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Members of National Resistance Front observe by a house near Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan in this still image obtained handout. NATIONAL RESISTANCE FRONT OF AFGHANISTAN HANDOUT/Handout via REUTERS - 


Taliban and opposition forces battled on Saturday (Sep 4) to control the Panjshir Valley north of Kabul, the last Afghan province holding out against the militant group, as the top US general warned of a "civil war" if the Islamists failed to consolidate power.

Both sides claimed to have the upper hand in Panjshir but neither could produce conclusive evidence to prove it. The Taliban, which swept through the country ahead of the final withdrawal of US-led forces this week, were unable to control the valley when they ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.

Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi said the districts of Khinj and Unabah had been taken, giving Taliban forces control of four of the province's seven districts.

"The Mujahideen (Taliban fighters) are advancing toward the centre (of the province)," he said on Twitter.

But the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, grouping forces loyal to local leader Ahmad Massoud, said it surrounded "thousands of terrorists" in Khawak pass and the Taliban had abandoned vehicles and equipment in the Dashte Rewak area.

Front spokesman Fahim Dashti added "heavy clashes" were going on.

In a Facebook post, Massoud insisted Panjshir "continues to stand strongly". Praising "our honourable sisters", he said demonstrations by women in the western city of Herat calling for their rights showed Afghans had not given up demands for justice and "they fear no threats".

US General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, underscored the tenuous situation.

"My military estimate is, is that the conditions are likely to develop of a civil war. I don't know if the Taliban is going to be able to consolidate power and establish governance," Milley said.

Speaking to Fox News from Ramstein Air Base in Germany, Milley said if they cannot that will "in turn lead to a reconstitution of Al Qaeda or a growth of ISIS or other myriad of terrorist groups" over the next three years.

Emergency, an Italian medical aid organisation, said Taliban forces had pushed further into the Panjshir Valley on Friday night, reaching the village of Anabah where the group has medical facilities.

"We have received a small number of wounded people at the Anabah Surgical Centre," Emergency said in a statement, adding that many people fled in recent days.

It was not immediately possible to get further independent confirmation of events in Panjshir, which is walled off by mountains except for a narrow entrance.


Celebratory gunfire resounded in Kabul on Friday as reports spread of the Taliban's takeover of Panjshir. News agencies said at least 17 people were killed and 41 hurt.


Pakistan's spy chief Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed flew into Kabul on Saturday. It was not clear what his agenda was, but a senior official in Pakistan said earlier in the week that Hameed, who heads the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, could help the Taliban reorganise the Afghan military.


Washington has accused Pakistan and the ISI of backing the Taliban in the group's two-decade fight against the US-backed government in Kabul, although Islamabad has denied the charges.


In Kabul, Taliban fighters broke up a demonstration by about a dozen women urging the group to respect women's rights to education and jobs, according to private broadcaster Tolo news.

A Taliban source said the announcement of a new government would be pushed back to next week.

Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, reported by some Taliban sources to be in line to lead the new government, said in remarks on Qatar's Al Jazeera channel that the new administration will include all factions of Afghans.

"We are doing our utmost efforts to improve their living conditions. The government will provide security, because it is necessary for economic development," he said.

Some signs of normality returned to Kabul.

Qatar's ambassador to Afghanistan said a technical team was able to reopen Kabul airport to receive aid, according to Al Jazeera, which also cited its correspondent as saying domestic flights had restarted.

The airport has been closed since the United States on Aug 30 completed US-led evacuations of more than 120,000 US citizens, other foreigners and Afghans deemed at risk from the Taliban, and withdrew the last of its troops.

The Taliban's main spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, also said one of the main foreign exchange dealers in Kabul had reopened.

Afghanistan's economy has been thrown into disarray by the Taliban's takeover. Many banks are closed and cash is scarce.

The United Nations said it will convene an international aid conference on Sep 13 to help avert what UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called a looming humanitarian catastrophe.

Western powers say they are prepared to engage with the Taliban and send humanitarian aid, but that formal recognition of the government and broader economic assistance will depend on action - not just promises - to safeguard human rights//CNA



Speaker of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti.   (ANTARA/HO/FR) - 


Speaker of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, has asserted the importance of village development for realizing equitable development, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As the regional representative, DPD is committed to supporting various programs related to the development and the empowerment of villages," LaNyala  said while attending the MoU signing and the unveiling of the Golden Village Program in MS Town Beach, Pesawaran district, Lampung on Saturday..

This is in order to make village residents prosper, especially amid COVID-19, when unity is needed, starting from the village as Indonesia's most fundamental and smallest government unit, he added.

He opined that the birth of the Law No. 6 of 2014 regarding villages has provided a new perspective and concept of village development.

The village is no longer an object whose life is dependent on stimulus from the central government, rather, it is now the subject of development, he explained.

"Our villages are now government units that could move the people's socio-economic lives. This role is known as develop village and village develop," LaNyala  elaborated.

He added that Indonesia has a vast territory and large population, much like China.

However, China is better than Indonesia in every sector, which is why Indonesia has to learn from that country, he remarked.

"Indonesia needs new strategies and approaches in order to make the people prosper much like what China has done," he asserted.

LaNyala pointed out that one strategy that could be used is massive job generation by developing villages through farming.

"Because the farming sector does not need a high skill requirement for its human resources," he added//ANT


The Ministry of Transportation's director general of land transportation, Budi Setiyadi, speaks at a webinar organized by the ministry in Jakarta on Thursday (September 2, 2021). (ANTARA/Livia Kristianti/KT) - 

The Transportation Ministry, through the Directorate General of Land Transportation, will support the National Police's move to impose odd-even policies in Puncak, Bogor district, West Java on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.

"We support the enactment to handle traffic congestion at Puncak because there is often a spike in traffic flow due to the large number of people who travel for vacation during weekends and national holidays," director general of land transportation, Budi Setiyadi, remarked here on Saturday.

The odd-even license plate policy will apply to all four- and two-wheeled vehicles that will use the road to Puncak, Setiyadi said.

"The Ministry of Transportation is ready to help the head of Police Traffic Corps to apply and socialize this policy to the public, including the issuance of regulations that comes from the ministry," he explained.

"As per results of the previous meeting, this odd-even policy came into effect on Friday, September 3, 2021. I advise the public and officers to anticipate when traveling so that there is no congestion," he said.

Currently, the public activity restrictions (PPKM) still apply so vaccine requirements would be checked, he added.

According to a presentation delivered by Bogor police, the odd-even policy will not apply to a number of vehicles such as fire department trucks, ambulances, hearse, vehicles containing health workers, Indonesian Defense Forces/National Police service vehicles, public transport, online-based taxis/motors, logistics transportation, and vehicles for specific purposes/emergencies with the discretion of police officers.

"The Directorate General of Land Transportation will actively coordinate with the Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) Transportation Management Agency and Police Traffic Corps," Setiyadi affirmed.

"We support this endeavor because, as we have witnessed, some actions are necessary to minimize community mobility with the output of decreasing COVID-19 transmission in Bogor district," he added//ANT


Indonesian para-badminton pair Leani Ratri Oktila (left) and Hary Susanto (right) express joy after winning over Thai pair Siripong Teamarrom / Nipada Saensupa in the finals of the SL3-SU5 mixed doubles of the Asian Para Games 2018 at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday, October 13, 2018. Susanto/Oktila won gold after scoring 21-7 and 21-10. (ANTARA PHOTO/Akbar Nugroho Gumay/aww/KT) - 


Indonesia's para-badminton national team boosted victory prospects to win gold at the Tokyo Paralympics after its fourth contenders, Hary Susanto-Leani Ratri Oktila, cleared the final round in the SL3-SU5 mixed doubles on Saturday.

The Susanto-Oktila pair won the semi-finals against Indians -- Pramod Bhagat and Palak Kohli -- with a score of 21-3, 21-15, according to the Tokyo Paralympic official records.

The pair, ranked first at the world level, played the game with elan. Oktila played in the front zone, with high tempo, to not leave any room for the opponents to move.

In the opening game, Bhagat-Kohli only scored three points until the end of the game.

However, stiff competition was apparent in the second game when Bhagat-Kohli strategized to counter.

Susanto-Oktila played slower at the start of the second game, giving the mixed doubles pair leeway to turn things around.

The moments of seizing points were intense. Susanto-Oktila, who scored 4-3, trailed behind Bhagat-Kohli, at 8-11, during the first interval.

Susanto-Oktila, who realized their follies, altered their strategy by focusing on attack and defence.

Oktila was more agile in front of the net to attack, while Susanto played at the back to handle a high lob. Both players stayed focused on maintaining their positions until the end of the game.

Their strategy finally yielded positive results for Indonesia. It did not take long for the pair to get back in control and led at 17-15.

According to records, Bhagat-Kohli committed two blow errors in a row before the game was declared done after 20 minutes.

In the top notch zone, Susanto-Oktila will compete with French para-athletes: Lucas Mazur- Faustine Noel. In the bronze medal match, Bhagat-Kohli will play against Japanese pair Fujihara Daisuke-Sugino Akiko.

The final round and bronze medal match will be held on Sunday, September 5, 2021//ANT