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Published in Music

Image result for alat musik calong


Welcome to the Rhythm of the Indonesian Archipelago, a weekly segment introducing you to Indonesian traditional music and musical instrument from across Indonesia. This week, we’ll invite you to know more about a traditional instrument from Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi.

To know the sound of instrument is not easy, especially the sound that is produced from traditional music. There is not exact number yet about how many traditional instruments in Indonesia are. In today’s edition, we will invite you to Polewali Mandar. Polewali Mandar regency is one of regions in West Sulawesi. Before Polewali Mandar, the region was called Polewali Mamasa which was administratively in South Sulawesi province.  After the region was expanded with the establishment of Mamasa as regency, the name of Polewali Mamasa is changed to be Polewali Mandar.

Various kinds of traditional arts, which are grown and developed by the people of Polewali Mandar, are an intuition of community for self entertainment. One of instruments, which is very unique from the region, is Calong.

This instrument, which is made from coconut and bamboo, began to be introduced in 2007 through Calong musical performance. Usually, the instrument is played solo. But by and by in its progress, the instrument has developed and can be played massively. You have just listened to Calong rhythm from Polewali Mandar. To make Calong is not easy and it needs long process. Firstly, the craftsman should find suitable coconut. The selected coconut is not too young and old. The coconut is also not too wet and dried. Because, such coconut is easy to lose its peel.  The second material is dried bamboo. The bamboo is usually used as buoy of Sandeq boat. The bamboo must be dried for 6 months. So, the sound, which is produced, is good. Then, there is wood as support in order Calong can stand well. To unite all pieces of bamboos and coconut, the craftsman uses stove wick and wire. Within one day, the craftsman only produces 3 until 5units of Calong.

Calong only produces tone: do, re, mi and si. The instrument is communication toll for farmers to give information by beating Calong at night. Calong craftsman or familiarly called ‘Papa Isang’ explained about Calong.

“…Calong is able to produce sound which can be heard until 3 – 5 kilometers away at night. In the past, Calong was played on leg; finally it finds one container, namely coconut. And this container can survive until now.” He said

Calong traditional instrument has sound like marimba but there is difference from tone. Calong produces very strong and high pitch. Calong tone is pentatonic or there are only 4 tones and arranged traditionally like on piano. At present, craftsmen create Calong with complete tones or called ‘Diatonic’ because it has enough tones to collaborate with modern instruments and more active in arrangement, because it has many similar tones like guitar.Adaptability, which is conducted by Calong craftsmen, is an effort for young generation of Polewali Mandar to love Calong. Of course, the young are certainly those who will preserve Calong and introduce to all people throughout the world. Well, that was a glimpse of traditional instrument from Polewali Mandar,West Sulawesi featuring Calong.


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February 13 becomes a special day for workers and radio listeners. Since 2012, this date has been celebrated as World Radio Day. "Radio and Sport" become the the theme of 7th anniversary of World Radio Day in 2018. Sport has become the focus of the world and Asia this year. There is a winter Olympics held in South Korea. FIFA World Cup 2018 is to place in Russia and ASIAN GAMES 2018 in Indonesia.

For Radio Republik Indonesia -RRI, this theme is very appropriate. The commitment to spread sport activities proves that RRI is appointed as the radio license holder of broadcasting of the World Cup 2018. Quoting the statement of the Director of Public Broadcasting RRI, M. Rohanuddin, with the FIFA license, it is expected that RRI provides its best contribution in a bid to satisfy the needs of listeners who come from various circles and places throughout Indonesia, and thisn can be carried out well. Listeners can also share the broadcast or World Cup report.

In addition, Indonesia this year will also host the 18th ASIAN Games. RRI has to be responsible to distribute the information about the matches, achievements, and new records created at every 4-year sport event. The competition in the game must be an interesting attraction that can be spread to the listeners.

Surely, radio can present not only matches, competition and achievements as broadcasting material, but also there are many other aspects expected to be the inspiration of audiences. The moment of three major sporting events this year, suchas the Winter Olympics, the 2018 World Cup, and the Asian Games must be used by radio broadcasters, especially RRI to create exciting broadcasts. The broadcast is expected to be able to make the listeners recognize and understand the diversity of the sport as a legacy of tradition. Radio, for example, should be able to create events that promote gender equality in sports. More importantly, radio must present broadcast that reinforces the spirit of peace and development in the world of sports. These three issues are the focus of UNESCO's World Radio Day commemorative sub-theme that is expected to be realized by radio broadcast.

Amid the rise of social media as a new communication medium, it is believed that radio can still play a major role to provide information that inspires its audience. At least in Indonesia, the spirit of sport will be spread to at least 62.3 million listeners; the number of listeners is based on AC Nielsen data for the 3rd semester in 2017.

With its power to entertain, educate, inform and inspire, radio can certainly sound the sport through its broadcast. As UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres put it: “On World Radio Day, let us celebrate both radio and sports as ways of helping people achieve their full potential.”

Congratulations on World Radio 2018! Thank for listening our broadcast.

That’s Commentary





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The young generation of Indonesia must have a comprehensive understanding of Pancasila. This was disclosed by the Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives –DPR, Zainudin Amali during a hearing with the Head of Staff Office of President and Head of UKP-PIP, at the Parliament Building, Senayan in Jakarta on Wednesday (7/2/2018). Zainudin Amali views that a comprehensive understanding of Pancasila is essential to face the challenges of globalization and the inclusion of transnational thoughts. Thus, the existence of the Presidential Work Unit of Pancasila Ideology Development (UKP-PIP) is very important to face the challenges of this era.

A similar opinion was stated by member of the Commission IX of the DPR, Nurmansah Tanjung. During the dissemination of the Four Pillars, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Bogor, West Java on Sunday (11/2), he affirmed that Pancasila should be the permanent house of all Indonesian people who live across Indonesia. He also stated that Pancasila is able to counteract negative aspects in the state. He reminded that the future generations must fully understand Pancasila.

Deputy Chairman of People’s Consultative Assembly –MPR, Oesman Sapta disclosed that to remember and understand Pancasila, someone must start from their inner heart and mind. This was expressed in the socialization of the Four Pillars of the Assembly to hundreds of cadres of the Pancasila Youth Organization in Haj Padang Dormitory, West Sumatera last Thursday (8/2/2018). As quoted from the page MPR RI, to the participants of that activity, Oesman Sapta reminded to continue to maintain Pancasila.

Previously, Head of Working Unit of President of Pancasila Ideology of Pancasila - UKP PIP, Yudi Latief mentioned that radicalism understanding can be coped with if social justice is really realized. Moreover, Pancasila has mandated it. In a public discussion on the topic of "Religious Radicalism and Its Threat to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia" held in Jakarta on Tuesday (6/2), Yudi Latief explained that Pancasila principles have comprehensively interpreted the ways to overcome radicalism. He insists on overcoming radicalism not only with symbols of tolerance, but the basic problems to be solved.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of MPR, Mahyudin said that there are many national challenges that have occurred since Indonesia was independent. As written in the page, Mahyudin affirmed that there are always individuals and groups trying to disrupt the ideology of the Pancasila. He is grateful that nowadays, there is a spirit of various elements of the nation to re-actualize Pancasila all over Indonesia. He emphasized that all elements of the Indonesian nation are to jointly strive hard and unite to face all the challenges of the nation. Having succeeded in bringing the people of Indonesia to the front gate of independence that is free, united, sovereign, all of them are jointly striving to realize justice and prosperity.

That’s My Indonesia!


This is RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian diplomacy in the international world.


The first information is about Senegal which invites Boalemo regency in Gorontalo province to cooperate in Arenga pinnata tree.

Indonesia is committed to helping Senegal in the processing of Arenga pinnata three. Because it is important and efficient to be applied in  Senegal. This was stated by representative of special envoy office of Indonesian president for Middle East and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, M. Amar Ma'ruf when meeting with the leader of Fond Sovereign Senegal in Dakar earlier this weekend.  Amar Ma'ruf disclosed that Senegal is worth being paid attention for receiving reverse linkage program related to Arenga pinnata processing. With the existence of reverse linkage, it is hoped to be able to enrich reference and application of appropriate technology applications  for Senegal. Senegal feels Indonesia is  development model, especially in  research of forestry and agricultural products. As a follow-up, Fond Sovereign Senegal  will visit Boalemo regency to study the cooperation. The visit will be conducted in April before  Indonesia - Africa forum 2018 takes place.

The next information is from Kuwait. Indonesian Ambassador to Kuwait, Tatang Budie Utama Razak has received a mandate as chairman of ASEAN’s committee in Kuwait for the period of January-June 2018. The mandate’s assignment was directly handed over by chairman of ASEAN’s committee in Kuwait for 2017 period, Ambassador of the Philippines to Kuwait, Renato Pedro O. Villa, and witnessed by the Ambassadors of ASEAN member countries at the Philippines embassy in Kuwait on Thursday (8/2). The appointment of Indonesia as the chairman of ASEAN’s committee in Kuwait this year is to replace Singapore which does not have embassy in Kuwait. In his speech, Ambassador Tatang Razak said that he will carry out his duty for 6 months and there is possibility that he will end his duty as ambassador in Kuwait within few months. Because he has been on duty more than 3 years. In addition, Ambassador Tatang Razak also said that he will maintain events which have run so far. One step ahead from the chairmanship of Indonesia is Ambassador Tatang Razak’s proposal that this year will begin informal lunch which according to the plan will be conducted every month by inviting honor guests in the field of politic, economy, culture and social spheres in order ASEAN  committee in Kuwait can discuss matters which are more substantive.

Diplomatic Corner with information on ‘Tak Tun Tuang’ a musical diplomacy succeeded to attract Thailand’s market in Thai International Travel Fair 2018 in Bangkok. The Ministry of Tourism reported that as many as 10 tourism industries and 1tourism office of Indonesia participated in  the exhibition in Bangkok. Besides, there are also tourism travel bureaus, travel operators, and hotel entrepreneurs from Bali, Central Java, West Java, East Nusa Tenggara, Yogyakarta, and North Sumatra. The promotion, which has depended on branding and advertising so far, begins to move on selling. The main mission is to capture foreign tourists at tourism market of Thailand. One of the ways to attract tourists is by showing Sasando, a musical instrument from East Nusa Tenggara province, and also Indonesian traditional dances. The biggest tourism exhibition is quite different when Wonderful Indonesia art team performed on the main stage. One of Sasando preservers from Oebelo, Kupang, Djitron Pah sang a song ‘Tak Tun Tuang’ from West Sumatra which is very famous and the song has ever been sung by famous singers of Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.  President of Thai Travel Agents Association, Suparerk Soorangura assessed that the music and dances were spectacular. He said at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok on Saturday (10/2) that tempting tourist through music is smart way. Although Thailand is professional rival of Wonderful Indonesia, Thailand does respect Indonesia.


That was Diplomatic Corner.