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Bank of Indonesia (BI) released seven denominations of the 2022 issue banknotes: Rp1,000, Rp2,000, Rp5,000, Rp10,000, Rp20,000, Rp50,000, and Rp100,000.

"Today, August 18, 2022, I officially issue seven denominations of the 2022 issue year Rupiah banknotes as a legal means of payment throughout the territory of Republic of Indonesia," BI Governor, Perry Warjiyo, announced here on Thursday.

Warjiyo stated that the seven denominations would become a legal means of payment, starting August 18, 2022, to be used alongside the currently circulating banknotes.

The 2022 edition banknotes still bear images of national heroes on the front side as well as cultural themes, such as dance forms, natural scenery, and flora, on the reverse side, akin to the 2016 edition banknotes.

However, the new banknotes were improvised in some aspects, such as a sharper color palette, more reliable security aspects, and more durable.

These improvements aim to ascertain that the rupiah banknotes had more features signifying their authenticity, ensured greater convenience and safety to use, and were more counterfeit-proof, thereby overall ensuring higher quality and reliability.

The issuance of the 2022 edition banknotes, which coincided with the 77th anniversary of Indonesia's Independence Day, is a manifestation of the spirit of nationalism and sovereignty to foster optimism for the recovery of the national economy.

“This launch of rupiah currency is a concrete manifestation of our collective commitment to provide quality and reliable rupiah currency as a symbol of state sovereignty and for unifying the nation," Warjiyo noted.

The issue and circulation of the new banknotes signify implementation of the mandate of the Currency Law as an intrinsic part of planning to meet the people's demand for money whilst continuing to apply good governance that aligned with the law.

The issuance of the 2022 edition banknotes did not revoke or void earlier issued rupiah currency.

All banknotes and coins that were earlier issued shall remain valid as a legal means of payment across the Indonesian territory as long as they have not been revoked and withdrawn from circulation by BI.

As per the Currency Law, the revocation and withdrawal of rupiah currency from circulation should be laid out in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia and announced through the mass media.

People can exchange the new banknotes via their local bank or mobile cash services offered by BI. Order for the 2022 rupiah banknotes can be placed via the PINTAR application accessible through

People can access the PINTAR application from August 18, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. local time, with a money exchange schedule commencing on August 19, 2022.

“We appeal to (everyone) to love, be proud, and understand the rupiah. Let us continue to foster optimism, patriotism, and commitment to recover faster and rise stronger towards an advanced Indonesia," Warjiyo affirmed.

As stipulated in Presidential Decree No. 13 of 2012, signed on July 6, President Joko Widodo approved the featuring of eight national heroes as the main images on the 2022 edition banknotes.

These national heroes comprise Dr (HC) Ir Soekarno and Dr (HC) Drs Mohammad Hatta on the Rp100,000 banknote, Ir H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja on the Rp50,000 note, Dr GSSJ Ratulangi on the Rp20,000 banknote, and Frans Kaisiepo on the Rp10,000 note.

Meanwhile, the image of Dr KH Idham Chalid will feature on the Rp5,000 banknote; Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin on the Rp2,000 note; and Tjut Meutia on the Rp1,000 banknote. (Antaranews)




President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on ministers and government officials to not merely conduct routines and simply put in standard or normal work since the world's condition was far from normal.

"We should (no longer put in normal) work, not anymore, because the condition is not normal," the president emphasized during the 2022 National Coordination Meeting on Inflation Control at the State Palace here on Thursday.

The head of state noted that the world was reeling from a tough situation.

"The world is facing a very difficult situation, starting from the COVID-19 pandemic that (the country) has not yet recovered from and some countries still having a high number (of cases), and then there is a war, food crisis, energy crisis, (and) financial crisis," he pointed out.

Jokowi affirmed that government officials should not work by just observing the macroeconomic figures.

"It cannot work. Believe me. (Apart from observing the) macro and micro economy, details must also be gleaned from numbers and data," the president stressed.

To this end, he requested district heads, mayors, and governors to cooperate with the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) and Central Inflation Control Team (TPIP).

"Ask the regions, what prices are going up there, that cause inflation? It could be rice, shallots, or chili," he said.

He urged the TPIP to check the regions having abundant supplies of those commodities and to connect them with regions where the prices are increasing.

"They have to be connected because there are 514 districts/cities and 37 provinces with new DOBs (new autonomous regions). It is a big country," the president stated.

According to Bank Indonesia and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesia's inflation rate had reached 4.94 percent.

President Jokowi drew attention to five provinces with the highest inflation rates: Jambi, 8.55 percent; West Sumatra, 8.01 percent; Bangka Belitung Islands, 7.77 percent; Riau, 7.04 percent; and Aceh, 6.97 percent.

"Please observe what causes the (sharp rise in inflation rates) in detail, so we can solve it together and (the inflation rates) can drop again to below five percent, (or even) below three percent," he emphasized. (Antaranews)




Indonesia's infrastructure development remains a priority, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono stressed at the 77th Independence Day ceremony at Sapta Taruna Park of the PUPR Ministry on Wednesday.

While delivering his remarks as the Inspector of the Ceremony, Minister Hadimuljono said that President Joko Widodo outlined five major agendas for 2023 in his state speech, including improving the quality of human resources, accelerating infrastructure development, implementing bureaucratic reform, and simplifying regulations, and industrial downstreaming and green economy development.

"In implementing the five major agendas, Indonesia's infrastructure development remains a priority. And a budget allocation of Rp125.2 trillion was given to the PUPR Ministry," he informed in a press release received here on Wednesday.

The purpose of these development priorities is not only to build physical infrastructure but also to create employment opportunities and provide as much income as possible to the people in order to support people's purchasing power and increase Indonesia's economic activities.

Hadimuljono further said that in commemorating the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, employees of the Ministry of PUPR should be grateful.

"We must understand and interpret this celebration according to our respective roles and professionalism,” he said.

Minister Hadimuljono also appealed to all PUPR employees to work hard to achieve development targets in order to accelerate the nation's infrastructure development.

"PUPR personnel must be tough, strong, integrity, brave, and artistic fighters because of our role as fighters in infrastructure development in Indonesia," he remarked.

To show the unity and diversity of the nation, the ceremony participants wore traditional clothes from various regions of Indonesia. (Antaranews)




First Lady Iriana Jokowi wore the traditional attire of the Buton Tribe from Southeast Sulawesi Province to attend the 2022 Commemoration of Seconds of the Proclamation of the Indonesian Independence Ceremony here, Wednesday.

The First Lady wore a bright blue top and bottoms with gold ornaments. She wore a blue-gold scarf and carried a handkerchief of the same color. She also wore a large golden crown.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi was dressed in the Buton Tribe's Dolomani suit, which is a long red robe and pants with white ornaments.

Beneath the red robe, the president wore an ivory white sequined shirt that matched with the robe ornament and a black and white striped sarung as well as a round headgear.

The ceremony of the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia began with the arrival of the Head of State, the First Lady, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, and Second Lady Wury Ma’ruf Amin.

The ceremony continued with 17 cannons fired as well as sounds of sirens, bedug (drum) from mosques, and bells in churches that were audible for a minute.

The ceremony then continued with the reading of the Proclamation Manuscript by Speaker of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, Hening Cipta or moment of silence led by President Jokowi as the Inspector of Ceremonies, and the reading of prayers by Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

The raising of the Sacred Red and White Heirloom Flag was conducted by the Heritage Flag Hoisting Troop followed by a flypast of the Air Force's fighter aircraft and helicopters.

The event continued with the performances by the Gita Bahana Nusantara Choir and Orchestra that sang "Hari Merdeka", a medley of folk songs, "Syukur", "Ojo Dibandingke dan Joko Tingkir" by Farel Prayoga. (Antaranews)