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Generally, puppet is performed in Javanese language. But in France, there is puppet performance in French language. The show was conducted at Cultural Hall of the Indonesian embassy, Paris, France on Saturday (27/4). The puppet performance in the story of Babad Wana Marta was carried out by Ki Dalang Christophe Moure. Moure is a former scholarship recipient of Darmasiswa. Educational and Cultural attaché of the  Indonesian embassy in Paris Warsito said that shadow puppet show in France is called theatre d'ombre (shadow theater). The show which is also known with the term of marionettes d'ombre is already familiar for French people.

Indonesian embassy in London, the United Kingdom cooperated with Indonesian Student Association of Oxford to conduct Indonesian art and cultural performance-MOSAIC at Oxford on April 27, 2019. The event was opened by Indonesian Ambassador to the UK concurrently Ireland and International Maritime Organization (IMO), Dr. Rizal Sukma and Lord Mayor of Oxford, Councellor Colin Cook. Degung Gamelan of Sekar Engal led by Simon Cook with Sindhen Sicilia who sang a song ‘Teupang Asih’ became opening presentation of the event. Performance of Angklung Ensemble of London group was led by Mrs. Hana A. Satriyo and the performance was enlivened with MOSAIC art and culture. In addition, there was also Indonesian martial art performance by Prof. Philip Davies and his partners from Federation of UK Pencak Silat and the visitors could enjoy Indonesian typical foods such as Rendang, satay, meatball, and many others.

Islamic Cooperation Organization conducted Tolerance and Cultural Festival of Islam in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates -UAE. On Thursday (25/4), Minister of Tolerance of UAE, Syekh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan officially opened the event which was conducted until Saturday (27/4). Officials of Indonesian Tourism Ministry and the Indonesian embassy in Abu Dhabi also participated in the event. They presented Indonesia art cultural performance, including archipelagic dances, Angklung, Sasando, Gambus, and carnival fashion.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republik of Indonesia, Retno LP Marsudi and the Customs Minister of the People's Republic of China, Ni Yue Feng signed the mangosteen trade protocol on Thursday (25/4). The signing was carried out on the sidelines of the International Cooperation Conference on nd2 Belt and Road Forum -BRF II. The signing of the mangosteen trade protocol was carried out after China has allowed Indonesia to re-export the fruit to China. Minister Retno Marsudi said that this collaboration is part of enhancing connectivity and investment. He explained that in essence, the protocol serves to remove obstacles to the export of these commodities. Since 2017, China has given permission, Indonesia again sends mangosteen to China with the largest population in the world, Minister Retno Marsudi also explained that besides mangosteen, Indonesia would also export dragon fruit to China.
Minister Retno Marsudi noted that China is the biggest trading partner for Indonesia, with the trade value of both parties reaching US$70 billion dollars or around Rp990 trillion in 2018. Last year's trade value increased 23 percent compared to 2017. However, she views that Indonesia's trade deficit with China is still quite large. Thus, both countries have agreed to reduce deficits and to make trade more balanced and mutually beneficial. On this occasion, Minister Retno also said that Indonesia has facilitated the export of fruits from China such as mandarin oranges. Furthermore, Minister Retno Marsudi hopes that Minister Ni Yue Feng would provide assistance in finalizing Salak import from Indonesia, including the reduction in pineapple fruit tariffs so that bilateral trade would be more beneficial for both sides.Meanwhile, Minister Ni Yue Feng welcomed the request delivered by Minister Retno Marsudi. Minister Ni Yue also enjoyed the signing of the import protocol for mangosteen and dragon fruit from Indonesia.One day before, Minister Retno LP Marsudi also held a bilateral meeting with her Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi discussing the issue of palm oil and various other issues. In terms of palm oil, Indonesia expects China to immediately realize its commitment to increase palm oil imports from Indonesia. So far, China has opened up its market to various Indonesian products, such as palm oil and fruits.


A number of community members, both from the leaders of higher education institutions and election monitoring groups, call for the two presidential and vice-presidential candidates who have just joined the election to conduct reconciliation. Without having to wait for the results of the vote count and the determination of the president to be elected by the General Election Commission -KPU, the two pairs of candidates for president and vice president between Joko Widodo-Maru’f Amin -01 and Prabowo-Sandi Uno -02 are expected to meet and show their wisdom and statesmanship.This call is certainly not without reason. After a long and tiring process from the campaign period until voting day on April 17 and continued with ballot  counting, the "heating" atmosphere is still felt between the camp 01 and the camp 02. On one hand, the camp 01 claimed to be the winner based on 'Quick Count'. On the hand, the camp 02 claimed to be the winner based on the results of its internal calculation survey. The ballot counting process which is being manually carried out by KPU is still below 50% of the total number of the ballots. The official announcement will be announced no later than 22 May.Waiting for the result of manual counting by KPU, Indonesian people have faced differences and conflicts. Thus, the Indonesian elites need to signal that there is no problems among them. It is hoped that political party leaders and political elites will hold open dialogues and meetings and convey to the community, especially their supporters that in fact, the two camps have no problems.Reconciliation will certainly be a symbol of "reconciliation" by the two competing camps. They must refrain from issuing statements that can trigger supporters of mutual suspicion and mock. Reconciliation is expected to dilute the heating atmosphere.Therefore, the Indonesian people, especially the two camps either the two presidential candidates or their supporters must patiently wait for the result of the manual counting to be officially announced by KPU on May 22nd.  Besides, the General Election Commission -KPU as the organizer of the general elections and the Election Supervisory Body –Bawaslu must always be transparent, honest and fair in carrying out their duties and functions responsibly to avoid suspicion.


The party of democracy abroad took place earlier than in Indonesia. The voting at the polling station took place on April 13, 2019. The voting activities of the 2019 General Election in Houston, the United States were enlivened with a dangdut music event held by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Houston. This was done to enliven the atmosphere of the election and treating the longing for the homeland. The Indonesian Consulate General in Houston opened the entertainment stage with various dances and dangdut karaoke performances by the visitors. This year's election really became a venue for people's party. The Indonesian Consulate General in Houston also held the Indonesia Spring Market 2019 bazaar filled with more than 40 booths. Various Indonesian souvenirs, cloth, and snacks were offered at the bazaar that was attended by visitors from both the Indonesian community and the local community in Houston. Not only in the US, the excitement and nuance of Indonesian tradition can be seen in the elections in Budapest. The Overseas Election Committee –PPLN and the Foreign Voters Organizing Group wore National clothes to explore the meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, unity in diversity. With the traditional Betawi clothes, Dayak and Bali, the people enlivened the democratic process at the Indonesian Embassy in Hungary. To treat people’s longing to Indonesian culinary, people can enjoy bakso or meatballs and nasi uduk which were provided the Committee. In addition, the Election party was enlivened by the SMA 5 Surabaya Choir, which is now competing in Budapest. They sang many Indonesian regional songs such as Bungong Jeumpa and the song of Kecak dance. In Peru, the Indonesian Embassy in Lima has looked lively since early morning. The atmosphere there also looks different. In the courtyard of the Embassy building was built tents with red and white atmosphere and batik cloth decorated tables. There was also prepared bakso (meatball) and es buah (fruit ice) menu in the backyard of the Embassy. The residents can dance together, treating their homesickness. There were also Indonesian folk songs performance accompanied by Romo Vincent's guitar from Flores Island. The music performance also presented Alusio's song, Ge Mu Fa Mi RE, Poco-poco, Sajojo, Flobamora, as well as heroic songs like Halo-halo Bandung. There are still many excitement and uniqueness stories of the election party abroad. Far distance from the homeland, is not dampen their love and concern for Indonesia's progress and development.