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A TransJakarta bus passes through Sudirman Street, Jakarta, on Saturday (December 4, 2021). (ANTARA/Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna/KT) - 


City-owned bus operator TransJakarta will increase the number of CCTVs monitoring traffic and passengers' activities by 10 percent at 222 bus stops as a measure to address five accidents in the last 40 days.

Currently, four to eight CCTVs are installed at every bus stop, TransJakarta President Director Mochammad Yana Aditya stated at a press conference here on Saturday.

"We plan to increase the number of CCTVs by 10 percent in 2022," Aditya remarked.

Aditya explained that the numbers of CCTV at bus stops do not include the surveillance cameras installed inside the bus cabin to monitor the driver's performance and passengers' activities.

All CCTVs at the transit stop (BRT) and in the bus cabin are directly connected to the TransJakarta Operating Command Center (TJOCC), according to Aditya.

Through the command center, Aditya's team will be able to keep track of whether a driver is driving carelessly or exceeding the speed limit.

"There will be a reminder on not to surpass the speed limit. The drivers need to be disciplined and our monitoring to watch over many buses," he explained.

Aditya noted that around 3,500 buses were operated by eight thousand TransJakarta drivers on a daily basis.

While driving the bus, a driver must not exceed the maximum speed limit of 50 kilometers per hour. However, he admitted to the presence of some drivers that continued to cross the maximum speed.

"We will conduct some enforcement on the speeding," Aditya stated.

However, his side had yet to divulge the results of the findings related to recent accidents, as they were currently handled by the police that are more authorized to make announcements on the investigations.

Nevertheless, TransJakarta has apologized for the accidents that took place on Thursday, Dec 2, and Friday, Dec 3. The company will conduct an audit to revamp its system of safety management and healthy working//ANT


Screenshot of Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Bintang Puspayoga speaking during an online dialog about sexual violence prevention in universities in Jakarta on November 12, 2021. ANTARA/Devi Nindy - 


Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga reminded the public of the urgency of the sexual violence prevention bill and sought support for the bill's ratification to be completed by year-end.

"We are optimistic that the public would support the sexual violence prevention bill that we have fought for since 2016 to be ratified by year-end," Puspayoga stated during an online discussion on social media crimes and family resilience on Saturday.

Puspayoga informed that the ministry, through a task force established to manage the bill, had intensified efforts in coordinating the deliberation of the bill with the House of Representatives (DPR RI) and monitoring the bill's progress in parliament.

The minister reiterated the need for support, collaboration, and synergy with members of the public and relevant parties to fulfil the ministry's duty of empowering women and protecting children in Indonesia.

"We also appeal to audiences, with a position in authority, to ensure that their subordinates have received education on prevention of sexual violence and establish a mechanism to protect women from online-based gender violence," she remarked.

The minister reminded the people to protect one another, particularly their family members, as future technological developments might unleash a new modus operandi for online violence.

"Hence, we must hold each other's hands in creating our common future, which is a women- and child-friendly environment, either in the physical realm or digital world," she remarked.

Puspayoga also encouraged the public to facilitate women and children in learning new technology and gaining digital knowledge, thereby enabling them to develop their skills and stand for themselves now and in the future//ANT




 Pakistan's foreign minister called on Saturday for a fresh effort to stop neighbouring Afghanistan sliding further into crisis as he announced an extraordinary meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) later this month.

The meeting of foreign ministers from Islamic countries will be held in Islamabad on Dec. 19, with delegations from the European Union and the so-called P5 group of the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China also invited.


"To abandon Afghanistan at this stage would be a historic mistake," Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi told a news conference in Islamabad, warning that half the country was facing the risk of starvation that could trigger further chaos.

"Instability could give way to renewed conflict, it could trigger an exodus of refugees," he said.


There have been growing warnings of the humanitarian crisis facing Afghanistan since international aid was abruptly cut following the Taliban takeover on Aug. 15 and fears of disaster if the situation is not brought under control.

However, getting help in has been hindered by sanctions on dealing with the Taliban, the U.S. decision to freeze billions of dollars of central bank reserves held outside Afghanistan and the collapse of much of the country's banking system.


Pakistan recently agreed to allow 50,000 tonnes of wheat to transit through its territory from India to help Afghanistan but aid agencies have warned that much more help is urgently needed. (reuters)




 Pakistan on Saturday received a $3 billion loan from Saudi Arabia, the prime minister's finance adviser said, as part of an economic support package.

The South Asian country has faced growing economic challenges, with high inflation, sliding forex reserves, a widening current account deficit and a depreciating currency.


Pakistan’s total liquid foreign reserves stand at $22,498.8 million, based on central bank data.

Shaukat Tarin, finance adviser to Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan, said in a tweet: "I want to thank His Excellency Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the kind gesture."


The loan from Saudi Arabia will be for one year at a 4% interest rate under the terms of the package, which was signed last month. read more

"This is positive news ... and will help bolster both the foreign exchange reserves and sentiments in the forex market," Saad Hashemy, executive director at BMA Capital said.


The loan comes a week after the International Monetary Fund agreed with Pakistan on measures needed to revive a stalled $6 billion funding programme. read more

The completion of the review, pending since earlier this year, would make available 750 million in IMF special drawing rights, or around $1 billion, bringing total disbursements so far to about $3 billion.

Pakistan's central bank has raised its benchmark interest rate by 150 basis points to 8.75% to counter inflationary pressures.

Inflation had reached 11.5% in November, up from 9.2% a month earlier.

The Pakistani rupee, which closed on Friday at 176.77 at inter-bank against a dollar, has depreciated more than 11% since the start of this year. (reuters)