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Welcome to “Indonesian Wonder,” a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts, fine arts and culture from various regions across Indonesia. In today’s edition, we will invite you to Aceh to know more one of Acehnese cultures. 

Aceh which has a nick name Veranda of Mecca, has its own uniqueness in traditions which cannot be found in other regions. According to the history, Peusijuek tradition is one of cultural heritages of Hindu. The existence  of Hindu culture in  Aceh was caused with relations between Aceh and India in the past. So indirectly, Hindu culture began to influence Acehnese culture.  But, since Islam entered to Aceh, the tradition’s implementation certainly has used Islamic elements such as Salawatand prays which have been determined in Islamic teachings. Salawat is a special Arabic phrase, which contains the salutation upon the prophet of Islam.


The word of “Peusijuek “ is taken from the word of “Sijue” in Acehnese language meaning cool; so Peusijeuk  can be meant to cool. In Acehnese culture, Peusijuek tradition is to ask for safety, quietness and happiness in life. Peusijuek is divided into some types, such as Peusijuek meulangga ( at the time of the dispute), Peusijuek pade bijeh ( beginning to plant rice), Peusijuek tempat tinggal ( to occupy a new house), Peusijuek peudong rumoh ( to build a house), Peusijuek kaurubeuen (when doing slaughter) Peusijuek  vehicle and Peusijuek pilgrimage. The implementation of Peusijuek ritual is usually held by religious or traditional senior figures. It is a must because Peusijuek tradition is a sacred ritual, so that to hold, it must a person who understands most about prays and procession in the ritual. Moreover, the person who is  Peusijuek, is man, usually will be held by  Teungku or Ustad. If the Peusijuek is woman, so the procession will be held by Ummi or eldest woman. In implementing Peusijuek tradition, there are 3 important things, namely tools and also Peusijuek materials, movement and pray. The equipment and tool which are used in Peusijuek ceremony are henna leaves which have a meaning, rice seed which is planted to be strong and resistant to any pest problems; the salt has a meaning rice seed which is sown to have character like salt, namely to be able to destroy disease on rice so that the rice can  exists to survive. Every Peusijuek material has philosophy and special meaning in it. The movement in  Peusijuek procession is one of very important things, because it cannot be wrong to do the ritual. The movement is usually held from left to the right and sometimes by way of cross. Pray is the most important element,  because the core of Peusijuek ceremony is to ask for the God to give safety, happiness and welfare for them who hold Peusijuek. Peusijuek tradition is still preserved and held until now. Acehnese people believe the tradition is the result of local culture where culture and religion should run in harmony. That was Indonesian Wonder for today featuring Peusijuek tradition from Aceh province. 



Welcome back in Book & Film Review, where we will review Indonesian books and films. In today’s Book & Film Review, we will discuss an Indonesian film entitled “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” or in English “Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts” directed by Mouly Surya. Nursita Mouly Surya is an Indonesian director and screenwriter. Mouly Surya had achieved many awards in Indonesian film industry. On December 12 2008, Mouly received three Indonesian Film Festival awards for film, director, and screenwriter categories. Those were the first and best awards for Mouly Surya. Mouly Surya never stops to create the best for Indonesian moviegoers. In 2017, Mouly directed a film about murder that highlights the lives of people in Sumba. The film written by Garin Nugroho was very interesting. Despite of its simple conflict, the plot was amazing. This film began with a woman who worked hard for the funeral of her late husband. It is because for the people of Sumba, a man must be buried according to their customs.

It begins when Garin gave me and Caca the synopsis. The premises were similar. Mouly said. 

The body of the husband was preserved in the living room, waiting to be buried. Until finally, a group of robbers led by Markus (Egy Fadly), a big an rude man, knocked her doors and threatened to rob her in half an hour. The robbery happened. To defend herself, Marlina took a very risky move which was poisoning the robbers. Besides that, Marlina also seduced Markus. During the foreplay, Marlina beheaded Markus and brought his head to the police office. However her trip to the police office was quite long, because the distance between one home to another can be around 10 to 20 meters. Therefore, during her trip, Marlina walked into a metaphorical experience, where she found herself anew with new power. 

The long trip of Marlina to the police office was the main plot in this movie. Every point of view of this movie is very intriguing. The plot possible had attracted the international movie freaks. This was proven when “Marlina Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak” successfully screened in international movie festivals. 

It’s been played in Cannes, Toronto, Melbourne, and Busan.” Mouly added. 

We can say that this is the first Indonesian movie to give positive impression on murder for defense. Mouly was quite brave to present justice for woman like Marlina who only want to give proper funeral for her husband. “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” was a very touching film. Mouly also harmonized the angle that showed the beautiful nature of Sumba. Therefore, the movie can enjoy the story and the scenery. It was worthy of global appreciation. Well, that was a brief review on a movie entitled “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” or “Marlina Murderer in Four Acts” directed by Mouly Surya. 



Of the total peat-land in the world reaching 400 million hectares per February 2016, the area of ​​tropical peat-land is only eight percent. Of that amount, as much as 60 percent are in Southeast Asia. Tropical peat-land is the one which has the richest type of peat in carbon stocks. The benefit of the peat-land, that is only 3% of the total land area in the world, is capable of storing 75% carbon in the atmosphere. Indonesia is known to have the largest tropical peat-land which covers around 11.5 million hectares, while Malaysia has only 7 million hectares.


As the country with the largest tropical swamp peat-land ecosystem in the world, it is natural that Indonesia offers itself to be the world's tropical peat-land center. Indonesia’s experience for year in dealing with forest and land fires and restoring and providing peat protection should be a mainstay. Central Kalimantan and Sumatra are among those nominated as tropical peat-land candidate because they have done a lot of research, utilization and all related things to peat-land management programs.


The international response that appreciates Indonesia's performance in the protection, management and restoration of the burnt peat-lands is one of the reasons why Indonesia deserves to be the world's tropical peat-land center. Head of Research, Development and Innovation Agency of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Agus Justianto said that the concept is being discussed.


The management of the tropical peat-land center is planned to be under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and in collaboration with the Peat-land Restoration Agency (BRG). Currently, the BRG is working on restoration on 2 million hectares of land in 7 provinces until 2019.

BRG itself was set up to deal with peat-land matters and strengthen peat-land regulation through government regulations and ministerial regulations, following the case of forest fires by 2015. According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the effort contributed significantly to the reduction of hotspots. In 2015 – 2017, the number of hotspots dropped dramatically from nearly 22,000 spots to fewer than 2000 spots. This became a successful story of Indonesia in a bid to become a tropical peat-land center.


Head of the Peat-land Restoration Agency, Nazir Foead said that Indonesia will build a center of tropical peat-land ecosystem in Bogor, West Java. This centre will be a place for information sharing. While the peat-land laboratory is located in Riau, Jambi and Kalimantan. The center of this tropical peat-land ecosystem will be a place of learning for other countries that want to know about tropical peat-land and how to restore and care for tropical peat-land. Nazir also remarked that Indonesia has a lot of research on peat-land, and the research should be featured in the center of the tropical peat-land ecosystem. Indonesia also opens up the economic potential of the swamp peat-land whose moisture and humidity are kept. The potentials include genuine timbers of swamp peat-land as a substitute for acacia, peat-land coffee, forest honey, rubber and pineapple.


The efforts made by Indonesia are certainly not meaningful if not supported by similar activities by other countries. However, Indonesia is only a small part of this vast earth. All countries in the world must have the same responsibility to care for the earth.



Welcome back to Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, a segment which invites you to learn Bahasa Indonesia.  The program ‘Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia is collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, RRI Foreign Broadcasting Station and the Agency for Language Development, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is " DI BUS"  or in English,  “ON THE BUS ”



First, I’ll introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and idioms related to the topic today. I’ll say each word slowly, twice. You can follow after me.




Di bus

(2X) In English

On the bus


(2X) In English

Older sister (Javanese)


(2X) In English

Female student

Universitas Indonesia

(2X) In English

University of Indonesia


(2X) In English

Older brother (Javanese)


(2X) In English

To know


(2X) In English

To see


(2X) In English

To wait

Di halte

(2X) In English

At the bus stop


(2X) In English

To get off

Di mana?

(2X) In English



(2X) In English



(2X) In English

Excuse me


(2X) In English

Go ahead


Next is a conversation on   " DI BUS"  or in English,  “ON THE BUS”.

As usual, I’ll say every sentence slowly, twice, and you can follow after me.  The conversation is between Tono   (A) and   Dewi (B) on the Bus.



Apakah mbak mahasiswi Universitas Indonesia?

(2X) In English

Are you a student of University of Indonesia?


Ya, bagaimana Mas tahu?

(2X) In English

Yes, how do you know?


Saya lihat mbak tadi menunggu bus ini di halte Universitas Indonesia.

(2X) In English

I saw you waiting for the bus at University of Indonesia bus stop.


Iya, betul

(2X) In English

That’s right.


Turun di mana, mbak?

(2X) In English


Where are you getting off?


Saya turun di halte depan.

Maaf  Mas, permisi.

Saya mau turun.

(2X) In English


(2X) In English

(2X) In English

I’m getting off at the next bus stop.Excuse me!

I’m getting off.


Oh. Silakan, Mbak

(2X) In English

Oh, go ahead!


Terima kasih, mas.

(2X) In English

Thank you.


In the dialogue, Dewi said, " Maaf  Mas, permisi.” Which in English means simply “Excuse me". The word ‘Mas’ is usually used to address a relatively young man. To address a relatively young woman, you can call her ‘Mbak’. You can also add a  name after  Mbak or Mas, like Mbak Sinta, Mbak Rani, Mas Tony, or Mas Andi. The term ‘Mas’ and ‘Mbak’ are actually not Indonesian but Javanese, a regional language in Indonesia. The original meaning of Mas is older brother, and Mbak is older sister. However, Mas and Mbak are often used in Indonesian everyday  conversation, especially in Java, though not necesarily in other parts of Indonesia. The words are usually  used to address a relatively young man and young woman.