Today in History over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia. We start from an event on July 26 1965 about Air Force Academy’s birthday.
Air Force Academy is an education school for Indonesian Air Force in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The academy’s history is started by Flight School established on November 15th 1945 by Agustinus Adisutjipto in Maguwo Airbase which is now Adisutjipto Airport Yogyakarta. In September 1947, Indonesian Air Force for the first time accepted Senior High School alumnus to be educated as the flight students. In its further development, construction of the school was built as the place to learn. Coincided with Indonesian Air Force Day on April 9th 1960, a grounbreaking ceremony of the establishmeny of Air Force Academy was held in Adisutjipto Airport.Furthermore, Air Force Academy was inaugurated by Minister of Commander of Air Force on July 26th 1965. July 26th is later on declared as the Air Force Academy’s birthday.
The next event is that in 1965, Maldives got its independence.
Maldives is an archipelagic country in Hindia Ocean. Islam is majority religion of Maldivians. In early 16th century, Maldives was colonized by Portuguese and then by Dutch, France, and in late 19th century, Maldives was ruled by England. Since 1887 until its independence on July 26th 1965, the country became the part of English guardianship. Since 1153 until 1968, the country was in the form of independent islamic sultanate. Later on, the form of sultanate government was removed and changed to be republic.
And the last event is that July 26th is International Mangrove Day.
July 26th was set as International Mangrove Day at the United Nations Conference for UNESCO in November 2015. On the conference, Ecuador suggests July 26th as International Mangrove Day because some South American countries have been commemorating the day although it was not officially set by the world organization. The countries commemorate July 26th as “Mangrove Day” to recall a Micronesian Greenpeace activist, Hayhow Daniel Nanoto who passed away on July 26th 1998 because of heart attack when he was involved in great protest action led by environment organization -FUNDECOL and International Greenpeace. During the action, the local community -Muisne joined some non-governmental organizations to dismantle shrimp ponds which were placed illegally in the effort of bringing the damaged mangrove zone back to its normal condition. FUNDECOL and other environment organizations recall Hayhow’s death in every July 26th as the commemoration for saving the mangrove.
Today's Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, military developing Natuna village is valued successful. The second information is about "N(G)Antar Paimah" Sleman receives SLRT Award. We end Mosaic of the Archipelago with the information on Kodim 0726 Sukoharjo develops Farming Program of Jagan Bendosari village.
Listener, the program of the 102nd Military Developing Village which was conducted by Kodim 0318 Natuna at Pulau Tiga district received directly the visit of Head of Army Staff, Brigadier General Agus Heru Prasetyo on Tuesday (24/7). He directly observed the implementation of Military Developing Village and also met with residents at Pulau Tiga district, the outer island of Indonesia. In the program, Pulau Tiga district received physical assistance with additional permanent path and guidance of knowledge on health. The program is cooperation between the Indonesian Army and Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health also gave assistance, such as medicines, medical devices and vitamin for babies and children in the region. On the occasion, Brigadier General Agus reminded the local people to always have love on the country and to protect the unity of the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia by protecting facilities which were built together. Brigadier General Agus also said that although at border area and far from the central government, it does mean that people are ignored by the government. Agus hoped that all facilities can be used and maintained together. He also appreciated the participation of the people in helping succeed the program voluntarily. In his visit, Brigadier General Agus also handed over sport equipment and grass cutting machine. He also observed social events and health checks for the community.
Regent of Sleman, Sri Purnomo received “Integrated Referral Service Award" from Ministry of Social Affairs for his innovation "N(G)Antar Paimah" or in English means Home Delivery Service. The award was handed over by Director General of Social Empowerment at the Social Affairs Ministry, PP Nazarudin in North Jakarta on Wednesday. Regent Purnomo hoped that the award becomes motivation for Sleman regency to increase service in social sector. He also said that "N(G)Antar Paimah` is innovation which gives easy service to poor and vulnerable people so that all the government’s programs can reach all communities. N(G)Antar Paimah can also be used by the residents who need transportation service for being delivered to sustainable service or delivered until home.
We end Mosaic of the Archipelago with the information on Kodim 0726 Sukoharjo develops Farming Program of Jagan Bendosari village.
Kodim 0726 Sukoharjo along with Agriculture and Fishery Office of Sukoharjo regency keeps doing innovation to increase agricultural productivity. One of them to be developed is to maximize critical land of rain-fed to become integrated agricultural land. The “Pilot project” system of “integrated farming” was conducted by farmer group of Subur Mulyo, Jagan village, Bendosari district. Lieutenant Colonel Candra Aryadi Prakoso told the journalists on the sidelines rice harvest, planting rice and fish harvest at Demplot land, at Jagan village, Bendosari, on Tuesday (24/7) that finally, the system is able to produce combination product of rice, fish, chicken with livestock waste system which can be used as land fertilizer. His side hoped that the system can be imitated by farmers and other groups to increase agricultural productivity, especially at the critical land. Meanwhile, Regent of Sukoharjo, Wardoyo Wijaya said that Sukoharjo has many adopted technologies in agricultural sector. One of them is “integrated farming” by combining all agricultural components in one integrated agriculture. On the occasion, the Regent symbolically handed over assistance of agricultural machine tool from Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities at the Ministry of Agriculture Affairs.
RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian diplomacy in the international world.
The first information is from Jakarta.
Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning, Bambang Brodjonegoro viewed economic diplomacy to play a major role in supporting national development. He appreciated the improvement of diplomatic performances conducted by Indonesian representatives overseas. The statement was expressed before 27 participating diplomats of Foreign Staff and Leader School of the 59th Generation at Education and Training Center at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta on Thursday (24/7). Minister Bambang recognized that the challenge for diplomacy is bigger internationally and domestically. Through the implementation of planning and budgeting harmonization, Minister Bambang ensured that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will create diplomatic event which can answer the challenge of the era. He shared the tips in arranging the effective planning of diplomatic event.
The next information is from Budapest, Hungary.
For one week, Gamelan rhythm was heard in the 8th Babel Sound Interactive World Music Festival in Hungary on Monday (23/7). The annual festival was conducted at tourism city of the Western Hungary, Balaton Boglar. The sound of Gamelan came from Indonesian tent and played by Gamelan Topong Bang group which is led by the Indonesian embassy of Budapest. Surprisingly, Gamelan group which consisted of 12 persons, were all Hungarians. Indonesian Ambassador to Hungary, Wening Esthyprobo said that they are Hungarians, Indonesian lovers and they do love Gamelan and Indonesian culture. Every Sunday, the group practices at the Indonesian Embassy hard and seriously so that playing of the Gamelan can be as good as original Indonesian people do. Ambassador Wening also said that for 7 days of the implementation of Babel Sound Music Festival, Indonesian tent is always full of visitors to hear Gamelan rhythm. Indonesian tent presented interactive performance with audiences such as batik workshop, workshop of puppet shadow, story-telling accompanied with Gamelan rhythm, coloring Indonesian puppet and cartoon. In addition to Gamelan, dance and interactive cultural promotion, promotion of Indonesian culture is more complete by performing Indonesia’s Reggae ambassador, Ras Muhamad on the main stage of Babel Sound Music Festival.
We end Diplomatic Corner with the information from Vatican.
Commission I of the House of Representatives –DPR expressed appreciation to Indonesian embassy of Vatican which has conducted duty and his priority program in promoting Indonesia’s pluralism values in Vatican. The Commission I hoped that communication/cooperation has to enhanced, especially in religion and humanity with Vatican. This was stated by Chairman of Commission I delegation, Abdul Kharis Almasyhari in the visit work to the Indonesian Embassy of Vatican on Monday (23/7). Meanwhile, Indonesian Ambassador to Vatican, Antonius Agus Sriyono explained various issues related to structure of organization, budget, program of protection and empowerment of Indonesian citizen, development of Indonesia-Vatican significant cooperation in 2017-2018. Borobudur Park at Vatican Museum and seminar related to palm oil. In addition, Ambassador Agus also stated that the government of Vatican did appreciate diversity of Indonesia and hoped Pancasila can be imitated by other countries. At the end of the discussion session, Indonesian Ambassador, Antonius Agus Sriyono has read the result of Rome Declaration which was issued by 45 participants of Inter-religion Dialog of Indonesian people in Europe, held in Rome, Italy on June 30, 2018.
In today’s edition, we will bring a topic about The Importance of Pancasila’s Values for Indonesian Young Generations.
Head of the Bureau of the Secretariat of the Leadership of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhammad Rizal said that the values of Pancasila have begun to diminish. According to Muhammad Rizal, the values from this Indonesians’ way of life have gradually been subsided. Consequently, it is essential to re-internalize and foster the values of Pancasila, particularly toward Indonesian children and youths. During the Fourth Pillar Socialization of People’s Consultative Assembly -MPR, Muhammad Rizal said on Sunday (22nd July 2018) that this is the form of cooperation between MPR and the Youth Group of Deli Serdang Kulon Village, at Panongan District, Tangerang Regency, Banten He took for example that people residing in major cities have started to exhibit individualistic behavior and become apathetic toward their surroundings. In addition, the values of togetherness and ‘mutual assistance or ‘Gotong Royong’, have been disengaged from Indoneian people’s daily lives.
As stated by Muhammad Rizal, the disengagement of Pancasila’s values is caused by external influences, including the values resulted from globalization. In addition, various new ideologies have erupted and suppressed the existence of Pancasila, for example, ISIS and Liberalism. According to Muhammad Rizal, these ideologies do not align with Pancasila.
The establishment of Pancasila as the ideology and state philosophy of Indonesia has produced consequences. Such consequences make the values embodied in Pancasila to be deployed as the core and fundamental principles for the governance of country. Pancasila consists of five principles and these principles act as five basic values which are considered fundamental. Those values include the value of piety, the value humanity, the value of unity, the value of democracy and society, and the value of social justice.
Muhammad Rizal also explained that Pancasila belongs to all citizens of Indonesia; thus it belongs to neither any particular individual nor regime. Because, Pancasila has been rooted and cultured in Indonesia. Pancasila grows and flourishes as the result the cultural values, traditions, and religious values in Indonesia. Therefore, the values of Pancasila could integrate all citizens of Indonesia.
The first principle namely “Belief in the One and Only God” carries the value of piety. This means that Indonesia gives freedom for its citizens to choose their belief as well as perform their obligations and worships based on the religions of each individual.
The second principle namely “Just and Civilized Humanity” gives the essence that every citizen must be treated respectively and equally according to his dignity of the God’s creature. These values remark the idea that all humans have the same degree, dignity, rights, and duties.
The third principle namely “The Unity of Indonesia” highlights the meaning and value of unity. It is the implementation of strong determination from every aspect endeavoring to accomplish the same vision and unity called Indonesia.
The fourth principle, “Democracy Guided by the Inner Wisdom in the Unanimity Arising out of Deliberations Amongst of Representatives” reveals the idea that all processes of making decisions must be conducted through a deliberation in order to generate conformed decision for every involved party. Besides, this value also emphasizes that the government of Indonesia is carried out from, by, and for the people of Indonesia.
The fifth principle, “The Social Justice for the Whole People of Indonesia” reinforces a message that duties and rights must work in balance in every aspect of life.