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Mosaic of the Archipelago is presenting information on Tangerang invites ICLEI to implement low emission development. The second one is that Solok Radjo coffee penetrates the United Nations market. We end Mosaic of Indonesia with the news on Batam is ready to develop Putri island.

The government of Tangerang city, Banten province cooperated with International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) to implement low emission development. The cooperation is marked by signing a Memorandum of Understanding -MoU which is valid until 2020. Mayor of Tangerang, Arief R Wismansyah said in Tangerang on Tuesday (13/2) that Tangerang city and the council will arrange the preparation of urban development program which focuses on low emission development. According to Arief R Wismansyah, the programs are reduction of greenhouse emission, namely by making absorption wells or biopori, regreening and reduction of traffic jam. International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives is an international organization. Its members are cities in the world. It aims at preventing and solving environment’s problems in local, regional and global scope. Representatives of the Council, Slamet Dorayni and Gina Karina conveyed their appreciation on the government of Tangerang city’s commitment to implementing environmentally friendly city. Gina explained, with this cooperation, in the near future, the government of Tangerang city can implement low emission city in effort to be one of environmentally friendly cities in the world, especially in reducing emission.

Solok Radjo of Arabica coffee which in 2018 is able to penetrate the US market. This was stated by Head of Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises Office of West Sumatera, Zirma Yusri in Padang on Tuesday (13/2). According to Zirma Yusri, this year, the Arabica coffee will be exported to the USA. The market of the coffee product is higlighted in exhibitions in some countries which introduced the Solok Radjo coffee to the world. In addition, the review from Q grader has helped the introduction of the product to the coffee lovers. Zirma also said that the coffee has typical aroma and taste. It has fresh sour flavor, mixed with sweet flavor. The coffee has also spicy fragrant. The typical taste and aroma have made the coffee popular among the coffee lovers, not only in West Sumatera but also in Indonesia, even in the world. According to Zirma, the Solok Radjo Coffee is developed by a young man, the owner of coffee plantation in  Solok, Alfridiansyah. He has formed a cooperative to ease the product’s processing since 2014. Currently, the cooperative has hundreds of members. Most of them are coffee farmers. Now, the coffee begins to penetrate international market and the farmers in Solok begin to feel the result of their effort.

Batam is ready to develop Putri island. The government of Batam city, Riau islands provided regulation for tourism development in Indonesia's outer island, namely Putri island. This island borders with Singapore and Malaysia. Mayor of Batam, Muhammad Rudi said in Batam on Tuesday(13/2) that  tourism development of Putri island will be harmonized with Zoning Plan of Coastal Zone and Small Islands whose regional regulations are now being drafted by the Riau Provincial Government. The Mayor also said that the city’s government will develop marine tourism, especially to optimize beach as tourism destination and to increase International tourist arrivals. According to the Mayor, there are potential beaches to be developed on the main and supporting islands, including surrounding Putri island. So far, most tourists have come from Singapore and Malaysia to Batam to shop in the city. Mayor Muhammad Rudi emphasized on the government’s seriousness to develop tourism industry and to support the people’s economy. The government of Batam city is improving the city’s infrastructure.  According to Mayor Muhammad Rudi, the main task of the government is to build infrastructure to make tourists feel comfortable during their stay in the outermost city in Indonesia.

That was Mosaic of Archipelago.



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Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, February 15 2018.

Media Indonesia wrote “Time to Uphold Commitment for Indonesia.”

Indonesian Chinese Association invited all to have the Chinese New Year 2569 as time to renew and uphold the commitment for Indonesia, based on Pancasila ideology, 1945 Constitutions, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. The invitation was stated by the Indonesian Chinese Association as a form of love for the country. In the invitation, they reminded that Chinese New Year is a perfect moment to strengthen loyalty to Indonesia, Pancasila, and 1945 Constitutions as guidance for life in diversity. That was stated by Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Association, Teddy Sugianto in Jakarta on Wednesday (14/2). Teddy Sugianto also invited the people to celebrate the Chinese New Year modestly and solemnly, as well as to use it to get closer to God. The Chinese New Year, Teddy Sugianto said, must also be a moment to enhance empathy for all.


While Republika wrote “Indonesian Police Chief Instructed Regional Police to Guard Ulema”.


Indonesian Police Chief Tito Karnavian at the Vice President Office in Jakarta on Wednesday (14/2) said, the police will carry out preventive efforts after the attacks against religious figures recently. He claimed to have instructed the regional police across the country to increase security around worship houses. On the past attacks, Chief Tito Karnavian said the police will investigate more deeply the case to find if the cases are related.


Kompas wrote “House: KPK Must Be Monitored”.


The House of Representatives’ Inquiry Committee suggested Corruption Eradication Commission -KPK to form independent supervisory institution. The institution consisting members from KPK and integrity figures is needed to create check and balance. The supervisory institution forming is one of ten recommendations from the Inquiry Committee and had been announced during House’s Plenary Session in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/2). However, KPK did not attend the session. Instead, KPK sent a letter to the Speaker of the House and Inquiry Committee. In the letter, KPK stated to be appreciating the works of Inquiry Committee, despite of some disagreements on the report. KPK will only carry out relevant recommendations to be implemented in a bid to strengthen the institution and the corruption eradication efforts.



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Welcome to “INDONESIAN WONDER”, a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts, fine arts and culture from various regions across Indonesia. In today’s edition, we will invite you to enjoy Bekamal Culinary from Banyuwangi.

Banyuwangi is one of the cities in East Java province. Osing or Using is indigenous people who inhabit Banyuwangi region. Traveling to Banyuwangi is not complete if you do not interact directly with the life of Osing people. They have rich and unique customs and traditions. There are Banyuwangi Gandrung Art, Barong Dance, Kuntulan, Tumpeng Sewu Tradition, and Jamuran Tradition. In addition, the Osing tribe also has a typical culinary that you deserve to enjoy. One of them is Bekamal, the culinary using meat as its main ingredient.

To taste it, the meat is then processed again to be consumed as a side dish. Before reprocessing, to minimize the distinctive aroma, bekamal meat must be washed with clean air and then soaked overnight with lemon juice. This is done, in addition to reduce the distinctive aroma, also reducing the dominant saltiness in Bekamal. The Osing community in Gintangan Village, usually serve Bekamal meat as side dishes. The meat put in bamboo rice or Sego Jajang. To try the taste of Bekamal that has been processed, you can find the culinary in Gintangan village, Banyuwangi. In addition, Bekamal is also sold in the form of packaging.

Bekamal is taken from the Javanese and Using language, which means the full of charity. The traditional culinary, is estimated has been existed since the 16th century when Islam began to enter the Blambangan kingdom, because at that time, people are familiar with the celebration of Eid al-Adha, so the meat stock is abundant during the sacrifice. The kingdom is a fragment of the last Majapahit kingdom in Java. The overflow of meat by the community is preserved into Bekamal. Formerly the local community, the meat was put into ‘kendil’ which is previously flavored and then closed tightly to at least 10 days. After the meat is considered cooked it can be taken just a little bit, to be sauteed as a side dish.

That was the segment of Indonesian Wonder, with the topic about Bekamal Culinary from Banyuwangi.



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The Directorate General of Natural Resources Conservation and Ecosystems in cooperation with the Bogor Forest Research and Development Center at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry conducted research on morel mushroom in Mount Rinjani National Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara -NTB. Researcher of the Bogor Forest Research and Development Center at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Dr. Maman Turjaman in Mataram said that the research is aimed to obtain the cultivation technique of Rinjani morel mushroom both by site and ex-site programs.

Maman Turjaman said that his side will also conduct a cultivation test inside the Mount Rinjani National Park area with certain locations eligible for mushrooms to grow. There are 1,000 planting media that have been prepared. He said that the morel mushroom that will be tested for cultivation is morel Rinjani (morchella crassipes). The designation of the mushroom name is based on research at National Center For Biotechnology (NCBI). The mushroom was found by the cultivation team of Mount Rinjani National Park -BTNGR when they were conducting routine monitoring within the area in 2009. The findings were later reported to the Bogor Research and Development Center - P3H, for further investigation. He said that morel is the second most expensive mushroom in the world, after the truffles mushroom. Therefore, the researchers are motivated to do research, beginning in 2017.  Researcher, Asep Hidayat added that the morel mushrooms have been cultivated widely in Europe since a hundred years ago. But the researchers in the country have firstly conducted research, before disseminating the cultivation technology to the wider community.

Besides in Europe, the mushroom researchers in China have also conducted research on the plant that can only grow in the tropical area since 1980. Then in 1992, they found the formula for cultivation. However, the cultivation for commercial interest began to be done in 2012. Maman Turjaman said, for Morel Rinjani, the Bogor Research and Development Center started exploration until laboratory test in 2017, just in 10 months. Now,the center will try the cultivation technology. If the result is good, it will be cultivated massively.

Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Division of Cultivation of Mount Rinjani National Park, Dwi Pangestu hoped that the experimental cultivation of "morel" Rinjani mushroom in conservation area could produce positive result. Therefore, the plant can be one of the non-timber forest products that can be utilized and cultivated to improve the welfare of the community around the area of Mount Rinjani. Besides morel mushroom, the area also produces ferns, grass, medicinal plants, honey, and rattan.

That was My Indonesia.