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Welcome to the Rhythm of the Indonesian Archipelago, a weekly segment introducing you to Indonesian traditional music and musical instrument from across Indonesia. This week, we’ll invite you to know more about a traditional instrument from Indonesia. Talking about traditional music in Indonesia will never end. In West Java, there is new innovation of traditional instrument. The province, which is rich of bamboo trees, makes West Java people never stop to create innovation. At Citengah village, in Sumedang, people make instrument from bamboo, namely Songah or Songsong Citengah. Bapak Ulis, who is a creator of Songah instrument, explained why this instrument is called Songah. 

“…Songah is Songsong meaning blowing bamboo because I am from Citengah, so its name is Songsong Citengah.” Pak Ulis said 

Early February 2012, at Citengah village, South Sumedang sub-district, a tradition called “Hajat Lembur” was held and art performance was also held at the event. The event was opened uniquely by blowing “Hatong” massively. Hatong is wind instrument made from bamboo which produces sound like bird’s sound. After the event dismissing, young people used pieces of bamboo to be blown and combined with other bamboo instruments. The idea was inspired from the habitat of  Citengah villagers who still use bamboo’s Songsong as tool to blow fire and to begins dim when cooking at the kitchen by using stove or Hawu.

“…Previously, I only had Hatong but my friend tried to blow Tamiang like bamboo’s big flute. Then, we tried to combine Hatong with Tamiang. In fact, we found tone in harmony and melodious combination.” Pak Ulis added. 

The sound of the instrument is heard weird but soft and able to bring anybody who hears it to imagine as if she/he is at shady forest with fresh air. That’s why, Songah is also called forest music. 

What does Songah instrument consist of? Here is the explanation of Bpk. Ulis.

“...It  names Hatong Buyut, Hatong sakur, Kokoprak or Karinding, and then Songsong Nengah, Songsong Nengeun and Anom flute. All of them are Songah music.” Pak Ulis Explain. 


Citengah villagers who still preserve mutual cooperation, make them be able to pass limited creativity and use anything at surrounding areas. Well, that was a glimpse of traditional instrument from West Java featuring Songah instrument.





This is RRI World Service -VOI with the daily program ‘My Indonesia. The topic of today’s My Indonesia is “The existence of Pancasila's Ideology must be maintained”.


Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung and several Ministers held a meeting to discuss the change of the Presidential Working Unit of Pancasila’s Ideology -UKP-PIP to become the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency at the State Secretariat in Jakarta last Wednesday (10/01). As quoted by, The ministers who attended the meeting were Minister of State Secretary -Pratikno, Minister of Home Affairs -Tjahjo Kumolo, Minister of Law and Human Rights -Yasonna Laoly, Minister of Administrative Reform of Bureaucracy -Asman Abnur, and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani.


In the meeting, Cabinet Secretary Pramono explained the finalization of the UKP-PIP. He also remarked that the discussion about promotion of UKP-PIP to become the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency has been done since last month. One of the reasons was to facilitate coordination with various ministries. Pramono added that the change brings about different organizational structure.


The Pancasila Ideology Development Agency will consist of Steering Committee, Chief, three Deputies and Deputy Head and Executive Secretary. The Steering Committee is chaired by Megawati Soekarnoputri, which consists of Try Sutrisno, Ahmad Syafii Ma'arif, Said Aqil Siroj, Ma'ruf Amin, Mahfud MD, Sudhamek, Andreas Anangguru Yewangoe, and Vishnu Bawa Tenaya. In addition, the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency also remains seated by Yudi Latif.


Pramono said that the existence of this body is very important. He views that the ideology of Pancasila becomes very urgent for the nation's interest in the long term.


The Presidential Work Unit of Pancasila Ideology Development was initially established by President Joko Widodo to combat activities that contradict with Pancasila values. Through the existence of the UKP-PIP, Pancasila ideology in Indonesian society was more powerful, both through education and social activities.


Related to the importance of maintaining the ideology of Pancasila, Minister of Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu in the Press Conference Meeting of the Ministry of Defense Leadership in Jakarta last Thursday (11/01) to Media said that Pancasila must be maintained. He views that Pancasila values ​​are able to unite the entire nation of Indonesia. He also pointed out that the Indonesian military -TNI has become an established and solid organization in safeguarding the Ideology of Pancasila.


“…Because Pancasila is our only unifying tool, the unifying tool of the nation. It is all true, but the most solid organization that carries out the unity of this nation is Indonesia military –TNI. Why? Because TNI exists everywhere from one place to another one. So, TNI is solid first and then, we call for this nation to unite. How we call for people to be united, if we are not united.” 


The third point of Pancasila says that Indonesian unity is that Indonesian nation is expected to be able to maintain unity, interest and safety of the nation and state as a common interest above the personal and group interests, to develop a sense of love to the homeland and nation and to develop a sense of the national pride and the land of Indonesia.


The implementation of the 18th Asian Games is few months ahead. The Asian Games will be held from August 18 to September 2, 2018. Various preparations continue to be done by the government of Indonesia, whether by the central government, as well as the two regional governments to host the implementation, Jakarta and Palembang.


The preparation of all infrastructures and facilities has at least satisfied the Asian Olympic Council. This was expressed by the Chief Organizer of the 2018 Asian Games 2018 –INASGOC, Erick Thohir after attending the 8th Committee Coordination Meeting in Jakarta on last Sunday (14/1). The Asian Olympic Council has seen significant progress made by INASGOC, the central government and the government of South Sumatra.


The success of Indonesia as the host for the second time is certainly expected. In 1962, Indonesia had successfully hosted the 4th Asian Games and grabbed second place in the achievement of medals after Japan. This could at least be an inspiration to achieve success in this event. In addition, because this activity is international scale, the eyes of the world at least Asia, will be on Indonesia. It is no exaggeration for Indonesia to expect a positive impact from the 18th Asian Games in various fields, including social, political and economic spheres.


The spirit to make the 2018 Asian Games successful must be echoed by not only Indonesian government, event organizers and athletes, but also all stakeholders, especially Jakarta and Palembang. The spirit of promoting the activities that will be themed "The Energy of Asia" should continue to be intensified.


Some ornaments of the 2018 Asian Games have been already installed in Jakarta and Palembang. Office Buildings of the government and recreation areas have been colored by the distinctive ornaments and attributes of the Asian Games. The spirit of hosting the Asian Games has also been felt, not only in the Gelora Bung Karno sports complex, but in other places of the sport implementation.


The involvement of all stakeholders to resound the implementation of the 2018 Asian Games should continue to be strengthened. The utilization of all promotional media, including social media, should be further improved. So, the 2018 Asian Games fever can be widespread in Indonesia in particular and Asia in general.


Welcome to the regular program -Miscellany over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta. In today’s edition, we’ll invite you to know about ‘Waste Mushroom Compost’. Jamur Merang or Straw Mushroom is one of the food mushroom species which is widely grown in East Asia and Southeast Asia with tropical or sub-tropical climate. The mushroom has a delicious taste, so it is used for various dishes, especially in Indonesia, such as Pepes Jamur or mushroom steamed with banana leaves, soup and Capcay. Mushroom has quite high protein; in 100 grams of fresh mushroom, it contains about 3.2 grams of protein. It will increase to 16 grams in dried mushroom. In addition, the mushroom also has 51 mg of calcium, 223 mg phosphorus, and 105 calories, with low fat content of 0.9 grams. One of the media to grow the mushroom is the straw of rice remaining of the harvest. Agricultural land in Pantura, Indramayu regency, West Java is suitable to develop various types of lowland vegetables. In addition to fertile soil, the organic fertilizer is also abundant since the region can produce its own fertilizer. In the hands of the local farmers, waste mushroom is used as organic fertilizer for plants. Straw waste mushroom is processed into mushroom compost. The mushroom compost is made from agricultural materials, such as hay, straw, and poultry litter. After the mushroom is harvested, the mushroom compost is steam-treated prior to removal to eliminate any pest, pathogens and weed seeds resulting in a fertilizer product. The mushroom compost has high water and nutrient holding capacity. As a fertilizer and soil addition for farming, the mushroom compost supports plant growth in a variety of plant applications. The price of the mushroom compost is quite affordable for farmers, and it is certainly environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is very helpful to local farmers to meet the need for fertilizer. By using mushroom compost, the farmers' harvests become more qualified with satisfactory quantity. That was the regular program -Miscellany for today with the topic Waste Mushroom Compost.