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The Environment & Forestry Ministry's Directorate for Watershed Management and Forest Rehabilitation is ready to continue tree planting simultaneously across Indonesia until April 2024.Minister of Environment & Forestry, Siti Nurbaya while accompanying Vice President Ma'ruf Amin to lead the simultaneous planting in Banten Province, Sunday, said that the tree planting was carried out as a concrete step to overcome climate change, restore the environment, and support the acceleration of forest and land rehabilitation. Regarding simultaneous planting in Banten, according to Minister Siti Nurbaya, this activity was a series of the simultaneous planting agenda which has been implemented since December 30, 2023, and will continue from February to April 2024 The planting locations consist of open areas, such as green open spaces, and land that needs to be restored, environmental areas or school grounds, public facility areas, and others. This activity is also expanded to keep planting at previous planting locations through the active participation of the community and related parties in all regions The tree seeds are types that suit local agro-climatic conditions, such as wood tree seeds, non-timber forest product (NTFP) producers, fruit, and multi-purpose tree species (MPTS) Minister Siti Nurbaya also revealed that the tree planting location in Banten Province is critical land which is the government's target for restoring environmental quality.She added that this activity is in accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to keep planting throughout the 2023-2024 rainy season. According to Minister Siti Nurbaya, trees have the ability to absorb carbon effectively enough to withstand the impacts of climate change. Meanwhile, tree planting activities are part of a commitment to reduce emissions from the forestry sector and other land uses. This is in accordance with national policies in the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to control climate change (Indonesia's FoLU Net Sink 2030).



Garut is not only well-known for its typical fruit, Garut Orange, but also popular for its stunning panoramic beach, namely Santolo Beach. This beach is located in Cikelet District, Garut Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Santolo Beach, which was originally a gathering place for fishermen, has been developed into a beautiful tourism destination. It is also an area for fishing activities as a dock for fishing boats in Pameungpeuk. Enjoying panoramic views of the beach and marine life is one of the tourist activities that can be explored.There are also boat rentals available that serve tourists to enjoy the beach's quite challenging southern waves. Besides, they can enjoy fresh seafood in the form of simple dishes. For logistics and accommodation, several facilities are available for tourists, such as guesthouses and souvenir stalls. Santolo Beach is situated at an altitude of 0-200 meters above sea level.In the past, Santolo Beach was known as Cilauteureun Beach. Europeans, especially the Dutch, who came to this region had difficulty pronouncing the name Cilauteureun. Then, Europeans pronounced the word, Cilauteureun with the word Santolo. Santolo Beach once functioned as a pier to transport spices to large ships in the middle of the sea during Dutch ruling. Therefore, the coastal area has many Dutch heritage buildings built around 1850.



The conflict in Sudan between the Army of Sudan and armed groups is still ongoing since it broke out in April 2023. In the midst of the unconducive situation in Sudan, the Indonesian Embassy in Khartoum is attempting to strengthen relations with the Friends of Indonesia, particularly Indonesian alumni in Sudan. One of them was by receiving a friendly visit from Doctor Isam Eldeen Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Red Sea University in Port Sudan. His visit on Friday (12/1) was received by the Indonesian Ambassador to Sudan, Sunarko at the temporary office of the Indonesian Embassy in Khartoum in Port Sudan. Isam Eldeen Ibrahim is an alumnus of the Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, who completed his master & studies at Gajah Mada University in 2008. As quoted by the official statement of the Indonesian Embassy in Khartoum, the visit aimed at fostering a sense of brotherhood and friendship among the people and academician circles in Sudan, who currently play an important role in the fields of higher education and government. According to the statement, the meeting was full of a sense of kinship and friendship. During the meeting, Ambassador Sunarko exchanged views on the education situation in Sudan, especially amidst the ongoing armed conflict. Meanwhile, according to Isam Eldeen, he has a positive impression and very deep experience regarding Indonesian society, with its rich culture. Friends of Indonesia is an inclusive organization consisting of diaspora and friends of Indonesia that introduces, promotes and displays Indonesia in many countries.



You will read a conversation entitled "Dari Akar Jangang” (2x) which means it is made from Jangang roots. This conversation took place between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a souvenir seller in Tanjung Puting, Central Kalimantan. Chris asked the souvenir seller about the basic materials for bracelets. (The conversation below is read by an assigned narrator and is not translated). Let's listen to their conversation.

Percakapan (sudah direkam)

Chris (W)        : Saya suka gelang ini. Bahannya dari apa?

Pedagang(W) : Ini gelang simpai. Bahannya dari akar jangang. Jangang itu sejenis   tanaman pakis.

Chris (W)        : Saya beli lima, ya.

After listening to the conversation, I will introduce you to some vocabulary related to today's material, "dari akar jangang" (2x) which means “it is made from jangang roots”. I will pronounce it slowly. You can repeat it after me.

bahannya dari akar jangang (2x)

Which means its material is made from jangang roots

bahannya (2x)

Which means its material

dari (2x)

Which means from

akar jangang (2x)

Which means jangang roots, Indonesian name of Dicranopteris linearis.

suka (2x)

Which means to like

gelang simpai (2x)

Which means hoop bracelet

tanaman (2x) 

Which means plant

pakis (2x)

Which means fern plant

beli (2x)

Which means to buy

lima (2x)

Which means five

In the conversation you hear the sentence “Bahannya dari akar jangang” ( 2x) which means its material is made from jangang roots" or simply it is made from jangang roots. In this sentence there is a word "dari" ( 2x) which means "from". The word "dari" is used to tell about the basic materials or ingredients of something. In the context of the conversation, the seller told Chris that the material for hoop bracelets comes from the jangang roots. 

Now let's listen to other examples of the use of preposition word "dari" (2x) which means from to tell about the basic materials or ingredients of something in another sentence.

Perhiasan ini dari emas (2x) 

Which means This jewelry is made of gold

Lemari ini dari kayu mahoni (2x) 

Which means This cupboard is made of mahogany

Gelang Simpai is a woven bracelet. The word Simpai means 'rings or bracelets made of rattan or metal which is tightened'. Gelang Simpai (2x) which refers to dayak traditional hoop bracelet is currently being sold as a typical souvenir from Tanjung Puting, in Central Kalimantan.

Before closing Let's Speak Bahasa today, for more clarity, let's listen to the conversation once again.

Percakapan (sudah direkam)

Chris (W)        : Saya suka gelang ini. Bahannya dari apa?

Pedagang(W) : Ini gelang simpai. Bahannya dari akar jangang. Jangang itu sejenis   tanaman pakis.

Chris (W)        : Saya beli lima, ya.

Listeners, that was today's episode of "Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia" with a conversation entitled "dari akar Jangang (2x) which means “from jangang roots”. Hopefully, today's topic is useful for those of you who want to know more about the Indonesian language. We meet again with more lessons.