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Analysis of global and local atmospheric conditions shows that there is activity in the growth of convective clouds in the West Java region in general - 


The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that as many as 13 districts and cities in West Java were prone to flash floods during rains at the end of November 2021.

Head of the Bandung Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency, Teguh Rahayu, remarked that the likelihood for flooding was based on the Impact-Based Forecast (IBF) by taking into account the risks arising as a result of the weather.

"Analysis of global and local atmospheric conditions shows that there is activity in the growth of convective clouds in the West Java region in general. Hence, rains in the West Java area have started to increase," Rahayu noted in Bandung, West Java, on Saturday.

The 13 regions comprise Bekasi District, Bekasi City, Bogor District, Bogor City, Depok City, Sukabumi District, Sukabumi City, Cianjur Regency, Majalengka District, Cirebon District, Cirebon City, Kuningan District, and Indramayu District.

Based on the forecast, flooding may occur in several cities or districts this Saturday. Floods can likely occur in Indramayu District from Sunday, November 28.

Rahayu's administration has urged stakeholders to take precautionary measures against some impacts related to the likelihood of flooding in these cities or districts.

Moreover, landslides can likely occur during the rainy season at the end of November 2021, she stated.

"This is because convective cloud growth has started, the likelihood of moderate to heavy rains in the West Java region increases, and the potential for landslides increases," Rahayu stated.

The agency head has urged the public to stay vigilant and alert to natural disasters that could likely occur so as to avoid the impact of damage that could ensue.

"What people need to watch out for at this time is to stay calm and alert, be careful while conducting activities outside the home, and reduce outdoor activities if it is not important," Rahayu stated//ANT


BPJS Kesehatan symbolically handed over sembako, or food staples packages, for flood victims to the West Kalimantan provincial government on Friday (November 26, 2021). (Antara/HO-BPJS Kesehatan/FR) - 

Healthcare and social security agency BPJS Kesehatan has provided aid in the form of sembako, or staple food packages, for flood victims in West Kalimantan, the agency's secretary, Arief Syaefuddin, has informed.

In a statement received here on Saturday, he said that the agency has expressed its sympathy to local residents for the tragedy that befell them as a result of the flood.

"As a form of our compassion toward the people who were impacted by this disaster, BPJS Kesehatan has provided aid in the form of one thousand packages of sembako," he informed.

"In terms of quantity, this may not be much, but this aid is expected to be able to alleviate the burden on the people affected by this disaster," he affirmed.

The sembako was symbolically handed over to the West Kalimantan provincial government on Friday, he said.

BPJS Kesehatan will leave it up to the provincial government to decide how the sembako is to be utilized since the government better understands the characteristics of the province and knows which areas require the aid, Syaefuddin added.

"Let us hope that the flood disaster that happened in West Kalimantan could completely diminish so that the people's activity can return to normal," he remarked after symbolically handing over the aid.

Meanwhile, BPJS Kesehatan's direction deputy for Banten, West Kalimantan, and Lampung, Lisa Nurena, assured that the services for National Health Insurance and Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) members have continued to operate optimally.

Despite several branch offices shutting down on account of the flood, members could still access JKN-KIS services, she informed.

"Not just live services, JKN-KIS members could also access BPJS Kesehatan's digital service through Mobile JKN, administration service through Whatsapp (PANDAWA), Chat Assistant JKN (CHIKA) and BPJS Kesehatan Care Center 165," Nurena said.

During the aid handing event, West Kalimantan Governor Sutarmidji expressed his gratitude for the aid provided for people impacted by the flood.

"Regarding the distribution process, it will be distributed to regions that still require it such as Kapuas Hulu that is still experiencing severe flooding. Hopefully, the aid would be beneficial for the recipients," he remarked//ANT


Communication and Informatics Ministry lauded the Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) District Government, North Sumatra, for organizing the National Digital Literacy Movement.(ANTARA/HO) - 


The Communication and Informatics Ministry praised the Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) district government, North Sumatra, for successfully organizing the National Digital Literacy Movement.

Serdang Bedagai District HeadDarma Wijaya stated in Seirampah on Saturday that his administration was grateful for having received the award from the ministry for successfully conducting digital literacy activities that commenced last May.

"Currently, we are working hand-in-hand to overcome the flood problem in several sub-districts. Honestly, the appreciation we received from the Communication and Information Technology Ministry, although not related to disaster mitigation, directly gave us motivation to continue to work as well as possible in all areas that are the responsibility of the government," he remarked.

Wijaya emphasized the importance of mastering digital literacy in daily activities. With this ability, several opportunities are open while preventing dire incidents from occurring, he remarked.

The opportunities in question are specifically for MSME players. In the midst of a pandemic situation such as now, MSME players can consider digital media as a potential tool for marketing or promotion.

"Utilization of information and communication technology is something that is unavoidable for improving, of course, in addition to the quality of the product itself,” Wijaya added.

He also affirmed that the people can exercise greater caution in responding to increasingly rampant, varying, and sophisticated threats of crime as a means of preventing malicious occurrences.

“Now, we see many who are victims of cybercrimes. One of them is the lack of digital literacy. The benefits of technology are so vital now in everyday life, so education and information should be expedited,” he reiterated.

Deputy Head of Serdang Bedagai District, Adlin Tambunan, stated that the level of enthusiasm for digital literacy in Sergai was testament to the fact that people were starting to realize the importance of technology skills.

"Thank God, digital literacy (program) initiated by the Communication and Information Technology Ministry in Sergai District went smoothly, and (it) was followed with great enthusiasm.

Hopefully, the goals and benefits that are the basis for conducting this activity can be achieved and public interest in digital skills can flourish," he added//ANT


Head of the National Civil Service Agency (BKN), Bima Haria Wibisana (right), accompanied by head of the East Java Province Human Resources Development Agency, Aries Agung Paewai, on Saturday (November 27, 2021). (ANTARA PHOTO/Fiqih Arfani/rst) - 


Head of the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana has urged all state civil servants (ASN) to cancel their collective leave during the approaching Christmas and New Year holidays.

"For ASN who have long intended to take year-end leave for vacation or homecoming, please immediately cancel it," he said at the East Java Province Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) Building on Saturday.

A regulation has been issued by the Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Tjahjo Kumolo, regarding the ban on collective leave at the end of this year, he noted.

The policy is outlined in the Circular Letter of the Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 26 of 2021 concerning Restrictions on Traveling Outside the Region and/or Leave for ASN Employees During the 2021 Christmas and New Year 2022 Period amid the COVID-19 pandemic, he said.

The regulation has been issued as a follow-up to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 62 of 2021 regarding the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 during the 2021 Christmas and 2022 New Year, Wibisana informed.

The circular from the Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 13 of 2021 also forbids ASN from taking leave and traveling outside the region in the same week as a national holiday, starting December 20, 2021, and also before and after the period, he noted.

The prohibition does not apply to ASN on maternity leave and sick leave, he said.

"Of course, there are dispensations in emergencies, such as illness or maternity leave," he informed.

He also said that civil servants who continue to take leave and travel outside the city will face sanctions.

"If they are being reckless and then come home being infected with COVID-19, causing a cluster in their neighborhood, then this is a serious violation because it endangers the public. The sanctions will be very heavy for them," Wibisana warned.

He asked ASN to be patient and stay vigilant amid the sloping cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

"Please be patient. There is no need to travel during the year-end holidays. Just stay at home, for the sake of everyone," he added//ANT