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Scott Morisson from the Liberal Party will return to lead the Australian government after winning the Federal General Election held on Saturday 18 May 2019. Scott Morisson's victory was quite surprising especially for survey institutions that carried out polls and predicted victory for the Labor party. The results of the Australian Federal General Election showed Labor's convincing  defeat which resulted in the resignation of Bill Shorten as the supreme leader. The President of the United States welcomed and congratulated Scott Morisson on his victory. While China  showed a cold attitude. The Chinese state media in its news and editorial didn’t  show much interest in  Scott Morisson's victory. Scott Morisson's next task is to form a new government. He called it new, because in the cabinet led by Morrsion earlier, several figures in the government had resigned. Some of the key figures were Jullie Bishop, Christopher Pyne, Kelly O'Dywer, Michael Keenan and former minister Craig Laundy. In this perspective, Scott Morisson stated that a lot of work had to be done. In his victory speech while convincing Australians to unite after the election, Scott Morisson reiterated his commitment to return to work soon. The assertion to reunite the people of Australia was strengthened by his opponent in the General Election,  Bill Shorten. The Labor Party leader immediately congratulated Scot Morisson and hoped for a better Australia. The question is,  will Scott Morisson be able to carry out the mission to realize the hopes of the Australian people in making a better Australia? This certainly will be determined by how  solid his government is. Scoot Morisson must be very careful in choosing supporters of his government, especially considering that his  Liberal Party needs to form  a coalition with other parties. The previous fact shows several times, the rift in the government which led to the withdrawal of important figures in the government. For Indonesia, a good relationship with this  close neighbor will also be realized through Scott Morisson's foreign policy. Indonesia certainly hopes that good relations can continue to be maintained,  even further enhanced. As noted in the course of time,  Australia and Indonesia relations have often experienced a decline and even deteriorated.


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio, introducing some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development and Cultivation Agency at the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is  ‘Please come in’ or Silakan Masuk. 

Joko meets  Tony and Joko introduces his wife, Dinda to Tony. Tony invited Tony to drink coffee that has been served for him.


Silakan minum kopinya!


Terima kasih. Mmmm....enak.


Ya. Itu kopi luwak.


Kamu tidak minum?


Saya sedang puasa.


Oh, maaf.

After the conversation, now I’ll introduce some vocabularies and idioms related to the topic today. I’ll say each word slowly, and twice and you can follow after me.


(2X) which means


Silakan minum kopinya


Please enjoy the coffee




Itu kopi luwak


It is Luwak coffee.

Kamu tidak minum?


Why don’t you drink?

Saya sedang puasa


I am fasting.

Silakan masuk


Please, come in!

Silakan duduk


Please take a seat!

Saya hanya sebentar


I am just for a moment.

The word to invite others in Indonesian language is Silakan which means ‘please’.

For example:

Silakan minum kopinya     (please enjoy the coffee)

Silakan masuk                   (please, come in)

Silakan duduk                    (please take a seat)

When you are allowed to do something but you cannot do it, you have to refuse it politely.

For example :

Silakan masuk                     (please come in)

Maaf , di sini saja                 (I am just here.)

Saya hanya sebentar           (I am just for a moment.)

Silakan coba kuenya            (please enjoy the cake)

Maaf saya sedang puasa     (sorry, I am fasting.)


Some islands in Indonesia have been occupied by traditional people from various tribes. Therefore, now wonder if Indonesia has many kinds of alphabets, languages, traditional clothes and houses. Among those cultures, a traditional house is a leading benchmark which describes culture of a tribe. Besemah traditional house or also well-known Baghi house has been used since hundreds of years ago by ancestors of Besemah people, Pagaralam. The type of the Besemah house is divided into two: Tatahan and Ghilapan. Tatahan is parts of the house, especially wall which is carved. While Ghilapan is a plain walled. Both of them have similar size, namely 8 x 8 meters. The inside part of the house is only one wide room without bulkhead. But, some houses are in accordance with development era, and in the room of the house, there is partition. The section of the kitchen which is called ‘Pawun’ is built separately. The construction of Baghi house is very unique. Uniting parts of the house doesn’t use any nail. If there are parts which need to be tied up, rattan is used. Thus, its pole isn’t planted into land. Those poles stand on stone pedestal. In the old construction, stone was used for every pole with triangle position. Along the history in Pagaralam, which is close to Mt. Dempo, Baghi house is never collapsed even though the region is often hit by earthquakes.


British people who stay in Oxford enjoyed Javanese leather puppet and gamelan performance presented in “Night at the Museum” event at Pitt Rivers Museum on May 17. The visitors were presented with Javanese dance which was beautifully performance by Ni Made Pujawati, accompanied by Oxford Youth Gamelan led by Jasmine Godden. Dalang Ki Sujarwo started playing the leather puppet, accompanied by Oxford Gamelan Society led by Peter Smith. In different time, the visitors participated in Balinese dance workshop at one of rooms at the museum. Counselor of Information and Social Culture, Thomas Siregar said that the event was cooperation between Indonesian embassy and Pitt Rivers Museum to introduce Indonesian culture to citizens of England in Oxford.

Provincial government of Riau expressed its desire to establish cooperation in developing halal tourism with Malaysia. One of them is with the plan of Malaysia Airlines flight route from Kuala Lumpur to Pekanbaru. Riau wants the tourists’ visit its region to keep increasing. That was stated by Governor of Riau, Syamsuar at the meeting with some Consulate representatives of Malaysia in Pekanbaru over the weekend. Provincial government of Riau welcomed the plan of the opening of Kuala Lumpur - Pekanbaru flight route by Malaysia Airlines this year. Previously, Malaysian consulate expressed that now, the process of the opening of flight route among the countries has been on submission stage of permits at the Ministry of Transportation.

The governments of Indonesia and Chile have agreed to accelerate the implementation of Indonesia- Chile Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IC-CEPA) and also to expand the scope in the agreement. The trade agreement was reached at the meeting of Indonesian Trade Minister, Enggartiasto Lukita along with Deputy Minister of Chilean  Foreign Affairs Minister of Trade Field, Rodrigo Yanez Benitez on the sidelines of Trade Minister’s Meeting of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Chile on Saturday (18/5). Minister Enggar said that the expansion of IC-CEPA agreement is concerning with trade in services and investment between the two countries. The two sectors are viewed to make trade relations of the two countries become more comprehensive. As a follow-up of the agreement, Minister Enggar also said that Deputy Minister Rodrigo Yanez Benitez will visit Indonesia on June 10-11, 2019.