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Welcome to “INDONESIAN WONDER”, a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts, fine arts and culture from various regions across Indonesia. We will invite you to enjoy Touge Goreng in Bogor West Java.

Bogor, one of the cities in West Java is located near the capital city of Jakarta, just less than 1 hour drive from downtown Jakarta. It makes the city are mostly visited by Jakarta citizens or foreign tourists for their vacation, especially on weekends. You can enjoy various attractions in the rain city. There is a Bogor Botanical Garden which offers the wealth of Indonesian plants. Then, the Bogor Palace, Situ Gede, Sindangbarang Cultural Village and other interesting tourist attraction. After you are satisfied to visit various interesting objects in Bogor, its not complete if you are not enjoy the delights of various Bogor typical culinary.

During your culinary tour in Bogor, we suggest you to enjoy the sensation of its typicall culinary such as Touge or Toge Goreng. The main ingredient is bean sprouts. Usually the bean sprouts is processed infront of the buyers, using a simple stove. It does not suitable with the name, Toge goreng since it is not fried. Toge is sauteed, or boiled with hot water. Toge goreng then mixed with yellow noodles, pieces of ketupat or rice cake, and tofu. Then the ingredients that have been cooked is watered with tasty sauce made of oncom. The oncom sauce is sauteed that has been mashed first along with spices, such as galangal, onion, bay leaf, tomato slice, leek, chives, and tauco (soybean fermented paste), sweet soy sauce, orange juice, and salt.

When eaten, the taste is delicious. Toge Goreng is one of the typical culinary of Bogor as favourite culinary of many people, because it tastes good and the price is relatively cheap. It is only Rp.15.000 to Rp. 20,000 per portion. Usually toge goreng is sold by the street vendors, and some peddlers sell the food by using carts. Besides in Bogor, the culinary also can be found in other areas, such as Depok, Tanggerang and Jakarta.

The dish of Toge Goreng actually have tight history with the Chinese ethnic in Bogor rain city. An observer of Chinese history in Bogor, Mardi Liem, in a portion of Toge Goreng, almost of them use the term of hokkien.

Starting from tauto which is a fermentation of soy, then mie or noodles, and tauge or bean sprouts, all derived from the term of hokkien. This culinary is also believed has been born from the association of the Chinese people and European community. In Europe there is spaghetti with its incredibly sour of tomato paste. The menu was brought to Indonesia, by the Chinese traders. Before being brought to Indonesia, they had processed this culinary with some ingredients, such as noodles, tofu, tauge with typical sour tomatoes of China. As the time goes by, Mardi Liem said, the spread of toge goreng run from the western coast of Java such as Pandeglang and Banten. In this phase the menu was changed. The Sundanese people who are accustomed to the lalap or raw vegetables, choose oncom to replace tomato sauce. That was the segment of Indonesian Wonder for today with the topic “Toge Goreng”.





Published in Feature

Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, February 13.


We begin with Kompas which wrote, "Beware of Identity Politics".


The Simultaneous Regional Election 2018 has entered the stage of electoral number. Although the campaign will begin on February 15, the political tension has already increased in several regions. Primordial sentiments, including ethnicity, religion, or region, occur in various regions to attack other candidates. The candidates who did not pass the qualification also brought political dynamics in several areas. Currently, the Election Supervisory Agency -Bawaslu also has received report on religiously offensive banners on Governor and Deputy Governor Election in West Kalimantan. In the social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, there are posts on election, by using primordial or religious sentiments. The primordial issues that drive people's votes, according to professor of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta, Azyumardi Azra, is not healthy for national integrity. The issue will cause discrimination towards fellow citizens and this is contradicting to the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.


Media Indonesia wrote, "Interfaith Tolerance Non-Negotiable".


The people of Indonesia have lived together for years in various faiths. The constitution even guarantees freedom of faith. Therefore, President Joko Widodo emphasized that there is no place for people who are unable to grasp tolerance. That was stated responding to the recent attacks against religious figures. President added, the attack must not happen in this country, but it all happens due to information openness. Previously, several religious sentiment-based attacks occurred in the country.


We end today's Headlines with Republika, "Beware of Systematic Scenario".


Presidential Special Envoy for Interfaith and Civilization Dialog and Cooperation, Din Syamsuddin condemned the attacks against several religious figures and church in Sleman, Yogyakarta province. Din Syamsuddin asked the people to be aware of instability-inducing systematic efforts. Therefore, he encouraged the security apparatus to seriously investigate and reveal who are and what behind the incident is. If not solved, the attacks are potentially causing reactions that end with chaos. Meanwhile, Minister of Religious Affairs, Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin asked law enforcers to be more serious in investigating the motive of the attacks.


Welcome back to the regular Music Corner, a musical segment which introduces you to Indonesian music either traditional or modern one. We’ll present some dangdut songs to you featuring Weni and Lesti. The dangdut contemporary song was composed by Adibal Syahrul and tells about someone who loves his/her beloved person and believes the person to become a special gift from GOD almighty in his/her life. It was the single of Weny’s victory in a Dangdut Academy 2 contest and the first single of Weni since she began to enter the dangdut music industry in Indonesia. The singer with an original name Weni Wahyuni is actually has an outstanding singing talent. Since her childhood, Weni like to sing and following various singing competitions in her region in West Kalimantan. With the strong desire to increase her potential, Weni tried her luck to follow a dangdut singin contest held by an Indonesian private TV station. Her talent in singing dangdut then brought Weni has successfully won the competition of Dangdut Academy 2. After releasing her first single, Weni then released the second single entitled Lelah Mencintaimu in december 2017. The song was composed by Hendry Saky, and tells about falsity in love. The music of the song has a medium tempo. Interestingly, WENI added rap genre in the middle of the song, to make it more enjoyable, unique and interesting. Listener, now let us listen to Lesti, another young dangdut singer who also came up and began her singing career since her childhood in Cianjur, West Java.


We start from an event on February 8, 1904 about Port Arthur Sea battle.

Port Arthur Sea battle was opening battle between Russia and Japan. The battle was begun with sudden attack at night by the Japanese destroyer squadron on the Russian fleet which was docked in Port Arthur, Manchuria, and continued by great battle in the morning. The battle ended without result and small battle surrounding Port Arthur continued until May 1904. In the war, the Japanese mobilized 15 warships and explorers and escort ships. 90 people were killed. While, Russia deployed 12 warships and explorers. The number of casualties reached 150 people and seven ships were damaged.


The next event is that in 1971, the first electronic stock exchange, NASDAQ was opened in the United States.


NASDAQ or National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations was a stock exchange operated by the National Association of Securities DealersWhen it started trading on February 8, 1971, NASDAQ was the world's first electronic stock exchangeSince 1999, Nasdac was the largest stock exchange in the United States of America. More than half of the companies that traded in the US were recorded here. NASDAQ consisted of NASDAQ National Market and NASDAQ Small Cap Market. Its main exchanges were located in the United States, with branches in Canada and Japan. NASDAQ also had associations with stock exchanges in Hong Kong and Europe. On July 17, 1995, NASDAQ closed at a level above a thousand points for the first time. The peak occurred on March 10, 2000 on which the index reached 5,048. 62 points. On September 11, 2001, the result of the NASDAQ terrorist attack was closed from 11 to 14 September 2001.



And the last event is that in 2005, it was the announcement of the Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire.

Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon at the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh on February 8, 2005 announced a ceasefire to end four years of violence in the Middle East. Abbas said that the ceasefire, which began soon, would lead to a "new era of peace and hope". Meanwhile, Sharon vowed to stop military action against Palestinian targets after militants stopped violence. US Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice said that this was the best chance for peace over years. But Sharon and Abbas did not sign a formal ceasefire agreement. Their talks were extensive, including agreements on the release of Palestinian prisoners and the handover of five West Bank cities to Palestinian control. The meeting at the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh was a high-level discussion between the two sides since the Palestinian intifada began more than four years earlier.