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After the United States unilaterally abandoned the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement last year, Iran was upset because it felt increasingly depressed over its nuclear issue. In fact, Iran wants to implement the agreement in the hope that sanctions against the country will be alleviated.
In the past few days, Iran has threatened to revive its nuclear program after the presence of US military equipment in the Gulf region. The United States argued that it was sending aircraft carriers and bomber aircraft due to a kind of indication and warning from Iran. The US is also determined to show a reaction in full force against any form of attack.However, the European Union seeks to reduce Iran's resentment. This group of European countries still considers JCPOA a solution to the problem of Iran's nuclear development. The European Union also rejected Tehran's threat. European leaders suggested that Iran continue its commitments according to the JCPOA and refrain from increasing tensions with the United States. The European Union is disappointed with sanctions imposed by the United States and continues to trade with Iran.A year ago, President Donald Trump ignored the JCPOA agreement and imposed sanctions on Iran. The United States asks all countries not to buy oil from Iran. The next sanction is a ban on iron, steel, aluminum and copper. This sanction has upset Tehran. Although the US imposed sanctions, the European Union is still opening trade relations with Iran.Iranian strong reaction is natural because the country is still carrying out its commitments in JCPOA. The European Union also still believes in Iran in implementing JCPOA. If Europe still believes in JCPOA, the United States should also open opportunities to return to the agreement and not pressure Iran on its nuclear issues. The United States is ambiguous in this matter. On the one hand, the United States put pressure on Iran. On the other hand, secretly allowing Israel, its main partner in the Middle East to develop its nuclear program.


The UN Security Council’s session which was led by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno LP Marsudi as President of the UN Security Council for May 2019, took place uniquely. The room of the UN Security Council in the meeting was enlivened by various kinds of batik motifs or weaving clothes which were worn by delegations from various countries. No exception, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres also worn troso weaving motif with light color. Batik was chosen as dress code of the UN Security Council’s session on May 7 to honor Indonesia which holds presidency of the UN Security Council for May 2019. Minister Retno Marsudi said that by wearing Batik in the UN Security Council’s session, it is hoped that Batik will be more popular. UNESCO has recognized Batik as the world's cultural heritage.  

Indonesian Vice President, M. Jusuf Kalla on Tuesday May 7 received official visit of Argentinian Vice President, Gabriella Michetti at Vice Presidential Palace in Jakarta. This was the first visit of the Argentinian Vice President to Indonesia since their diplomatic relation opened on June 30, 1956. In the meeting, the two vice presidents agreed to increase cooperation in the field of trade, investment and agriculture. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf  Kalla said that Argentina is the biggest trade partner of Indonesia in the South American region and Indonesia wants to increase trade with Argentina.

Indonesian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir received Norwegian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Y.M. Marianne Hagen in Jakarta (6/5/2019). The two deputy ministers focused in the priority fields of the two countries, namely environment, forestry, energy, maritime and fishery as well as Human Rights. Mohammad Fachir emphasized that the interaction of Indonesia and Norwegian business community needsto increase trade and investment value which is still under economic potential of the two countries. Fachir and Hagen also agreed that comprehensive economic cooperation agreement between Indonesia and countries of European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland), or well known with Indonesia European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, become important instrument to encourage economic relation and cooperation of the two countries. The two deputy ministers hope that the ratification process in each country can be solved as soon as possible.


Relaxing at seashore and enjoying sunset always becomes the right choices when you are in holiday. You can enjoy amazing sunset at Tanjung Setia beach in West Lampung. It takes about 8 hours from Radin Inten Dua airport, Bandar Lampung. Or it is located around 273 Kilometers or around 6-8 hours trip from Bandar Lampung city. Tanjung Setia is located along the Western Beach near the South Bukit Barisan National Park.The waves at Tanjung Setia beach is called one of the best waves by surfers throughout the world, and it is similar with famous surfing spot in the world, namely in Hawaii. Tanjung Setia beach is sharply at the big streaming line of Indian ocean. Unfortunately, the beach is not quite popular yet for Surfing competition like in Bali or Lombok. There are only some surfers who know the beach that is quite interesting for surfing. During surfing season on June – August, waves at Tanjung Setia beach can reach 6-7 meters high stretching for 200 meters to the shore makes it a good place for surfing. Some related parties do some efforts including by organizing competitions to promote the beautiful scenery of he beach to both local and international visitors. In early May 2019, the beach has become a place for international surfing competition. The competition attracted surfers from 23 countries. All participants said that waves at Tanjung Setia beach is very perfect for professional surfers. Tanjung Setia beach has white and soft sand which stretches along the beach. There many palm trees at Tanjung Setia seashore which makes it more beautiful. In addition, Tanjung Setia offshore also is also fit for fishing sport lovers to catch abundant fish. There is giant Blue Marlin fish which is known as Iwa Tuhuk by local people. Blue Marlin can have weight up to 50 - 70 kilograms with the length 170 cm.


Ramadan, that started last May 6, is the holy month for Muslims all over the world. They look forward to it when people would fast and try to do more good deeds. However, in Ramadan 1440 H, this year, Palestinian Muslims in Gaza are in mourning. The Israeli bomb attack launched since Monday night, not only disrupted the devotion of worship but claimed lives and caused damage and injuries. The atmosphere of welcoming Ramadhan in the Gaza Strip was filled with grief, wounds and tears. As a result of Israeli attacks at least 12 Palestinians died. The Israelis themselves denied that some of the victims who died were caused by their attacks. Chronologically the tension that broke out into war occurred on Friday, when Palestinians in Gaza rallied against the blockade by Israeli soldiers. In the incident it was reported, a Palestinian wounded two Israeli soldiers near the border wall. Israel then responded with an air strike that left two members of Hamas forces dead. Israel thenbegan bombarding Gaza.Reaction came from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan related to the destruction of the building which was the location of the Turkish news agency Anadolu. Erdogan, through his comments on Twitter, as reported by the AFP news agency stated that Turkey and the Anadolu news agency would continue to tell the world about Israeli atrocities in Gaza and other parts of Palestine.The question is then, what is the reaction of the international community over the turmoil and Israeli attack on the Palestinian territories in Gaza? Some countries see the crisis in Gaza as a problem between the Hamas militant group and the Israeli military. Because of that, a ceasefire, and guarantee that there will be no attack will depend on Hamas and the Israeli military. But the real issue of Palestine is not just Hamas and Israeli military affairs. Recognition of sovereign Palestine is the only solution. That is a commitment that must be realized and encouraged through various efforts and negotiations.The Palestinians, has longed to live peacefully without fear of the threat of Israeli soldiers , who often carry out blind attacks in the Gaza Strip. As happened before and in the early days of Ramadan this year. A sad irony, when Muslims all over the world welcomed Ramadan with joy, Palestinian Muslims in Gaza worshiped in danger and the shadows of Israel's deadly attacks.