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Members of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) have an obligation to maintain the upholding of Pancasila, the Constitution, the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia -NKRI and Unity in Diversity -Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. This was disclosed by Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly, Zulkifli Hasan while leading the swearing-in procession of the Interim Replacement Appointment (PAW) 2014-2019 at the Parliament Building in Jakarta last Wednesday (23/5). As quoted from the page, Zulkifli Hasan said that the years 2018 and 2019 are political ones. So, the service and devotion of the members are waited to keep the unity of the Indonesian nation.

On the other hand, MPR continues to hold the socialization of the Four Pillars of the MPR namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika to the public. Vice Chairman of MPR, Oesman Sapta on Monday (28/5) in Pontianak, Kalimantan West held a socialization of the importance of understanding the values ​​of the four pillars of nationality. This socialization reminds the public of the dangers of drugs. He reminded that the state of Indonesia is being undermined by foreign countries that want to seize the natural wealth and resources of Indonesia. They intervene through drugs.

Meanwhile, Prof. Azyumardi Azra from the State Islamic University of Jakarta, as quoted from proposed a national training for lecturers and teachers of Madrasah in Indonesia. The proposal is proposed to address the spread of radicalism through college and school in Indonesia. He said in Jakarta (25/5) said that radicalism entered through infiltration; one of them is through college. Therefore, to respond to radicalism must be done through national education for students and lecturers. According Prof. Azyumardi Azra, education and training for teachers should be implemented considering the true teachers never touch the training of nationality after officially became a teacher. It is different from the students who still get civic education.


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Today in History over RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia start from an event on on May 29, 1953 when Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay were the first people to reach the peak of Mount Everest.

Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand mountaineer and Tenzing Norgay, a Nepalese sherpa, became the first people to reach the peak of Mount Everest, the highest peak of the Himalayas. They reached the top of the mountain as high as 8 thousand 850 meters on May 29, 1953. In the ascent, Edmund Hillary was assisted by 150 professional climbers plus 750 people who supported provisions with a Sherpa guide named Tenzing Norgay. After the success, Edmund Hillary concentrated on improving the living conditions of Nepalese, especially the Sherpas.

I’ll switch to the Heysel tragedy of May 29, 1985 that killed 32 Juventus F.C supporters.

The Heysel tragedy occurred on 29 May 1985 during a football match between Liverpool and Juventus in the Champions Cup, currently called the Champions League at the Heysel stadium in Brussels, Belgium. The incident became an opaque history of English football even though at that time, the English clubs were victorious. Because of this incident UK teams were banned from playing at the International level for 5 years. The tragedy started when  fans of each club mocked and harassed each other. Then suddenly, about an hour before kick-off, the Liverpool hooligans broke through the barrier into Juventus tifosi territory. Juventus supporters tried to stay away but then a tragedy occurred. The barrier wall in the sector collapsed because it could not hold the burden of people who kept trying to push and jump over the fence. Hundreds of people fell on the falling walls. As a result, as many as 39 people died and 600 more injured. Some Liverpool supporters were then sentenced to three years in jail for being perceived as the trigger for the violence.

I’ll end Today in History with May 29, 1996 when President Soeharto officially declared the National Elderly Day.

National Elderly Day in Indonesia is commemorated every May 29 as a form of awareness and respect for the elderly. According to Law No. 13/1998 on Elderly Welfare, the Elderly are persons who are 60 years of age and older. The National Elderly Day was officially declared by President Soeharto in Semarang on May 29, 1996 to honor the services of Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat who in his later years presided over the first trial of the Indonesian Preparatory Agency for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI). As a manifestation of respect for the elderly, the Indonesian government established the National Commission for the Protection of Senior Citizens -Komnas Lansia, and drafted the National Plan of Action for the Elderly under the coordination of the office of the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare. Komnas Lansia was formed based on Presidential Decree No. 52/2004 and served as coordinator of efforts to improve the social welfare of the elderly in Indonesia.



Today's Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, to return the greatness of Bayur bay. The second information is that Jamaat reserves will fulfill jamaat who does not pay off the cost of holding the pilgrimage. The third information is that more than 8,000 people of Mt. Merapi slope are prohibited to do activities at 3- Km zone.

Various improvements were conducted by PT Pelindo II of Bayur bay to return the greatness of Bayur bay.  It is targeted that in 2020, Bayur bay seaport will become the biggest seaport throughout Indonesia. This was stated by General Manager of Pelindo II, Bayur bay, Padang, Armen Amir to RRI on Sunday (27/5/2018). He remarked that as the vital object of the distribution of goods coming in and out, Bayur  bay is improving itself through facility improvement, increasing of capacity and productivity,  and the completeness of IT-based information systems. The existence of data mentioned that the visit of ships to Bayur bay seaport during 2017 reached 2 thousand 7 hundred ships with distribution of the goods 12 million tons per year. It is very unfortunate if the biggest seaport at the Western coast of Sumatera cannot rise and optimalize extra-ordinary potential in accordance with its slogan, Teluk Bayur Bangkit in English means Bayur Bay Rising. With its current status, as middle seaport, it is not enough for Bayur  bay seaport for complacency. There is a lot of homework which must be done to return the greatness of the seaport which was established in 1858. Pelindo II Teluk Bayur focuses on improving the seaport’s area by completing the needed facilities, such as warehouse and expansion of the land to support seaport service operation.

Ministry of Religious Affairs has closed the phase II period of payment of regular Hajj pilgrimageon Friday (25/5/2018). But, as many as 943 prospective pilgrims did not repay. Minister of Religious Affairs, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin ensured that prospective pilgrims, who have paid the fee, will directly fulfill pilgrims quota until the second phase ended. According to the minister, the number of the prospective pilgrims who have paid the fee, is more than 944 people. At least, the Minister further said, the reserve pilgrims are 5 percent from the total of pilgrims this year. There are 201,545 Indonesian pilgrims who have paid the fee. This was stated by Head of Sub-Directorate of pilgrim registration, Noer Aliya Fitra. Meanwhile, until Friday (25/5/2018), there are 3,981 pilgrims who have done repayment with reserve status.

We end Mosaic of the archipelago with the information: more than 8,000 people of Mt. Merapi are prohibited to do activities at 3-Km zone.

As many as 8,484 residents who live on the slope of Mt. Merapi,  Kemalang district, Klaten regency, Central Java, in Disaster Prone Areas, were asked to be still alert and prohibited to do activities at 3-Km zone from the peak of Mt. Merapi.Head of Regional Disaster Management Agencyof Klaten regency, Bambang Giyanto said in Yogyakarta on Sunday (27/5/2018) that the residents who enter in Disaster Prone Areas, are spread out at 3 villages, namely  Balerante,  Sidorejo and Tegal Mulyo. According to Bambang Giyanto, his office has provided a number of clusters such as cattle cluster which is in charge of livestock, logistic cluster or security cluster and the others. Bambang also informed that his office still also seeks location for cattle which is not far from the shelters of the refugees.



Published in Feature


Here is Headlines of several national newspapers published today, May 26.

We begin with Kompas entitled, “Terror Act Prevention becomes Priority”. The effort to eradicate and prevent terrorism got new energy. Anti-terrorism Act that was approved by House of Representatives on Friday (25/5) became the legal basis for law enforcer to prioritize preventive moves agains terror actions. The police aided by National Army TNI can execute all necessary moves to prevent the terror action, but still uphold the human rights. The law enforcers are also allowed to arrest Indonesian citizens who return to the country after joining terrorist groups abroad. Besides prioritizing prevention, the Anti-terrorism Act was seen to be more comprehensive in protecting victims by arranging compensation, restitution, medical aid, psychological & psycosocial rehab, as well as compensation for dead victim. The antiterrorism draft bill had been dsicussed since April 27 2016 and was accelerated after series of terror attacks in several regions. Moving on to Media Indonesia entitled, “TNI Involvement was Highest Commander’s Command. War drums against terrorism in the country was sounded louder. Government will accelerate the discussion of the presidential regulation on National Army TNI involvemenr in terrorism countermeasures. That was done after the House’s plenary session on Friday (25/5) which aproved the draft bill no. 15/2003 on government regulation in lieu of law no. 1/2002 on antiterrorism into a law. Presidential Staff Head Moeldoko said, the presidential regulation on TNI involvement in terrorism countermeasure will rather regulate technical elements. Moeldoko addes, the President will lead directly the presidential regulation on TNI involvement in countering terrorism. We end the Headlines with Republika entitled Global Bonds is Still an Option. Bond emission stayed as fundraising alternative for state-owned companies, despite having to pay higher interest amidst financial market volatility. In 2018 period, three state-owned companies had colllected fund by global bond issuance. The total emission had reached 2.90 billion US dollar.

The most recent was PT PLN which issued bond with value of 2 billion US dollar in Singapore Stock Exchange. The state-owned electricity company issued global bond in two tenures, namely 10 years with 5.45 percent coupon and 30 years with 6.15 percent coupon.