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President Joko Widodo emphasized that there are five major national agendas that must not be stopped. Even though geopolitical crises and conflicts are still sweeping the world.

"I reiterate, the nation's grand agenda must not stop," said the President at the DPR RI Building, Tuesday (16/8/2022). "Big steps must continue to be taken," he said when delivering a State Speech in the context of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day.

The first major agenda is the downstreaming and industrialization of natural resources. One example is nickel downstreaming which has increased steel exports by 18 times.

"The value was only around IDR 16 trillion in 2014 but in 2021 it will increase to IDR 306 trillion," said the President. In 2022, it is expected that the value will reach Rp440 trillion, and that is only from nickel.

The second agenda, said the President, is the optimization of clean energy sources and a green economy. For this reason, nursery and rehabilitation of tropical forests and mangroves as well as rehabilitation of marine habitats will continue to be carried out.

"Clean energy from the sun, geothermal, wind, ocean waves and bioenergy will attract the industrialization of low-emission products," he said. The green industrial area in North Kalimantan will also be the largest in the world.

The third agenda, legal, social, political, and economic protection for the people must continue to be strengthened. The President said that the fulfillment of civil rights and democratic practices, the political rights of women and marginalized groups must be guaranteed.

"Security and justice must be guaranteed by the state, especially by law enforcement officers and judicial institutions," he said. "Eradication of corruption also continues to be a top priority," the President continued,

The fourth agenda, said the President, is support for MSMEs so that they can immediately advance to class. "We continue to encourage the digitalization of the economy to help empower MSMEs," he said.

The Head of State said 19 million MSMEs have entered the digital ecosystem. It is targeted that the number will increase to 30 million by 2024.

The fifth agenda, the development of the capital city of the archipelago must be maintained for its sustainability. According to him, IKN is not only for ASN but also for innovators and entrepreneurs.

"IKN does not only contain government offices, but also the motor of the new economy," said the President. "This is not an ordinary city, but a jungle city with world-class education and health services," he said. (RRI)




President Joko Widodo stated that access to education must be prioritized to create a superior Indonesia. The main thing is the access of children aged students to quality education services.

"This must be prioritized," said the President in the Nusantara Room, DPR RI Building, Tuesday (16/8/2022). The Head of State conveyed this during his State Speech in the context of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day.

The Head of State also said that students should be introduced to the world of work from an early age. Thus, various fields of science are expected to be able to get closer to these students.

"Children's interest in science, technology, art, and sports must be supported and appreciated," said the President. However, Jokowi reminded that it was not enough.

According to him, students must also be equipped with noble character, the ideology of Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and patriotism. "That is the main pillar," he said.

In addition, local arts and traditions with a national spirit must continue to be encouraged. "Literary works and films by young artists must continue to be supported," said Jokowi.

For that, the government will support by continuing to increase the Cultural Endowment Fund. "Of course, in accordance with the government's fiscal capacity," said President Jokowi. (RRI)




President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that Indonesia has been able to emerge as a strong nation in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. "We have successfully proved our country as (being) a strong country in facing the COVID-19 pandemic," he noted during his state address at the 2022 annual session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the Joint Session of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), at the Parliamentary Complex, here on Tuesday.

According to the head of state, the hamlet and village communities also played an important role in protecting and sharing with each other.

"Ulema, religious leaders, and traditional leaders were actively assisting the community. Some socio-religious organizations were working quickly to help the community. Health workers, Indonesia Defense Forces (TNI), National Police (Polri), and bureaucratic ranks were synergizing with each other to handle the disease," he added.

The president also affirmed that state institutions helped the government in tackling this uncertainty.

"If we are able to manage the pandemic well, then it means that we will also be able to manage other big agendas. This is our first strength to build our country," Jokowi stated.

Jokowi affirmed that Indonesia's second strength is its abundant natural resources.

"The vast area, with the richest biodiversity in the world, will surely become Indonesia's great strength if we manage it wisely and sustainably," he remarked.

However, related stakeholders should apply several conditions, including domestic downstreaming and industrialization, to bring added value and maximize national interests, he stated.

"This will open employment opportunities, increase exports, generate foreign exchange, increase state income, and boost economic growth," the president remarked.

The president noted that the third strength was the demographic bonus. The very large population, which was dominated by young people of the productive age group as well as the increasing purchasing power of the people, would become the driving force of the national economy in facing the global competition.

The fourth strength is the sharp increase in international trust. Indonesia is accepted by Russia and Ukraine to serve as a communication bridge to broker peace despite the geopolitical situation heating up.

"Indonesia is also trusted by the United Nations as Champions from the Global Crisis Response Group for handling global crises," he added.

In 2022, Indonesia is holding the G20 Presidency, an organization comprising the 20 largest countries dominating the world's economy. Next year, Indonesia will also become the Chair of ASEAN.

"This means that we are at the peak of global leadership and have a great opportunity to build international cooperation," he emphasized.

While delivering his state address, President Jokowi wore Paksian traditional attire from Bangka Belitung Province.

The traditional clothing was dominated by the color green and bore the pattern of pucuk rebung, or bamboo shoots. The pattern symbolizes harmony, while the color green in philosophy exudes a sense of coolness and signifies hope and growth.

After delivering the state speech, the president will later give a speech on the government's statement on the Financial Note and the 2023 Draft State Budget. (Antaranews)




President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) affirmed that the government will continue to distribute various forms of social assistance through programs, with better synergy between related stakeholders.

"The government will continue to disburse various (forms of) social assistance with better synergy. We will also improve training programs and assistance for workers," the president noted during his state address at the 2022 annual session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the Joint Session of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) at the Parliamentary Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday.

Until August 2022, the government had disbursed social assistance in the form of the Family Hope Program (PKH) to 10 million beneficiaries' families, basic food cards for 18.8 million beneficiaries' families, pre-employment cards for around 2.9 million participants, direct village cash assistance (BLT), and cash assistance for street vendors and stalls.

In addition, President Jokowi highlighted that training and assistance programs for workers will continue to be offered to fishermen, farmers, informal workers, and people with disabilities.

Moreover, the president stated that Indonesia had successfully hosted the XI ASEAN Para Games in Solo, Central Java, and emerged as the overall champion.

"Regarding disability, we just hosted the ASEAN Para Games in Solo, and thank God, we became the champion," he stated.

Indonesia managed to emerge as the overall champion in the 2022 ASEAN Para Games, with 175 gold medals, 144 silver medals, and 106 bronze medals.

While delivering his state address, President Jokowi wore Paksian traditional clothing from Bangka Belitung Province.

The traditional clothing was dominated by the color green and bore the pattern of pucuk rebung, or bamboo shoots. The pattern symbolizes harmony, while the color green in philosophy exudes a sense of coolness and signifies hope and growth.

After delivering the state speech, the president will later give a speech on the government's statement on the Financial Note and the 2023 State Budget Bill. (Antaranews)