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Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, June 7 2018.

We begin with Kompas entitled, "National Economy is Prone to Fluctuation."

The domestic economy, at least in the short and mid-term, will still be prone to external fluctuation. This was the consequence of the national economy structure which still depends on foreign funding. Therefore, encouraging export-oriented industry becomes an effective solution. Kompas held a panel discussion on economy in Jakarta, Wednesday (6/6) themed "Anticipating and Facing Turbulent Economy". The discussion was moderated by University of Indonesia lecturer, Faisal Basri.

The guests attending the discussion were Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara, Indonesian F&B Producers Association (Gapmmi) Chairman Adhi S. Lukman, PT Kalbe Farma President Director Vidjongtius, Indonesian Hotel & Restaurant Association (PHRI) Chairman Hariyadi B Sukamdani, as well as Citi Indonesia Economist Helmi Arman. Based on Bank Indonesia's data, Indonesian foreign debt in the end of January 2018 was $357.5 billion dollars or grew 10.3 percent in a year. This debt consisted of the government and bank central' debt amounting to $183.4 billion dollars as well as private debt $174.2 billion dollars. Around 40 percent of government debt papers (SBN) are owned by foreign investors.

Moving on to Media Indonesia entitled, "Humiliate Corruptor."

The action of Purbalingga Regent M. Tasdi, who showed metal hand sign right after named as suspect by Corruption Eradication Commission KPK in a bribery case, was odd and worrying. That was the conclusion from many people. Regent M. Tasdi himself is suspected to receive Rp 100 million from tender winner of the 2nd Stage Purbalingga Islamic Center project amounting to Rp 22 billion.

Indonesia Corruption Watch - ICW Deputy Coordinator, Agus Sunaryanto said that regent M. Tasdi's action was unusual. According to him, the corruption case suspect showed no shame. Instead, corruptor suspects must be ashamed in public. With similar opinion, Padang Andalas University's Legal and Constitution Study Center Director, Feri Amsari said that some corruptors have been resistant and lacking of shame. Therefore, criminal sentences must be exacerbated and social-political sanction must be given. Feri also agreed that corruption suspect must be handcuffed.

We end the Headline with Republika entitled, "Beware of Kertasari Toll Road and Kalikuto Bridge".

Minister of Public Works and People Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono after the Ketupat Operation 2018 briefing at Monas, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/6) said that there are two spots prone to congestion along the toll road in Java during this year's homecoming flow. Therefore, the people are asked to pay more attention to the two spots in order to avoid long traffic congestion. Minister Basuki also explained, the first spot is at the Kertasari toll gate, Tegal Regency, Central Java. The gate, according to Minister Basuki, will move the congestion from East Brebes Exit which is still free of charge until Eid Holiday. However, if previously people paid in the East Brebes Exit, they will pay the toll in Kertasari, so that congestion can be prevented. The second spot is Kalikuto Bridge in Kendal. He added that the bridge is still under construction. However, he hoped it can be finished and used on the D-2 of Eid Holiday. This toll road will be opened on June 8, 6 am local time. All that, according to Minister Basuki, had been agreed.



Diplomatic Corner, a segment presents information about Indonesian diplomatic activities both at home and abroad.

First information is from Geneva. Before the delegation of the International Labor Conference (ILC) that took place in Geneva, Swiss, Indonesia Minister of Manpower, Hanif Dhakiri affirmed his commitment to create decent work for women on Monday (4/6). Indonesia conveyed various efforts that have been implemented at the national level in encouraging the participation rate of the female labor force and the provision of facilities for female workers.

Minister Hanif Dhakiri as representative of government delegate, workers and employers from 187 member countries of the International Labor Organization (ILO) expressed his views on a number of proposed ILO initiatives to promote gender equality in the workplace. Indonesia requested that the ILO develops a review of the women's working hour policies that are balanced and in line with the needs of workers and employers. Meanwhile, Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN, WTO, and other International Organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Hasan Kleib explained that the ILC discussion in 2018 is focused on the theme "The Women at Work initiative: the push for equality".

Next information is from Moscow. Tour bus of hop on hop off which goes around the downtown of Moscow, Russia with pictorial decoration ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ parked in Red Square, next to the Kremlin Palace, Moscow. The bus stopped to pick up and drop off local and foreign tourists. The bus pictorial Borobudur Temple with Wonderful Indonesia and Asian Games 2018 Jakarta-Palembang logo travels the Russian capital main streets from June 1 to June 20, 2018. The logo attracts the attention of the people around Red Square. The design of the picture contrasted with St. Basil’s Cathedral, one of the most famous icons in not only Russia, but also the world. Another tour bus with picture ‘Balinese tourist attraction’ goes around major and different routes around Moscow city.

The existence of both buses ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ is part of the promotion of Indonesian tourism in Russia, conducted Ministry of Tourism. Besides, Wonderful Indonesia will greet the Moscow citizens and Russian capital guests through a digital billboard at two strategic places in Moscow, namely Novy Arbat and Yerevan Plaza from June 15 to July 16, 2018. Meanwhile, based on information from the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism, the promotional advertisement ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ will also be done at St. Petersburg, one of the main tourist cities and the second largest city in Russia. 17 big buses with pictures of Indonesian tourist sites will be operational from June 18 to September 9, 2018, 4 others will start operating on June 18 to August 19, 2018, and 4 units of mini buses will be operational on June 18 to July 15, 2018. The buses will pass by the main and busiest streets of St. Petersburg. Indonesia Ambassador to Russia Federation and Republic of Belarus, M. Wahid Supriyadi said that the promotion of Indonesian culture and tourism in Russia is being intensively conducted.

We end Diplomatic Corner with information from Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Senior Athletic Team Indonesia achieved medals in Sri Lanka. They succeeded in achieving the medals at the "Masters Athletics Sri Lanka" championship that took place at Sugatadasa Stadium on June 2-3, 2018. Marie Rorek, 86 years old won four gold medals in 100-meter run, javelin throw, discus throw and shot put. Ockben Saor Sinaga, 45 years old also succeeded in grabbing a gold medal in 100-meter run and second winner of long jump. Monna Sigar, 50 years old was runner-up in 100-mter run. With this result, Indonesia is entitled to compete again at the "Word Master Athletics" world championship in Malagga Spain in September 2018. “Masters Athletics Sri Lanka" is an annual championship event of athletics senior category with age above 45 years.



Published in Feature


Here is Headlines of several national newspapers published today, June 5 2018.

We begin with Kompas entitled, ‘the Government and Parliament’s Guarantee is Doubtful’

The Government and the House of Representatives guaranteed the inclusion of special crime cases into the Criminal Code Draft Bill (RUU KUHP) will not weaken the eradication of special cases, such as corruption, terrorism, severe human rights violations, money laundering, and drugs. However, the guarantee is yet to erase worries that corruption eradication will be disturbed by its inclusions into the Criminal Code Draft Bill.

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has sent letters for five times to President Joko Widodo to convey their hope so that corruption will not be included in the Draft Bill. The commission Deputy Chairman Basaria Pandjaitan at the Presidential Palace Complex Jakarta on Monday (4/6) said, the corruption eradication already has its own law, so there is no need for another one. Separatedly, KPK Deputy Chairman Laode M Syarif added, the rejection against corruption inclusion into the Criminal Code Draft Bill is kept being conveyed by KPK during the Draft Bill, both with the government and the legislators.

Meanwhile Media Indonesia wrote, "UNRI Rector Admits the Failure".

Riau University (UNRI) Rector Aras Mulyadi said, the arrest of three UNRI alumni who are also alleged terrorist had gave the campus bad image. He admitted to fail noticing any suspicious moves of the suspected terrorists. Therefore, UNRI will carry out some organized efforts and strengthen the comprehension of Pancasila (Indonesian Ideology) in their curriculum.

UNRI also had declared its rejection against radicalism and condemned the terrorism after the arrest of the three suspects in their campus.

We end the Headlines with Republika entitled, "Peak of Homecoming Traffic Begins This Weekend".

There was change in the calculation of homecoming flow and its peak in this year. Transportation Ministry predicted, the homecoming flow will begin this week. The peak flow which was predicted to be in the middle of next week, apparently will happen this weekend. Jakarta-Cikampek road will be the most condensed spot in the homecoming traffic. Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that during a working meeting with House of Representatives' Transportation Commission on Monday (4/6). During the meeting the minister explained the preparation of transportation facilities and infrastructure for the Eid Holiday homecoming. The reason of the change according to the Minister Budi Karya was the change of this year's homecoming pattern which was triggered by longer national holidays.



Diplomatic Corner, a segment presents information about Indonesian diplomatic activities, both at home and abroad.

First information is from Australia. Indonesia Consulate General in Perth and Indonesian Muslims who live in Perth and surrounding areas on Saturday (2/6) commemorated the night Nuzulul Quran coinciding with 17 days of Ramadan or the decline of Al Quran and Iftar. The night Nuzulul Quran was filled by the recital of holy verses of Al Quran and Nasyid performance by Indonesians who performed well. The commemorationwas also filled with a lecture delivered by Ustadz Aep Syaifullah with the title " The Importance of Interacting with the Qur'an".

About 700 people attended the warm family atmosphere that characterized the activities of Indonesian people who stay overseas. The chicken Tongseng that became the main dish warmed up the atmosphere in the cool evening. The event was closed with Isha prayer and tarawih congregation before Jamaah left location.


Last information is from Homeland. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, A. M. Fachir officially opened the Conference on Cooperation among the East Asian Countries for the Palestine Development Senior Officials' Meeting (CEAPAD SOM) at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta (31/8).


CEAPAD is a regional cooperation forum that is in line with Indonesia's commitment to keep supporting the struggle of the Palestinian nation in gaining independence and building self-reliance. Deputy Minister Fachir invited CEAPAD countries to improve humanitarian aid and capacity-building programs that are more concrete, workable, and having a real impact on Palestinian people.


Delegates of CEAPAD SOM participants condemned the use of violence in Palestine in recent weeks. Chairman of Indonesian Delegation as Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy at Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Cecep Herawan emphasized that a conducive condition is needed for the sustainability of development efforts in Palestine. He also explained that the meeting identified and evaluated the development assistance programs that CEAPAD countries have provided Palestinians since the Second CEAPAD Ministerial Meeting in Jakarta 2014.

CEAPAD SOM was attended by senior officials from nine countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Palestine, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam and two international organizations namely United Nations' Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The CEAPAD SOM results will be discussed further at the Third CEAPAD Ministerial Meeting to be held in Bangkok, Thailand in June 2018.