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Public radio station Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) in Denpasar, Bali Province, will hold the Nusantara Student Festival to strengthen collaboration, and introduce cultural preservation efforts to the younger generation.

"Aligning with the theme of RRI's 77th Anniversary, which is 'Collaboration for a Strong Indonesia'; (how) our collaboration can increase cooperation with all stakeholders," Head of RRI-Denpasar Office Adi Pramono stated at the RRI 77th Anniversary Commemoration here Sunday.

RRI will hold the Nusantara Student Festival for a week in October 2022. "All committee, the organizers, and the performers are high school students in Bali," he said.

At the festival, many cultural competitions will be held such as the Tari Baris, Balinese pop songs, and Balinese art. "This is to open up the discourse for our young people to understand and be ready to preserve cultural arts," he said.

Meanwhile, on the commemoration of RRI's 77th Anniversary, Pramono said the RRI-Denpasar Office was determined to always uphold the four national Consensuses, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity).

"We are currently developing religious moderation. So, all events held at the RRI-Denpasar Office develop a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect," he said.

Furthermore, the RRI-Denpasar Office collaborates with stakeholders to provide educational information to the community.

Pramono said RRI does not only works with the local government.Instead, it also keeps increasing cooperation with stakeholders encompassing political institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the younger generation.

The commemoration of the 77th RRI's Anniversary in Denpasar was marked by the ignition of the Tri Prasetya Torch by Pramono.

In addition, awards were also handed over to outstanding employees, and Balinese dance, fashion shows, and cultural performances were performed.

Denpasar City Regional Secretary Ida Bagus Alit Wiradana lauded RRI which has broadcast accurate and reliable information to the Denpasar city residents. (Antaranews)




Deputy Governor of Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that the provincial government would disburse fuel subsidy on transportation sector worth Rp4.8 billion for the operational of crossing ships to the Kepulauan Seribu District, North Jakarta.

He made the statement while attending the Cash Free Day, a micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) fair held by Jakarta regional-owned bank Bank DKI, at Thamrin 10, Central Jakarta, on Sunday.

The subsidy will be given in concurrently with a fuel subsidy of Rp62.5 billion to regional-owned transportation enterprise TransJakarta.

"Thus, Insya Allah (God willing), we will provide subsidy on transportation sector to help the community in the midst of rising (subsidized) fuel prices," he said.

With the assistance, the tariff of the ships to Kepulauan Seribu s District and the TransJakarta’s public transports will not increase.

However, the urban public transports (locally called ‘angkot’) which have not been integrated with TransJakarta’s JakLingko will not receive the subsidy. As a result, their fares will be adjusted to the rising subsidized fuel prices.

Still, the government will discuss the plan to also provide assistance for angkot.

According to Head of the Jakarta Land Transport Organization (Organda) Shafruhan Sinungan, the number of angkot which have not been integrated with JakLingko has reached around 4,500 units – out of the total of 6,600 angkot.

Meanwhile, the remaining 2,100 units have been integrated with JakLingko under the name of Mikrotrans.

Head of Jakarta Provincial Transportation Office Syafrin Liputo noted earlier that the proposed increase in the regular public transport fare was Rp1,000, making the tariff become Rp6,000.

The proposal for the tariff increase was submitted by Jakarta Transportation Council (DTKJ) to the Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan through Jakarta Provincial Transportation Office.

"They (the council) have had discussions as well as plenary meetings and the decision on the proposal will be determined by the governor later," Liputo said.

He has targeted that the decision regarding the increase in the tariff for regular public transportation will be signed by the governor this week. (Antaranews)





The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin asked all levels of health to prioritize the search for Tuberculosis (TBC) sufferers. The government targets 90 percent of the alleged 824,000 cases in Indonesia to be detected by 2024.

"I ask that in 2024 90 percent must have been detected by name by address. We now want a good and correct surveillance strategy," said Minister of Health Budi in his virtual speech at the 4th Indonesia Tuberculosis - International Meeting (INA - TIME) 2022 in Bali, Friday (9/9/2022).

Menkes Budi said that his party had made a new health protocol, in collaboration with various professional associations and organizations. This includes encouraging Global Fund funds to be realized more quickly.

“The principle of infectious diseases is that we have to know where they are. We have to save it, it is the first and most priority task,” said the Minister of Health.

Furthermore, as an effort to prevent and treat, it must be faster to find out the type of variant of TB bacteria that attacks a person. This can be done with genome sequencing tools that are continuously being developed.

In the near future, a mobile genome sequencing pilot project will be implemented. Currently, a new genome sequencing is available the size of a mobile phone.

So that the detection of bacterial variants can be done quickly, and the patient can be immediately given the right drug. "Thus we can give the treatment package that really suits the patient," said Minister of Health Budi. (RRI)




President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed his condolences for the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Friday (9/9/2022). The Head of State conveyed his condolences through posts on his personal Instagram account @jokowi.

"I am deeply saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth II. A queen who was greatly admired and loved," the President said in his post, Friday (9/9/2022).

To the family of Queen Elizabeth II, President Jokowi also expressed his deep condolences. The Head of State also expressed his deep sympathy for the government and people of England for the departure of the Queen of England, who has reigned for 70 years.

"Our deepest sympathies and condolences go out to the entire British Royal family, government and people," he said.

In a post on his personal Instagram, President Jokowi displayed the face of Queen Elizabeth who was sitting in a work carriage.

Reported by AFP on Friday (9/9/2022), Queen Elizabeth II has died at the age of 96 years. The Royal Family's Twitter account reported that Queen Elizabeth II had died at Balmoral Palace.

Queen Elizabeth II died after being the ruler of England for 70 years. The death of Queen Elizabeth II as leader of the British Empire has also changed the order of successors to the British throne. (RRI)