaranews)