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In Indonesia, there have been repeated acts of terrorism that killed not only the perpetrators, but also other people around the scene. The acts make the community angry, and why these deadly actions continue to happen and finally pose conflict.

The suicide bombing was carried out by a family of six in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, East Java on May 13, 2018 with the target of operating three churches. It’s a pity to witness kids being involved in the suicide bombing.

At a limited meeting of terrorism prevention and countermeasures in Jakarta on May 22, 2018, President Joko Widodo insisted that the eradication of terrorism is not enough just by enforcing the law and dismantling terrorist networks to the roots. The eradication of terrorism must be balanced with soft power approach.

President Joko Widodo views that the de-radicalization program must be optimized, not only to clean the ex-terrorists, but also to clean up educational institutions at all levels and the general stages of the misleading understanding of terrorism.

Consciously or not, terrorists are everywhere. There are a lot of suspected terrorists who have been arrested by security apparatus. However, is it possible that legal action against terrorists can finish them to the root?

Although many terrorists have been caught and sentenced, their acts take place again and again with new perpetrators. So in fact, what should be done so that terrorism really does not exist anymore in this country?

It’s terrifying to know that radicalism has entered the world of education, from an early age to college. Based on the survey results of Indonesian Institute of Sciences -LIPI in 2016, 25% of students and 21% of teachers claimed that Pancasila, which is known as the ideology of the Indonesian nation that is plural, is no longer relevant. Meanwhile, the survey of the National Agency for Counter-Terrorism in 2017 also shows that 39% of students in 15 provinces in Indonesia indicated to be interested in radical understanding.

Rector of Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Dwia Tina Palubuhu in a limited meeting with President Joko Widodo, said that the de-radicalization program can be carried out by encouraging students to be proud as a peaceful and tolerant Indonesian people. They should be proud to have Pancasila with humanity values. In the forum, Head of National Agency for Counter-Terrorism, Suhardi Alius proposed to restore nationalism through the school curriculum. Minister of Education and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy requires all teachers to teach the real strengthening of character education, not just theory.

Most importantly, Indonesian people must always be watchful not to be influenced by misleading and unreasonable teachings. They must be fortified with a correct understanding of their religion that loves peace, because there is no religion teaching its followers to pose conflict, let alone to kill humans' lives.



Bali province did sudden inspection towards Galungan celebration

Trade and Industry Office of Bali province held inspection to a number of modern markets in Denpasar and Badung regency on Wednesday related to supervision of goods towards Galungan. Head of Consumer Protection and Commerce Department of Trade and Industry Office, Bali province, Ketut Raka Armaja said that the event is routinely conducted to guarantee and to give protection for consumers on various foods and beverages products which circulate at markets, especially at supermarkets. In additional to targeting modern markets, the supervision is also conducted at traditional markets so that feasibility of goods which circulate at the markets can be guaranteed. Ketut Raka Armaja also said that his office also conducted inspection on several samples of goods and checking, either from the packages, expiration period and product distribution permit from the National Agency of Drug and Food Control.

The government of East Nusa Tenggara province announces the number of foreign tourist visit to the province

At least, 13,000 foreign tourists visited Kupang, the capital city of East  Nusa Tenggara province -NTT during 2017 for business and events of the local government. Head of Tourism Industry Department of Tourism Office, Kupang, Eustakhius Matheus stated that the number of all tourists who visited East Nusa Tenggara reached as many as  250,000 people, but 237,000 people were domestic ones. According to Eustakhius, the tourist visit to Kupang in 2017 increased compared in 2016, which only reached around 197,000 people. He also said that the tourists’ purpose to Kupang was for business, tourism affairs and the government’s events. Meanwhile, the foreign tourist visit increased, although Kupang does not have many tourism destinations. The number of foreign tourist to Kupang also increased compared the visit in  2016 which only reached 6,500 people. He further said that during in Kupang, the tourists from various countries such as  Australia and Europe came to some locations of natural  tourism in Kupang, such as Lasiana beach and natural caves of Japanese heritages. Those Japanese heritages can become interesting tourism objects.

Jakarta is Ready as host of Asian Games 2018

Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan pointed out that Jakarta is ready to hold the 18th Asian Games in August 2018. He said that the readiness can be seen from the development process of a number of venues which will be completed immediately. Governor Anies also said that in late May 2018, the development of BMX venue will be completed. Then, Velodrome and Equestrian  in June 2018 and baseball square in July 2018. Furthermore, the Governor said that in the implementation of Asian Games, the farthest venue from athletes’ guesthouse in Kemayoran is golf field in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.



RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner.

The first information is from Cairo.

Indonesian students, who are studying at  Al- Azhar University of Cairo, are enthusiastic to participate in the commemoration of the 110th National Awakening Day held on Sunday evening (20/5/2018) of local time at the Indonesian Embassy in Cairo, Egypt. Besides the students, diplomats and staffs are participated in the ceremony led by Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt, Helmy Fauzi. The President of Indonesian Student Association of Egypt,  Pangeran Arsyad said that the Indonesian students in Egypt make the National Awakening Day as momentum to improve their knowledge abroad. Pangeran also called for the students to be able to become ambassador of the nation so that positive image of the nation can be seen by Egyptian people or citizens of other countries, who are also studying in Egypt. He viewed that that for 110 years after the establishment of Budi Utomo, the Indonesian students in Egypt can show their abilities to a number of students from various countries. 

Wayang kulit or in English means Puppet shadow for the first time performance amazed Russian people. The puppet shadow accompanied by live  Gamelan was performed by duet famous Indonesian puppeteers, Ki Anom Suroto and Ki Bayu Aji, plus little puppeteers, Pramariza Fadlansyah and Rafi Ramadhan, who amazed Russian people at two theaters and school in Russia.  Even,  a girl from Moscow State University, Eliza approached Ki Bayu after the performance and expressed her wish to be puppeteer. This was stated by First Secretary of Information Function of Social Culture at Indonesian Embassy of Moscow, Enjay Diana to Antara London on Wednesday. Meanwhile, another Russian citizen, an art teacher would come to the Indonesian embassy of Moscow to learn Gamelan and want to buy a set of Gamelan from Indonesia. As appreciation, Ki Bayu gave puppet and gunungan to the two Russian citizens. A series of cultural diplomacy was held by the Indonesian embassy of Moscow at three cities of Russia,  namely Saint Petersburg which was held at Cultural Center Building of 'Troitsky' on May 15, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow on May 19 and Gynamsium school No. 18, Korolyov district on May 20. Indonesian Ambassador to Russian Federation concurrently Republic of Belarus, M. Wahid Supriyadi said that the Indonesian Cultural event was presented to Russian people to know more Indonesian culture and to strengthen relations of the two countries.

We end Diplomatic Corner with the information from Lebanon.

Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon re-invited Indonesian citizens and students in  Lebanon to attend ‘Iftar’ breaking the fast together at the Indonesian Embassy. In a press release received by RRI on Tuesday (22/5/2018), the event was held on Friday (18/5). The invitees were served by ta’jil ala Indonesia and continued with dinner with the Indonesians. Familiarity and togetherness were enjoyed clearly by the Indonesian citizens, students and the Indonesian embassy’s family. In additional to breaking the fast and tarawih prayer, the committee of the event also holds Tarawih safari (tarling) every week at the mosques in Beirut. All of the events are held to strengthen brotherhoods between the family of Indonesian Embassy and Indonesian citizens in Lebanon and to spread   Islam of Indonesia in Lebanon.


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Today's Book and Film Review will review an Indonesian film entitled "Moonrise Over Egypt" directed by Pandu Adiputra. Moonrise Over Egypt is an historic-suspense movie about Indonesian history and was released in 2018. An important event in Indonesian history about struggle to gain de jure recognition is rarely exposed. Behind this event, there was a thrilling drama full of espionage and political intrigues.

This film reveals that event explicitly was based on a deep historic research. The film that was made by experienced hands became a bright spot for Indonesians to see the other side of Indonesian independence history. Indonesian people will also be able to know more about the figures whose names are now used for street names in several cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta. Despite of few research results being found, Pandu keeps moving forward with his works. Pandu explain about his film.

“…Moonrise over Egypt is clearly about sovereignty, love, and betrayal. The big story is about four delegates fighting for recognition of sovereignty. What we are telling in this film is apparently a part of August 17 1945.” He said. 

With idealism and honed skills, this film was made to add more lists of good-quality Indonesian films. It is also a new knowledge for Indonesian people, because the struggle of the then Indonesian politicians did not stop after Indonesia proclaimed its independence. The name of Agus Salim is often heard, but not many Indonesians know well who he is. Playing Agus Salim, Pritt Timothy certainly must know who Agus Salim is.

“…Agus Salim is a national hero who persistently defended the independence of Indonesia, who loved it without self-interest but only for the unity of Indonesia. He is also very clever, diplomatic, and he masters 12 languages, but he lived without looking for fame. Yet, Agus Salim dared to face anyone for the sake of truth and the country.” He said.

Since 2012, many Indonesian directors have made films about Indonesian heroes. Apparently, Indonesians love historic-suspense films. Therefore, many Indonesian moviemakers created historic films about Indonesian heroes. Although it sounds like making use of such condition, Indonesian moviemakers did a good job in introducing historic figures who rarely appear in Indonesian history books. Such a positive thing must be supported by Indonesian people and government.

Historic research had been conducted long time before the script was made. Even, Husni Husein, an Indonesian historian also helped the research for this movie. Nevertheless, the research result was still adjusted to fiction in various stories, so that the film will still be entertaining. One of Moonrise Over Egypt producers, Adie Marzuki explained the importance of historic films.

“…I was scared, but it cannot stop us, more overly we believe that we are conveying important values. Therefore, we ask for help from the stakeholders and Indonesian people who believe that values in historic films are important.” He said.

Ade Marzuki added, he collected stories data from official resources, including from Indonesian Embassy in Cairo, Egypt as well as from Historia magazine editorial. Pandu Adiputra as the director admitted that he implemented and executed the scripts into film carefully. It took 15 days of shooting in Jakarta and 10 other days in Egypt. He hoped to be able to present the situation of Jakarta and Cairo in 1940s to the audience. This 113-minute film is also able to provide historic knowledge for Indonesian people.