International dragon boat race re-enlivened the city of Tanjung Pinang, Riau Island. The event that includes in the annual agenda of Riau Island provincial government has entered the 17th year. Met after the opening ceremony on Friday, October 19th 2018 in Tanjung Pinang, Riau Island, Head of Tanjung Pinang Tourism Agency, Raja Kholidin said that the international dragon boat race brings about a remarkable impact on Tanjung Pinang economy.
“The dragon boat race activity has been held for 17 years. This is one of the efforts to re-elevate Chinese culture that the dragon boat is unique and loved by our people. That’s why, we make it as an event which also becomes tools to promote our region. So, foreign tourists want to visit Tanjung Pinang. This activity is held because of our colleagues from the ministry of tourism and provincial and city government also supports us. The event is part of Tanjung Pinang tourism annual agenda. So, every year, we hold this because the impact is remarkable on this event as we can see now. Previously, Tanjung Pinang was very quiet but now is busy. At least, the people crowd the event once a year.” Raja Kholidin said.
Raja Kholidin added that this event can fulfill the targeted number of 50.000 foreign tourists by the Tourism Ministry for Tanjung Pinang. Held since October 19th to 21st 2018, International dragon boat race is participated by 44 teams; 10 of them are from other countries. Malaysia becomes the biggest participants in this event by delivering seven teams while Brunei Darussalam with two teams and Singapore one team. Meanwhile, there are 10 teams from other regions that join in this race, such as Jakarta with two teams, Riau province three teams and Jambi with five teams. While, the rest is the local people with 24 teams. (VOI/NK/RHM)
Bank Indonesia opens an opportunity for Indonesia syariah economy development through cooperation with Small and Medium enterprise that based on syariah in several region in Indonesia that unite in Indonesia creative industry or IKRA. Director of Islamic Economy and Finance of Bank Indonesia, M. Anwar Bashori in a press conference in Jakarta Convention Center recently said that the central bank has been a long time fostering small and medium enterprise so they can compete globally.
“Bank Indonesia already has several small and medium enterprise, we provide them guides and direction. Why BI does that because, for example the paddy rice can have better result if it were not interrupted by the inflation. We have Indonesia Creative Work that becomes one of Bank Indonesia job, we only guide them to compete in global market. Because to be a link in a global market we have to give them direction and the rest is their personal ability like Vivi and others do to increase their capacities,” said Anwar Bashori.
To make it come true, Bank Indonesia cooperates with ViviZubedi an Indonesian designer who has gone international. Vivi establishes ViviZubedi foundation that becomes Indonesia Creative Industry or IKRA’s vessel in food and fashion sector that aiming to make the entrepreneurs to go international. (VOI/NK/AHM)
National athlete Muhammada Taufik and Akhmad Jukardi along with Indonesian Supermodel Kelly Tandiono joint other participants to start swimming at the Bull, Rhino and Eagle category at Rhino Cross Triathlon 2018, this is the first cross country triathlon open championship in Indonesia. Managing Director of Tanjung Lesung Resort, Rully Lasahido accompanied by the Head of Banten Province Tourism, Eneng Nurcahyati open the race with the flag off on the shore of Tanjung Lesung. Race Director Taufik Hidayat told Voice of Indonesia that the route he design could give a great challange to the participants.
“The route is not lighter but had more variation, eventhough we already reduce several spots that was considered too extreme at the first Rhino Cross Tiathlon but in terms of technicality it remains the same. There are participants from seven countries join the race such as Spain, France, Netherland, Japan, New Zealand, USA and Australia” Taufik said.
Rhino Cross Triathlon 2018 was followed by more than 200 participants in which 114 in Mountain Bike XC are from Indonesia and 89 participants from 7 countries at Rhino X-Tri. The Rhino Xross Triathlon held three categories First Eagle that compete 1500 meters swiming, 30 kilometers cycling and 15 kilometers run. Meanwhile at the Rhino category conclude 1000 meters swiming, 20 kilometer cycling and 10 kilometers run. At the Bull Category race 500 meters swimming, 10 kilometers cycling and 5 kilometers run. This event also present Rhino Mountain Bike XCM with different categories such asMen Elite, Women Open, Men Open dan Men Master//NK
Zaenal Fanani Win the Rhino Mountain Bike Cross Country Marathon 2018 at Tanjung Lesung
Thrill Factory Team – Bolo 1000’s athlete Zaenal Fanani has managed to gain the first position at the Rhino Mountain Bike Cross Country Marathon Open Championship with the total time of one hour, fifty five minutes and twenty three seconds (1:55:23) followed by Rafika M. Farishi from Pacific bike with the time one hour, fifty seven minutes and twenty three seconds (1:57:23) and Deni Ari yulianto from ISSI Club Cilegon – MJ Bike Cilegon Banten gain the third position with the total time two hours, seven minutes and twelve seconds (2:7:12). Although, Fanani have made a wrong route, he finally able to fight back and finish at the first position. When met after the race on Saturday (29/9), Fanani explained what happened when he made the wrong route and the preparation for the next championship of Asia Series in Cikole, West Java.
“I left the second position for about four minutes and I stopped at kilometer16. I asked the committee, I just found out that I was wrong, the distance was 38 kilometers to the finish line,then I went back to get my first position. Well, Cikole championship is XCO, it is four kilo sprint that must be reached in one and half hour”
Zainal said.
Meanwhile at the women class open, a rider from Batik Air Racing Team Club Noviana, got the first position with the time two hours, fourty two minutes and fifty two seconds (2:42:52). The Second and third position reached by Roidah and Siti Supi Chalifah from Pengcab ISSI Bogor. The Rhino Mountain Bike Cross Country Marathon (MTB XCM) that was held on September 29th 2018 in Tanjung Lesung included in series of events of Tanjung Lesung Festival initiated by Banten provincial government to introduce several tourism objects in the region//NK