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Welcome to the regular program -Miscellany over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta. In today’s edition, we’ll invite you to know about ‘Waste Mushroom Compost’. Jamur Merang or Straw Mushroom is one of the food mushroom species which is widely grown in East Asia and Southeast Asia with tropical or sub-tropical climate. The mushroom has a delicious taste, so it is used for various dishes, especially in Indonesia, such as Pepes Jamur or mushroom steamed with banana leaves, soup and Capcay. Mushroom has quite high protein; in 100 grams of fresh mushroom, it contains about 3.2 grams of protein. It will increase to 16 grams in dried mushroom. In addition, the mushroom also has 51 mg of calcium, 223 mg phosphorus, and 105 calories, with low fat content of 0.9 grams. One of the media to grow the mushroom is the straw of rice remaining of the harvest. Agricultural land in Pantura, Indramayu regency, West Java is suitable to develop various types of lowland vegetables. In addition to fertile soil, the organic fertilizer is also abundant since the region can produce its own fertilizer. In the hands of the local farmers, waste mushroom is used as organic fertilizer for plants. Straw waste mushroom is processed into mushroom compost. The mushroom compost is made from agricultural materials, such as hay, straw, and poultry litter. After the mushroom is harvested, the mushroom compost is steam-treated prior to removal to eliminate any pest, pathogens and weed seeds resulting in a fertilizer product. The mushroom compost has high water and nutrient holding capacity. As a fertilizer and soil addition for farming, the mushroom compost supports plant growth in a variety of plant applications. The price of the mushroom compost is quite affordable for farmers, and it is certainly environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is very helpful to local farmers to meet the need for fertilizer. By using mushroom compost, the farmers' harvests become more qualified with satisfactory quantity. That was the regular program -Miscellany for today with the topic Waste Mushroom Compost.


Welcome back to our weekly segment of News From Across the Country. The segment presents interesting information from various regions in a week. 

The first story comes from Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta Governor, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X on Wednesday inaugurated the road connecting Gunung Kidul with Sleman regency. The connecting road includes Sembada Handayani bridge with 90 meters long and 9 meters wide, 1-kilometer road from Sleman in Lemah Abang Village to Prambanan, and 3-km road in Gunung Kidul precisely in Gembyong Village.  Governor Sultan said that the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta plans to continue the construction of connecting roads from Prambanan to Gading.  Gunung Kidul Regent, Badingah said that the increasing tourists’ arrival can improve the economy of local people of Gunung Kidul. However, so far, the tourism visit is constrained by narrow road and frequent traffic jams over the weekend. Meanwhile, Sleman Regent, Sri Purnomo claimed that the construction of the bridge and roads can increase tourist visit to the tourism objects in Gunung Kidul such as Tebing Breksi or Breksi Cliff, Ijo Temple, and Lava Bantal.



Next story comes from Trenggalek.


Creative promotions will attract the attention of many people. This activity is conducted by the regional Government of Trenggalek to introduce the process of easier and faster business licensing. The government built the gallery of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on the ground floor of Trenggalek One Stop Service Investment Office. The gallery is a strategic effort to introduce the faster license process to the people. This was said by the Head Office of One Stop Service Investment of Trenggalek regency, Mulya Handaka recently. Various SMEs products are exhibited in the gallery starting from the typical food of Trenggalek to various processed and packed foods in interesting packages.



The last story comes from Batang, Central Java.


The Government of Batang Regency, Central Java grants a 9.5 hectares of land to Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang for the establishment of agricultural and livestock faculty. Batang Regent, Wihaji in Batang on Wednesday said that the regional government has held a meeting with Diponegoro University -Undip as a form of initial communication before granting the 9.5 hectares of land in Tumbrep Village, Bandar Sub-district.  Wihaji said, based on the law, the grant process must get approval from the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD). Meanwhile, Chairman of the Batang Regional Legislative Council, Imam Teguh Raharjo promised that the DPRD will prioritize the grant for the development of the faculty’s education process.



Welcome to “Indonesian Wonder,” a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts, fine arts and culture from various regions across Indonesia. In today’s edition, we will invite you to Aceh to know more one of Acehnese cultures. 

Aceh which has a nick name Veranda of Mecca, has its own uniqueness in traditions which cannot be found in other regions. According to the history, Peusijuek tradition is one of cultural heritages of Hindu. The existence  of Hindu culture in  Aceh was caused with relations between Aceh and India in the past. So indirectly, Hindu culture began to influence Acehnese culture.  But, since Islam entered to Aceh, the tradition’s implementation certainly has used Islamic elements such as Salawatand prays which have been determined in Islamic teachings. Salawat is a special Arabic phrase, which contains the salutation upon the prophet of Islam.


The word of “Peusijuek “ is taken from the word of “Sijue” in Acehnese language meaning cool; so Peusijeuk  can be meant to cool. In Acehnese culture, Peusijuek tradition is to ask for safety, quietness and happiness in life. Peusijuek is divided into some types, such as Peusijuek meulangga ( at the time of the dispute), Peusijuek pade bijeh ( beginning to plant rice), Peusijuek tempat tinggal ( to occupy a new house), Peusijuek peudong rumoh ( to build a house), Peusijuek kaurubeuen (when doing slaughter) Peusijuek  vehicle and Peusijuek pilgrimage. The implementation of Peusijuek ritual is usually held by religious or traditional senior figures. It is a must because Peusijuek tradition is a sacred ritual, so that to hold, it must a person who understands most about prays and procession in the ritual. Moreover, the person who is  Peusijuek, is man, usually will be held by  Teungku or Ustad. If the Peusijuek is woman, so the procession will be held by Ummi or eldest woman. In implementing Peusijuek tradition, there are 3 important things, namely tools and also Peusijuek materials, movement and pray. The equipment and tool which are used in Peusijuek ceremony are henna leaves which have a meaning, rice seed which is planted to be strong and resistant to any pest problems; the salt has a meaning rice seed which is sown to have character like salt, namely to be able to destroy disease on rice so that the rice can  exists to survive. Every Peusijuek material has philosophy and special meaning in it. The movement in  Peusijuek procession is one of very important things, because it cannot be wrong to do the ritual. The movement is usually held from left to the right and sometimes by way of cross. Pray is the most important element,  because the core of Peusijuek ceremony is to ask for the God to give safety, happiness and welfare for them who hold Peusijuek. Peusijuek tradition is still preserved and held until now. Acehnese people believe the tradition is the result of local culture where culture and religion should run in harmony. That was Indonesian Wonder for today featuring Peusijuek tradition from Aceh province. 



Welcome back in Book & Film Review, where we will review Indonesian books and films. In today’s Book & Film Review, we will discuss an Indonesian film entitled “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” or in English “Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts” directed by Mouly Surya. Nursita Mouly Surya is an Indonesian director and screenwriter. Mouly Surya had achieved many awards in Indonesian film industry. On December 12 2008, Mouly received three Indonesian Film Festival awards for film, director, and screenwriter categories. Those were the first and best awards for Mouly Surya. Mouly Surya never stops to create the best for Indonesian moviegoers. In 2017, Mouly directed a film about murder that highlights the lives of people in Sumba. The film written by Garin Nugroho was very interesting. Despite of its simple conflict, the plot was amazing. This film began with a woman who worked hard for the funeral of her late husband. It is because for the people of Sumba, a man must be buried according to their customs.

It begins when Garin gave me and Caca the synopsis. The premises were similar. Mouly said. 

The body of the husband was preserved in the living room, waiting to be buried. Until finally, a group of robbers led by Markus (Egy Fadly), a big an rude man, knocked her doors and threatened to rob her in half an hour. The robbery happened. To defend herself, Marlina took a very risky move which was poisoning the robbers. Besides that, Marlina also seduced Markus. During the foreplay, Marlina beheaded Markus and brought his head to the police office. However her trip to the police office was quite long, because the distance between one home to another can be around 10 to 20 meters. Therefore, during her trip, Marlina walked into a metaphorical experience, where she found herself anew with new power. 

The long trip of Marlina to the police office was the main plot in this movie. Every point of view of this movie is very intriguing. The plot possible had attracted the international movie freaks. This was proven when “Marlina Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak” successfully screened in international movie festivals. 

It’s been played in Cannes, Toronto, Melbourne, and Busan.” Mouly added. 

We can say that this is the first Indonesian movie to give positive impression on murder for defense. Mouly was quite brave to present justice for woman like Marlina who only want to give proper funeral for her husband. “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” was a very touching film. Mouly also harmonized the angle that showed the beautiful nature of Sumba. Therefore, the movie can enjoy the story and the scenery. It was worthy of global appreciation. Well, that was a brief review on a movie entitled “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” or “Marlina Murderer in Four Acts” directed by Mouly Surya.