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On May 20, 1908 or 111 years ago, the first youth organization named Boedi Oetomo was established in Indonesia. The organization initiated by Dr. Wahidin Sudirohudo was founded by Dr. Soetomo and the students of the Dutch East Indies Medical School, STOVIA when Indonesia was still colonized by the Dutch.
Boedi Oetomo is a social, economic and cultural organization. However, the establishment of Boedi Oetomo became the beginning of a movement aimed at achieving Indonesian independence. Then, May 20 is commemorated as National Awakening Day.The theme of this year's National Awakening Day is ‘Rising to Unite’. The theme is very relevant to the current condition of the Indonesian people post-April general elections. When the energy and emotion of most of the Indonesian people were drained for the success of the democratic party, when the aspiration of the Indonesian people was divided because of differences in choice, this is the right time for the Indonesian people to rise again and unite.It’s still inherent in the Indonesian memory. In the Dutch colonial period, the struggle of the Indonesian people for independence was carried out regionally. Each region in Indonesia struggled to free from the Dutch’s colonization. However, the independence might not be achieved due to the lack of unity in Indonesian people. The colonizer could easily crush the struggle of the Indonesian people at that time. Until finally, the youth organization, Boedi Oetomo was established on May 20, 1908 and then there was the Second Youth Congress on October 28, 1928 which resulted in the Youth Oath which voiced the determination of the Indonesian people to unite.The independence achieved by the Indonesian people 74 years ago began with the rise of a sense of unity among the youths and founders of the nation. Now, it is the right time for the Indonesian people to rise again from various problems that may trigger splitting. They remain united for the sake of progress and implementation of development in all fields.


Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK) located in Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara is prepared to become a world-class integrated tourism area. Under the management of the Indonesian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), Mandalika is expected to be able to present natural tourism objects combined with Lombok's distinctive cultural riches, plus world-class racing performance. Mandalika is also considered to be a new economic point outside Java.President Joko Widodo has paid a serious attention to the Mandalika. This was seen from his second visit to Mandalika on Friday (5/17). He was to see at first hand Mandalika Special Economic Zone of development project, especially the preparation of the MotoGP Circuit. While looking at the location, President Joko Widodo said that he believed that the development of the Mandalika could bring Lombok to become a leading tourism destination besides Bali. He hopes that the development will be completed no later than January 2020. So by 2020, all the facilities needed by the MotoGP will be available. President Joko Widodo is also optimistic that the construction of the racing circuit and all supporting facilities at the Mandalika will be completed in 2020. President Joko Widodo also emphasized that various facilities have been built to support the Mandalika Special Economic Zone and MotoGP circuits such as airports, road infrastructure and hotels. President Joko Widodo added that the implementation of MotoGP is the serious effort of the government to move the economy into Lombok, and could even influence national economic growth.Meanwhile, Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Zulkieflimansyah said that the acceleration of the development of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK) aims to host MotoGP in 2021. According to him, currently, the government is accelerating the construction of a number of facilities to support the International motorbike racing event. When accompanying President Joko Widodo to observe the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK) on Friday (17/5),  Governor Zulkieflimansyah emphasized that his side would make every effort to accelerate development in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone.He hopes that the construction of the MotoGP’s supporting facilities provides maximum benefits for the people of West Nusa Tenggara. In addition, he also expects that with the completion of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone, this would improve the economy of the people in NTB Province. Governor Zulkieflimansyah added that after the Moto GP event, more and more local and foreign tourists will get to know and visit NTB.


Leather puppet performance which was conducted at Indonesian embassy’s Hall in The Hague succeeded in hypnotizing around 150 audiences. The puppet with “Ciptaning” story was played by puppeteer Ki Joko Susilo from New Zealand, sinden Dòra Györfi from Budapest. They were accompanied by Widosari Amsterdam Gamelan, joining Indonesian and the Dutch people, led by Elsje Plantema.  Educational and Cultural attaché’ of the Indonesian embassy  in The Hague, Din Wahid in a press release to Antara London on Sunday (12/5) said that the puppet performance was conducted at Indonesian Cultural House in The Hague which is under the Indonesian embassy. The House actively conducts cultural event which is aimed to promote Indonesian culture in the Netherlands.

Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan and British Ambassador to Indonesia, Moazzam Malik planted spathodea tree at Museum of Proclamation Manuscript Formulation on Sunday (12/5) to commemorate the 70th Indonesian-British diplomatic relations. Ambassador Moazzam said that England is Indonesia’s trade partnership which has global vision. He added that England and Indonesian and British relations are very strong and both countries have been cooperating in various sectors such as education, business, trade, climate change, science, technology and anti-corruption.

Seven travel agents from the United States of America are touring to a number of tourism destinations in Banyuwangi regency for a week. The owners of the travel agents from  Midwest of the United States of America have come to a number of tourism destinations since Friday (10/5) such as Mt. Ijen, Gombengsari Nirvana Coffee, Sabha Swagata Blambangan Pavilion, Bangsring Underwater and they will go down to South Banyuwangi to see the panorama of Muncar fisherman port and National Park of Alas Purwo until Tuesday (14/5). Head of Delegation of the Midwest of the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), Jesse Guerre revealed that he is impressed on beautiful nature, delicious coffee and the most important thing is the hospitality of Banyuwangi’s people. Functional staff at the US Directorate I, Directorate General of America Europe, Foreign Affairs Ministry,  Raden Usman Effendi pointed out that the visit of the travel agents to Banyuwangi is part of the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry’s and Consulate General’s program in Chicago, the USA to increase tourist’s visit to Indonesia.


Mamuju has many beautiful tourism object spots, beginning from historical sites, amazing beach, mountain and waterfall. Tamasapi waterfall is a tourism destination which is located at Tamasapi hamlet, Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi. The waterfall is about 75 meters high, and its water is from Tamasapi River. The natural atmosphere at Tamansapi waterfall complex is still fresh. There are beautiful grass and big trees surrounding the waterfall. Now, this tourism object becomes one of choices of domestic tourists because the road access to the location is quite good and it makes the tourists easy to go there. This waterfall is quite heavy and the tourists can play water at surrounding the waterfall but they should be careful. To go to Tamasapi waterfall, from the downtown of Mamuju, you can ride motorcycle or go by car until Tamansapi hamlet. Then, you continue on foot around 1 kilometer for 30 minutes. Along the road to the waterfall, there are some durian trees. If you come to this hamlet when durian season, you can directly buy the durian from the farmers who often offer with cheap price. To enter this tourism object, you must pay entrance ticket Rp 5.000.