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Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan - 

The number of daily COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is expected to remain between three thousand and seven thousand in the coming days, according to Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

The enforcement of people's movement restrictions (PPKM) by the government has managed to lower the COVID-19 composite index by more than 20 percent in Java-Bali, Pandjaitan, who is also the PPKM coordinator, informed in a press release issued here on Friday.

The number of daily cases on Thursday showed an 88.1-percent decline compared to July 15, 2021, he said.

According to the minister, the virus that causes COVID-19 is expected to linger and become endemic, as medicines or vaccines with 100-percent efficacy against COVID-19 are not available so far.

Hence, for handling the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia will continue to accelerate the vaccination program, enforce health protocols involving the 3Ms (wearing face masks, keeping safe distance, and washing hands with soap), conduct the 3Ts (testing, tracing, and treatment), and establish centralized isolation centers, he said.

The government has also developed a COVID-19 tracing application called PeduliLindung (CareProtect) for screening, tracing, and health protocol implementation, he noted.

"Indonesia ranks sixth in the world on the number of people who have been vaccinated and total injections. The daily vaccination rate is targeted at more than 2 million per day and vaccination coverage for agglomeration areas and big cities is targeted to reach 70 percent this September (2021). We do not have a shortage of vaccines," he said.

He then lauded the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian Police (Polri) for their assistance in COVID-19 handling, particularly in enforcing the 3M and 3T implementation, which is crucial to break the chain of virus transmission.

Pandjaitan said he is optimistic that the success of the pandemic handling would help boost economic recovery.

"Indonesia's competitiveness, including in terms of investment, depends on our success in controlling the pandemic. The sooner we succeed in controlling the pandemic, the better the country's investment competitiveness and attractiveness will be," he added//ANT


Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga. ANTARA/HO- Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry - 


Women's empowerment and gender equality are the government's priorities in efforts towards national development, Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, has emphasized.

"Women are part of the five priority issues directed by President Joko Widodo, namely increasing women's empowerment in entrepreneurship, increasing the role of mothers in children's education, reducing violence against women and children, reducing child labor, and preventing child marriage," she said in a press statement here on Friday.

She made the statement at the Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of Constructive Dialogue with the CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) Committee, held by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in collaboration with the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta.

Indonesia is committed to protecting women's rights, especially to eliminating all forms of discrimination against women, as stated in the Constitution and various laws, Puspayoga said.

Gender mainstreaming strategies have been integrated into short, medium, and long-term national development plans, she pointed out.

Indonesia has also included women as one of the priority groups in the National Action Plan for Human Rights 2021-2025, she added.

Puspayoga expressed gratitude for the involvement of all stakeholders, especially representatives from the National Human Rights Institute (NHRI) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO).

Amid the challenges of the global pandemic, the government is committed to fulfilling and providing protections for women's and girls' rights, she stressed.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government continues to provide and encourage efforts to fulfill and protect the rights of women and girls. The government continues to guarantee efforts to prevent, control, assist, and provide access to services for women and children through various policies that favor vulnerable groups," she said//ANT


Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin - 


Vice President Ma'ruf Amin echoed the government's continued support for provision of the workers' social security for the entire workforce, especially the vulnerable segment.

"The government has issued policies and regulations, such as Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2021 and Home Affairs Ministry's Regulation No. 27 of 2021 as a commitment to optimizing the workers' social security protection program," Amin noted in a written statement received in Jakarta on Friday.

Amin stated that Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2021 on optimizing the Employment Social Security Program and Home Affairs Ministry's Regulation No. 27 of 2021 on guidelines for the preparation of the 2022 Regional Budget that regulates budgeting were tangible manifestations of the government's commitment to supporting the provision of workers' social security as a whole.

The Home Affairs Ministry's regulation stipulates the protection of workers' social security through the 2022 regional budget (APBD) for non-state civil apparatuses, election administrators, vulnerable workers, and employees of regional-owned enterprises.

Earlier on Thursday (Sept 9) the vice president submitted the Paritrana Award 2020 online. The fourth Paritrana Awards are an annual event of the Government, through the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture and BPJS Employment (BPJAMSOSTEK), supported by the Manpower Ministry and the Home Affairs Ministry.

The Paritrana Award is bestowed as a mark of appreciation to stakeholders for their support and compliance in supporting the provision of workers' social security for employees in the year gone by.

Candidates for the Paritrana Award are divided into categories of provincial, district, and city governments and companies or business entities ranging from large, medium, to small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Director of BPJAMSOSTEK Anggoro Eko Cahyo stated that 34 provinces, 124 districts and cities, 143 large-scale business entities, 157 medium-scale and 34 SMEs representing each province, had contended for the Paritrana Award 2020.

"All candidates are selected in layers until they are narrowed down during the interview session and winning candidates are chosen from seven provinces, eight districts and cities, nine large-scale enterprises and nine medium-scale enterprises," Cahyo remarked.

Cahyo also lauded the government's support through regulations as a reference for expanding the coverage of the workers' social security protection//ANT


Radio republik Indonesia 76th Anniverssary “Tough! Grow Healthy and Strong, Voiced Indonesia” - 


Marking the growth of radio in Indonesia, Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) celebrate it’s anniverssary on September 11th every year. In 2021 Radio Republik Indonesia has reach 76th years and still providing information for the people in Indonesia and the world.

Through 97 radio station all over Indonesia and 32 production station to reach remote areas in Indonesia, Radio republik Indonesia expand and move forward to reach it’s listener with other media platform such as digital television and streaming broadcast.

Raising the theme this year “Tough! Grow Healthy and Strong, Voiced Indonesia”, Radio Republik Indonesia is committed to continue inspire and build people’s optimism during covid-19 pandemic.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo hope on his remark to congratulated RRI’s that Radio republik Indonesia continue to voiced kindness, promote cultural wisdom and become a news reference for all circles of society.

Happy 76th anniverssary Radio Republik Indonesia, once on the air always on the air!//VOI-NK