Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, July 19 2018.
We begin with Kompas entitled, "Haze Threatens Asian Games."
Land and forest fire haze began appearing and can threaten the Asian Games 2018 to be held in Palembang, South Sumatera on August 18 until September 2, 2018. Until Wednesday (18/7), a total of 300 hectare land in Pedamaran and East Pedamaran districts of Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatera was blazing. Land and Forest Fires Task Force of South Sumatera tried to extinguish the fire from land and sky, with aid from private parties. Commander of the Task Force Col. (Inf) Iman Budiman said, the hotspots and thick haze had happened since long. Since early July, there were 74 hotspots, increasing from June with 52 hotspots. Iman Budiman, the haze must not disturb the Asian Games 2018.
Moving on to Republika entitled, "Asian Games 2018 Torch Relay Begins."
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla witnessed the union of Asian Games 2018 fire at Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta on Wednesday (18/7). The torch flame was brought from Dhyan Chand National Stadium, New Delhi, India and was united with the eternal flame of Mrapen from Grobogan, Central Java. The torch from India was held by Indonesian badminton legend Susy Susanti. Meanwhile, the Mrapen flame was brought by Indonesian tennis legend Yustijo Tarik. After united, the Asian Games 2018 torch was handed over to Vice President Jusuf Kalla. The handover was witnessed by Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani. With that, Jusuf Kalla said, the Asian Games 2018 torch relay began.
Then, Jusuf Kalla gave the torch to Christina Finarsih, Indonesian badminton athlete from Yogyakarta. In his speech, the VP said, the union of Asian Games 2018 torch flames from India and Indonesia showed the blazing spirit in welcoming the biggest sport multi-event in Asia. Since Thursday (19/7), the torch relay will begin. There are 18 provinces and 54 regencies/cities to be passed by the torch. VP Jusuf Kalla hoped, all Indonesian people fully support the Asian Games 2018, which is held for the second time in the country since 1962.
We end the Headlines with Bisnis Indonesia entitled, "Finance Minister's Power Grows Stronger."
Soon, the Indonesian government will have a new Non-Tax Revenue Law, where the authority of Finance Ministry as the State Budget manager will be greater. The amended Act no. 20, 1997 on non-tax revenue gave authority to finance minister to change tariff. While in current law, tariff change was proposed from technically-related institutions. Besides that, the non-tax revenue tariff change will be more flexible, because it will not be regulated in the Constitution or government regulation anymore. The tariff determination will be regulated in ministerial regulation. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati on Wednesday (18/7) admitted, the non-tax revenue management will keep being improved. Especially, currently, the non-tax revenue construction will be the mainstay to cover state revenue due to shortfall in tax revenue and spiking energy subsidy. Minister Sri Mulyani said, the prospect of non-tax revenue will be supported mainly by the increasing prices of Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) and coal.
That was the Headlines.
RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian diplomacy in the international world.
The first information is from Kandal, Cambodia.
Governor of Kandal province, Mao Phiron received honorable visit of Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia, Sudirman Haseng on Tuesday (17/7). On the occasion, Governor Mao Phiron said that Indonesia and Cambodia have very close relations since lone time ago. The Governor hoped that the cooperation especially between Kandal province and provinces in Indonesia. He also wants the best information and experience exchange on decentralization policy because Indonesia has applied the policy. Meanwhile, Ambassador Sudirman Haseng invited Governor Mao Phiron and his staff to attend Indonesian Trade and Tourism Promotion in Phnom Penh on September 28-30, 2018, and to participate in the Indonesian Trade Expo in Indonesia in October 2018. Gubernur Phiron welcomed the invitation and directly confirmed his attendance in the Trade and Tourism Promotion and also ensured that the event is the right moment and important to learn so that the mutually beneficial cooperation can be established, especially in agricultural, tourism and educational sectors, including student or youth exchange.
The next information is from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
To increase the number of foreign students through promotion to candidate students of Vietnam, Gajah Mada University and Semarang State University participated in College Counseling Day 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City on July 14, 2018. The promotion was conducted by giving brochures to visitors along the street. They also explained international programs for degree and scholarship in Gajah Mada University and Semarang State University in the booth of visitors. On the occasion, Semarang State University was represented by Head of International Office of Semarang State University and Head of sub-Foreign Cooperation. Meanwhile, Gajah Mada University was represented by Coordinator of program for Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Office of International Affairs of Gajah Mada University. College Counseling Day 2018 was participated in by 80 educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding provinces, either state or private colleges and educational agent which markets education abroad. College Counseling Day is an annually event which is held by media Tuoi Tre cooperating with Polytechnic University. In the 16th implementation in 2018, College Counseling Day 2018 was also held in Hanoi on July 15, 2018.
We end Diplomatic Corner from Athena, Greece.
Who would have thought if in Athena, Greece, we will find motorcycle with Indonesian police number. The police number B-3737 UNM which belongs to North Jakarta can be found in Athena, Greece. The rider is Stephen Langitan, Solo Rider Adventure Jakarta – London 30.000 km who has begun his trip since March 25, 2018 from Jakarta. His plan is that the trip will end in London when celebration of the independence of Indonesia on August 17, 2018. Langitan will participate in the ceremony of the Indonesia’s independence at the Indonesian Embassy in London. On June 26, 2018, Langitan has entered Greece through Turkey. Because of non-stop rain, Stephen Langitan arrived in Athena on June 29, 2018. In Athena, the odometer precisely showed number of 19,900 kilometers. On July 5, 2018, Langitan left London through Rome.
After his motorcycle was placed at the motorcycle workshop in Athena to ensure the safety condition of his motor vehicle, Langitan’s trip carried brotherhood, peace and driving safety message mission. The trip is also one of the forms to introduce Indonesia to people in the countries passed by. The trip so-called the trip of “Bendera Merah Putih" is a form of support in conducting Indonesia’s promotion throughout the world. Thus during the trip, Langitan tried to avoid the main road or toll road and preferred to choose country lanes to interact with people and to introduce Indonesia.
That was Diplomatic Corner.
A group of non-government organization –the Green Team of West Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province tries the process of organic waste by using worm.
Initiator of the Green, Arie Kurniadi told Antara News Agency in Muntok, Bangka Belitung on Sunday that the trials have been conducted for a few months and the results are quite encouraging. The team expects that in the future, the environmentally friendly patterns can be developed by residents and other groups so that the organic waste can be jointly controlled.
Arie Kurniadi also remarked that the pattern of decomposition of organic waste by using worm has been done in several locations in Java, and has been proven to control the buildup of household waste. In addition to being able to decompose organic waste quickly, the dirt worm also has high economic value because it is used as organic compost.
Arie Kurniadi added that his team tries to develop organic waste processing on a larger scale. Garbage is obtained from members of the Green Team which currently reaches around 350 households. Of the 350 registered households, the Green Team manages to control approximately 0.6 tons of household waste per day.
Initially, the Green Team established on January 10, 2018 only consisted of about 100 households in Sungaidaeng, Muntok. But now, the number of its members continues to grow to 350 scattering across Sungaidaeng, Sungaibaru, Tanjung, Airbelo and Belolaut Villages in Bangka Belitung.
Arie is optimistic that the pattern of waste control that is developed will have an impact on the preservation of the environment while providing positive benefits for the welfare of the community. He said that besides being able to control the garbage independently, the Green Team targets in the future can also contribute to the development of agro-tourism that is educative and healthy.
That’s My Indonesia!
Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, acting governor of Jambi releases apprentices to Japan and home company. The second information is that Banyuwangi prepares various attractions to enliven Asian Games torch parade. The last information of Mosaic of the Archipelago is that on the 58th Adhyaksa Day, State Attorney of Cilacap holds blood donor.
276 domestic and foreign apprentices 2018 were released by Acting Governor of Jambi, Fachroerri Umar at Manpower and Transmigration Office in Jambi on Wednesday (18/7/2018). The program is hoped to be able to increase skill quality and competency for job seekers. This was stated by Acting Governor Fachroeri Umar in Jambi. In his speech, he expects the apprentices not only to pursue the target, but also to improve their competency. Therefore, it is expected to change the mental attitude of the apprentices and they are motivated to work harder. Furthermore, Acting Governor Fachroeri also said that the program becomes one of efforts to improve the skills of job seekers of Jambi province. At last, they can strengthen and encourage the acceleration of development of Jambi province –‘Jambi Complete 2021’. Meanwhile, Head of Manpower and Transmigration Office of Jambi, M. Fauzi mentioned that from 276 apprentices who were released, 220 people will do internship in Indonesia that spread at 19 big, medium and small companies. The rest will do internship in Japan.
Regional government of Banyuwangi prepares various attractions in welcoming Torch Relay Asian Games 2018, which will pass the region on July 22nd. Because Banyuwangi has the honor from the committee of Asian Games (Inasgoc) to become one of the regencies, which is visited by the Asian Games torch before crossing to Bali. Head of Sport section at the Youth and Sport Office of Banyuwangi, M Alfin Kurniawan explained in Banyuwabngi on Wednesday (18/7) that there are 4 stops of the Torch Relay Asian Games 2018. They are Paltuding Gunung Ijen, Tamansari Rest Area, Diponegoro Stadium and Shaba Swataga Blambangan Hall. The four stops have prepared cultural attractions, such as Gandrung dance, and Banyuwangi Etno Carnival. In addition, the stops will also enliven sport events and fun games. So, people can attend and enliven the coming of the Torch Relay Asian Games 2018. Banyuwangi government provided 10 people who have the honor to bring the torch, namely former athlete from Banyuwangi who glorified Indonesian image in international event, such as the best female warrior, Ary Noviyanti, and coach of national team of BMX Indonesia, Dadang Haris Purnomo, as well as professional photographer with disability, Ahmad Zoelkarnain who is ready to bring the Asian Games torch, before being putting at Banyuwangi Hall.
The last information of Mosaic of the Archipelago is that on the 58th Adhyaksa Day, State Attorney of Cilacap holds blood donor.
State Attorney of Cilacap held blood donor at Blood Transfusion Unit of Indonesian Red Cross of Cilacap on Wednesday (18/7). This becomes series events of the 58th Adhyaksa Day at State Attorney of Cilacap on July 22, 2018. Head of State Attorney of Cilacap, Bardiaman Simalango remarked that the social dedication of the donor is serious concern of State Attorney’s employees to others. Bardiaman targeted as many as 30 blood bags to be collected at the event. Social dedication continues on Thursday (19/7) by visiting “Dewanata”, the Elderly Social Care Center at Slarang village, Kesugihan district, Cilacap. Besides, at the internal of State Attorney of Cilacap, various sport events were also held to enliven the 58th Adhyaksa Day. The peak of commemoration of the Day will be conducted on July 23, 2018 by carrying out ceremony at the State Attorney Office’s yard and pilgrimage to Hero cemetery. Bardiaman hopes that his office receives more support from community and is able to conduct the social duties to the community throughout Indonesia.
That was Mosaic of the Archipelago.