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The situation in Venezuela is heating up. The political crisis that has occurred after the General Election is tenser and the election was won by incumbent Nicolas Maduro. Opposition leader, Juan Guaido has called for his supporters to stage a demonstration on the streets every day in a bid to oust Maduro from the presidency. The tension in the Latin American country is further worsened by increasing tension in the military camp which is now splitting. The split is triggered by Guaido's claim that he has received military support. The claim is countered by Maduro because Venezuelan military officials still support Maduro. Juan Guaido had failed to carry out a military coup. One day after the failure of the coup, Guaido again mobilized thousands of supporters to stage a rally.
The Venezuelan crisis triggered by a dispute between President, Nocolas Maduro and opposition leader, Juan Guaido is no longer a domestic affair. The two rival figures felt that they have received overseas support. Nicolas Maduro receives support from Russia, and Guaido from the United States. As widely reported, US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov have accused each other of the causes of the crisis in Venezuela. The United States said that Russia is the cause of the crisis, and vice versa. Latin American countries, especially Mexico are trying to be neutral, and they push to hold a conference to find a solution.From the current situation, it is still not predictable when the crisis in Venezuela will come to an end. This crisis has occurred since January 10, 2019 due to a dispute over the presidential election results. Finally, this has caused the country's political and economic conditions to worsen. Thousands of Venezuelans have left their countries to flee to neighboring countries to avoid conflicts that have not yet been resolved.Whether the flame in Venezuela to be soon extinguished or even it further burns the country will depend on President Maduro and opposition leader, Juan Guaido to solve it or win the battle of power by finding the country in ruins, or finding solutions to the happiness of their people.


April 30, 2019 is a historic day for the Japanese because since the modern era, this is the first time a Japanese Emperor has abdicated. Usually, succession occurs because the Emperor is dead. It also became the end of the Heisei era and entered the new era of Reiwa. This new era was also special because this period marked original Japanese taken from 8th century poetry. Before this, 247 periods used nuances of culture outside of Japan. Japan inherited by crown prince Naruhito is indeed no longer the same as Japan inherited by Emperor Akihito. Japan in the Heisei period was in a condition called economic miracle, even magical. Rising from destruction after World War II and transforming into an economic power. However, there was  price to be  paid, the Japanese military role was reduced to become self defence  forces. Such was  the development of Japan that it  became the number 2 economy in the world after the United States. But the era was followed by the eruption of the growth bubble into a dragged economy. This period has until now been called a lost decade. But even though there was a succession, the Emperor who would assume his position faced quite a challenge. The Japanese economy has lagged behind the People's Republic of China whiiich is now  the number 2 economy. The nuclear threat from North Korea is also a scourge for Japan. Domestically, there is a desire from the government to make the Japanese military play a leading role. It is important because the neighboring  Chinese military is growing rapidly. The emperor meanwhile, does not have administrative political power but is still respected by his people. Indonesia welcomed this succession with the presence of a special Presidential envoy for Japan. The hope of this succession is in accordance with the Reiwa era, namely balanced internal and external harmony. Goodbye Heisei era, Welcome Reiwa era.



Tourism industry is developing in Indonesia nowadays. Every province in Indonesia begins to show its own tourism potential. Natural or artificial tourism objects become the main destination to attract both domestic and foreign tourists to make a visit. Uniqueness becomes one of the main terms of tourism objects. One of the unique tourism destinations, which can be visited by the tourists in Malang, East Java is colorful village. If the tourists arrive at this village, comfort and curiosity immediately can be felt immediately. A group of women welcome them at front of the village’s gate while giving entrance tickets and souvenirs produced by local people. Various kinds of bright colors make the tourists’ eyes fresh when exploring the village. Comfort, beauty and freshness are the first impression which comes to one’s mind. The village which previously was not attractive because it was slum, changes to be a beautiful place which is appropriate to be visited. According to the local people, initiative to color and to clean the village was from students who were conducting real work college practice. Besides being beautiful, every corner of the village becomes beautiful spot to take picture. This beautiful spot makes the local people to start promoting their village through social media. Bright colors are chosen to be beautiful background to take picture. In a short time, various photographs with colorful village as the background become viral on social media and attract both foreign and domestic tourists to visit the village. The local people keep going to make their village more beautiful and they develop  glass bridge to connect the two villages which are separated with a river. So, set your time to come to the colorful village in Malang, East Java.


Malam Badendang which means in English ‘Singing at night’ appropriate with its meaning namely “Malam Bergoyang” meaning “Dancing at night” is a tradition from generation to generation of Maluku people. The tradition is enlivened by singing and dancing along with family and relatives. Usually, the tradition starts after 12 pm and lasts overnight. It also becomes media to family’s gathering and creates intimacy in their life. Maluku people mention that Malam Badendang tradition is diverse, because almost tribes in Maluku perform it. The tradition is usually performed in religious holidays, either Islam or Christ. However, Malam Badendang tradition is not identic with religious ritual tradition. The tradition is usually carried out by young people to create family nuance in certain moments such as Christmas, Idul Fitri, and sacrificial feast, including enlivening wedding ceremony or family’s gathering. The songs, which are sung in Malam Badendang tradition, are songs of passion and energy. Besides singing, the family’s members also dance regional dances such as Katerji and Orlapei. During the event, the participants of the tradition are also served with Maluku typical foods. Malam Badendang becomes long night feast for Maluku’s families, which is full of happiness and togetherness.