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Listener, Olele Marine Park, is located in Olele Village, Kabila Bone District, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo. The distance from Gorontalo city center is around 28 km and takes around 1 hour to drive. Along the way you will pass through winding roads, passing residential areas with contrasting views.  Olele Marine Park has unique beautiful underwater views in Gorontalo Bay (Tomini Bay). It is not surprising that local and international divers and underwater photography fans give it the nickname "The Hidden Paradise in Sulawesi Olele Marine Park is very popular among local and foreign divers because it has the rare Salvador Dali Coral and the only one in the world which can only be found in Gorontalo. Olele Marine Park was declared a tourist area in 2005 by Fadel Muhammad, Governor of Gorontalo at that time. To protect and preserve endemic marine biota, coral reefs and other underwater beauty in the Olele Marine Park, the local government then designated this Marine Park as a Regional Marine Conservation Area in 2006. Olele Marine Park has unique coral reefs that are very easy to enjoy for beginners and professional divers. This beach also provides boat rentals with a price range of IDR 250,000, as well as diving or snorkeling equipment with a price range of IDR. 50,000. Olele Marine Park has several interesting spots that you can enjoy, such as the Jin Cave spot which is located about 500 meters from the eastern part of Olele Village, the whale shark spot on Botubarani beach, and the Salvador Dali coral spot which is the main attraction of this marine park. For those of you who are not divers, you don't need to worry, because the wooden boats with glass, originally made by local people, are ready to take tourists on tours across the waters to enjoy the beauty of coral reefs, fish and other biota from the boat.


Curug Mrawu or Mrawu Waterfall is one of the tourist attractions in Giritirta village, Pejawaran subdistrict, Banjarnegara, Central Java. Curug Mrawu, which is approximately 25 kilometers from the city of Banjarnegara is very suitable for adventurous tourists. It is located in the middle of plantations that stretch like a green carpet, and surrounded by high cliffs. The Waterfall is unique because the water that comes down from the top of the hill is warm, clear and odorless. Getting to the Mrawu waterfall location is indeed adventurous. It is quite a long journey and tiring because the road is slippery and you have to go through a footpath first. However, Curug waterfall is so marvelous , it has very clear water so you can see the rocks under the water. Curug Mrawu is a waterfall that has a cliff height of less than 50 meters. The long journey to get there feels very tiring but will immediately be paid off once you see the wonderful views. Apart from having beautiful natural views, the popularity of Mrawu waterfall is due to the belief of many people that Mrawu waterfall water can treat various diseases, especially skin diseases. For nature adventure lovers, this tourist attraction could be an option for a natural sauna bath because of the warm water. Meanwhile, for those who don't like getting wet, you can sit some distance from the waterfall while looking at the beauty of the waterfall and feeling the freshness of the rural nature. When visiting the Mrawu waterfall there are several things that must be adhered to. In order to preserve nature, visitors are prohibited from throwing rubbish carelessly, because it is still full of protected endemic vegetation, you are not allowed to pick plants, or damage the rocks around the water plunge. That was Indonesian Wonder today, we'll meet again tomorrow with a different topic.


Lombok, a beautiful island in Indonesia, has once again made a great achievement in the world of tourism. In 2024, the island has been recognized as one of the best natural tourist destinations in the world by Tripadvisor, a leading global travel review site. This award marks Lombok's achievements as a tourist destination that captivates travelers with its extraordinary natural beauty. Quoting from the official Tripadvisor page, this award is not only given to the natural tourism category, but also hotels, restaurants and activities which have been repeated over the past 12 months. Trip Advisor stated that less than one percent of the 8 million Tripadvidor listings received the best award. Starting from secluded small coves, rows of cream-colored beaches, and beautiful waterfalls. Natural beauty is not only presented on land. Lombok's underwater sites, such as Gili Trawangan, Meno and Air, also offer beautiful panoramas. Tourists can swim with turtles there. Lombok's achievement in being included in Tripadvisor's list of the world's best natural tourist destinations confirms how attractive this island is in the international tourism arena. Besides Lombok, the best natural tourism award was also given to several destinations in the world including Kathmandu, Halong Bay, Zanzibar Island, Grand Cayman Guadeloupe, Kruger National Park and Martinique.



The Indonesian Ambassador to Kenya, Mohamad Hery Saripudin, said that member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement -NAM were obliged to support Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations -UN. A written statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi received in Jakarta, Thursday (18/1) reported that according to the Ambassador, Palestine has the right to be equal with other countries, especially in fighting for its interests. In line with the NAM's commitment to fighting for Palestinian independence, the NAM is obliged to support Palestine to become a member of the UN. Ambassador Hery Saripudin, who also served as Chair of the Indonesian Delegation at the Ministerial Level Meeting and the NAM Palestine Committee Meeting, conveyed this at the latter in Kampala, Uganda, Wednesday (17/1). He said that more than 24 thousand residents in Gaza were victims and more than 85 percent of the residents were driven from their homes. He added that this situation increasingly emphasizes the risk of genocide. NAM cannot remain silent, he said. In addition, the Ambassador also conveyed four messages from Indonesia to the NAM, namely, first, to continue fighting for an end to Israeli aggression, second, increase the distribution of humanitarian aid, including helping with the Gaza reconstruction process. Third, continue to push for Israeli accountability, including the accusation   of genocide. In this regard, Indonesia supports South Africa's initiative to submit Israel to the International Court of Justice. The fourth message seeks to hold a peace process under the supervision of the UN General Assembly. The NAM Palestine Committee meeting was held on the sidelines of the NAM Summit on January 15 and 16. The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uganda, Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, and attended by member countries of the NAM Palestine Committee, including Indonesia, South Africa, India, Iran, Cuba, Malaysia and Zimbabwe.