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U.S. President Joe Biden congratulated new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who became the country's third prime minister in two months on Tuesday.

"Together, I look forward to enhancing our cooperation on issues critical to global security and prosperity, including continuing our strong support for Ukraine," Biden said in a Twitter post. (Reuters)





Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the women with guns in front of the Merdeka Palace were suspected of moving individually. He revealed that the woman was carrying a homemade weapon with a sleeve without a projectile.

"Individuals, while these are individuals, but the weapons are homemade weapons. They have shells but no projectiles," said Moeldoko in a press statement at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday (25/10/2022).

Moeldoko said an investigation was currently being carried out to explore the motive behind the woman's actions. Investigations were also carried out to explore the possibility of other parties being involved in the incident.

"Currently, what the motive is and so on, and who is actually behind it and so on. Why should we come here (Presidential Palace) and so on, we are investigating," said Moeldoko.

The initial information obtained, said Moeldoko, was that the identities of the women who held guns were different. "The person concerned seems to have a different identity, the next one seems to be there, it will be checked again by psychology," he said.

Previously, the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) and the police arrested a woman wearing a gun in front of the Merdeka Palace. The Commander of Paspampres Marsda TNI Wahju Hidajat Soedjatmiko said the woman had been handed over to the police for further treatment.

Wahju said that this incident was not an attempt to break into the Presidential Palace. However, it started with the vigilance of a Paspampres member who saw a woman with suspicious behavior.

The woman was standing near the main Paspampres post in front of the Merdeka Palace, near a traffic light. When examined, the woman immediately pointed a gun at the Paspampres member.

"It started with the vigilance of our members (Paspampres) who immediately approached the woman. The woman immediately pointed a gun at the members (Paspampres)," said Wahju.

Seeing such conditions, Paspampres members immediately took firearms that were pointed at them. After being arrested, Paspampres handed the woman over to members of the Traffic Police who were on duty in front of the Palace. (RRI)




President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the central and regional governments (Pemda) continued to move to control inflation. Inflation control is carried out by means of a number of measures, including subsidizing transportation costs for commodities with rising prices.

"The government with the governor, regent, and mayor is moving with the transportation costs of goods that have increased, which are closed from the APBD. This will also reduce the increase in the prices of goods and services," the President said in a press statement, Tuesday (10/25/2022).

According to the President, local governments are given the freedom to subsidize the cost of transporting goods through the contingency budget and the General Transfer Fund. The amount is up to two percent.

The President said the policy was very helpful. Therefore, the prices of goods in the market, until today are stable.

The President said that Bank Indonesia also controlled inflation with the 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate benchmark interest rate instrument. According to BI data, the 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate policy rate has been increased by 50 basis points in October 2022 to 4.75 percent. (RRI)






Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Arsjad Rasjid assessed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had made a new history. Especially when the President said he would move the State Capital (IKN) from Jakarta to East Kalimantan.

Arsjad said that the big agenda of moving IKN provided a better and modern picture of the future. This is according to the President's presentation to businessmen and investors at the Balairung Djakarta Theater in mid-October.

"Mr. President is very enthusiastic," said Arsjad, seen from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube channel, Tuesday (25/10/2022). "He immediately explained and presented directly to investors and businessmen."

IKN development, said Arsjad, in addition to moving towards a new civilization, also welcomes Indonesia at the age of one century.

Thus, IKN will become a highly civilized city for the Indonesian people.

"This is history, the history of a new civilization," he said. "Because this new capital city is a symbol of Indonesia for 2045, 100 years of Indonesia's independence."

Previously, President Jokowi said, IKN Nusantara is a form of changing Indonesian civilization by presenting the concept of Indonesia-centric development. Through the development of IKN, development and high regional economic figures will no longer be concentrated in Java.

"Indonesia needs economic justice, once again there are 17 thousand islands, not just one island," said the President. "We need equality of development, we need equitable development."

The President said, Nusantara was built with the concept of a smart city of the future. The concept is also nature-based, with 70 percent of the area in IKN being a green area.

Furthermore, the President said, the work culture that will be built at IKN will be a productive work culture. This culture can be realized with the support of good governance and management, as well as the implementation of qualified technology.

“Smart living, smart city, community service through applications, birth certificates, marriage certificates via cellphone, paperless. This is what we want to build," said the President. (RRI)