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This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with My Indonesia. In today’s edition, we will bring you a topic about Pancasila as the Source of Ideology of Indonesia.


President Joko Widodo on his state address before the House of the Representatives –DPR on last Thursday (16thof August 2018) called for all levels of society to be grateful for having Pancasila as the source of ideology of Indonesian nation. As quoted by, President Joko Widodo said that Pancasila guides all Indonesian generations to implement the promises of Indonesia’s independence. Pancasila is the navigator, the generator, the source of inspiration, as well as the unifier of Indonesian nation with the principle of Unity in Diversity (Bhineka Tunggal Ika). President Joko Widodo believed by firmly sticking to Pancasila’s values, Indonesia will become a sovereign and dignified nation in the global network with other nations, meaning being equal to each other in every aspect of life.

Meanwhile, as quoted by, when welcoming officials of the Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education (BPIP) at the office of DPR Speaker last Tuesday (14th of August 2018), Speaker Bambang Soesatyo called for all levels of society to practice Pancasila’s spirit and values first in every aspect of life. Making Pancasila’s spirit and values as the utmost importance is aimed at strengthening the sense of nationalism. He also remarked that Pancasila is the power of Indonesian nation. Because in the past, Indonesian ancestors implemented Pancasila’s values. The implementation of Pancasila’s values made Indonesian nation still exist until present. He added that Pancasila should be continuously implanted and applied in every aspect of state and nation life.

As quoted by, when becoming the interviewee at the National Talkshow and Book Launching entitled “Membaca Indonesia di Jakarta” or “Reading Indonesia through Jakarta” on Monday (13th of August 2018), Speaker Bambang Soesatyo said that Pancasila is philosophically the supporter of Indonesia being an immense house of society from various ethnicities and culture. Observing Indonesia today basically means figuring out the way to spread Pancasila’s values enormously into public by utilizing virtual world and creative media. Indonesian nation should preserve and maintain Pancasila as the bond to prevent the wave of political identity that keeps bothering the sense of nationalism. He is optimistic that Indonesian people must have missed the peace of life. Moreover, as a nation, Indonesia has a strong socio-historical root. For example, the Youth Pledge in 28th of October, 1928, becomes the point of initiation for youths in the country’s revolution declaring the sons and daughters of Indonesia to acknowledge one motherland and one nation namely Indonesia, and respect the language of unity, namely Indonesian.


In today’s edition, we will bring a topic about Pancasila is the Solution as Philosophy of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia.

MUSIC                          : ………………

Pancasila is the solution or Kalimatun Sawa that becomes the philosophy of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of People’s Consultative AssemblyAhmad Basarah in Jakarta last Wednesday (25/7) 2018. Based onthe report of, Basarah said to 450 students of Social and Political Science Faculty of Galuh University that Pancasila is the heritage of the nation’s founders and the nation ideology. It is an ideology by neither certain religion nor blank ideology of religion and divine values.

On the occasion, he expressed his concern of the potential concepts that that may split the unity of the nation. He also called forthe students of Galuh University to protect and take care of Pancasila. By protecting and taking care of it, this means that we protect the unity of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, as it was reported in, Head of Security Council of Yogyakarta, Achmad Charris Zubair in  Bantul (27/7) said that Pancasila truly contains 2 universal values; They are divinity and humanity. Pancasila has already been tested in the life of the nation, the society, and the country. Moreover, Indonesian people live amidst plural and complex life.Therefore, it has beenproven that Pancasila can unite the society to build the nation towards prosperity.

According to Charris, in the life of the nation and the country, Pancasila includes nationalism values in the third principle of Pancasila and democracy in the fourth. The values are important to beImplemented or actualized in our daily life so that thevalues are not only recitation or slogan.

On the same event, Head of Pancasila Study Center of UGM, Dr. Heri Santoso said that Pancasila is also the foundation of humans to be introspective. He said that humans often pursue their own ego without worrying others. If it is not handledwell, it will be the source of problem in the future.


Changing challenges into opportunities is what the Indonesian government should do to face a trade war between the two world economic giants, the United States of America –USA and China. Increased trade war triggered by the imposition of import duties on certain goods by both countries has made the demand for commodities on each side weakened.

In response to this situation, the Indonesian government should be able to utilize the trade war with various strategies that can increase exports, both to the USA and China.

The Indonesian Ministry of Trade has short-term (6 months), medium-term (18 months), and long-term (3 years) strategies to address this. The short-term measure is the bilateral approaches with the USA and China.

In the short term, Indonesia will request the extension of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program or the exemption of import duty (zero percent) on the import of certain goods from developing countries to the USA.

Related to the opportunity to fill the US and Chinese trade gap, Indonesia has the potential to fill the imported products of China that are blocked by the USA, such as fruits, steel, and aluminum. Indonesia is also likely to fill the US imported products banned by China, such as steel and aluminum.

With China for example, Indonesia can take advantage of the ASEAN Plus China trade agreement.  Almost 95 percent of the commodities produced by Indonesia can be marketed to the USA. So, if there is a shortage of supply, Indonesia can fill it.

The current weakening of the rupiah should make the competitiveness of Indonesia's export products much stronger, instead of making import costs increased. Thus, it is necessary to control imports, especially consumer goods. Import must be calculated based on needs and scheduled in a bid to properly suit the needs.

For the medium term, the Ministry of Trade will encourage the utilization of preferential tariff agreements and lower tariffs on raw materials and capital goods. As for the long term, there will be diversification of exports to non-traditional countries.

What the government is doing today is essentially on the right track, especially in the face of the ongoing trade wars between the United States and China. It is expected that the strategy will be able to transform the challenge into an opportunity for Indonesia's economic growth.


This is RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian diplomacy in the international world.

The first information is coming from Tokyo, Japan. Diplomatic relation between Indonesia and Japan which has taken place for 60 years was celebrated in Hibiya Park, Tokyo on Sunday morning (29/7) at Festival Indonesia 2018. As quoted by Antara News Agency, the commemoration of the two countries’ relation which has been established since 20th January 1958 as held on Saturday (28/7). However, it was opened on Sunday because of Taifun disaster on Saturday. Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Arifin Tasrif at the opening ceremony said that the 60th diplomatic relation between Indonesia and Japan has grown well. He hoped that the future relation will improve more and bring about better cooperation and benefit for Indonesia. There were many performances of arts and Indonesian culture at the festival. Besides, there was also Jaipong dance collaboration coming from West Java with Taiko as Japanese traditional art. The Indonesian festive held at the park is beside the Japanese emperor palace. It was also enlivened by stands from a lot of ministries, regional governments and banking which performed several cultures and potential of Indonesia. Ambassador Arifin Tasrif also said at the agenda, the embassy of Indonesia in Japan tried to bring delegates such as from Sumatera and Papua to introduce Indonesian culture to visitors, especially Japan citizens.

The next information is coming from London, England. Bimo Adityarahman Wiraputra from Bandung Technology of Institute –ITB succeeded to grab gold medal at the 25th International Math Competition in Bulgaria. The competition held on 22 up to 28 at American University in Bulgaria Blagoevgrad was followed by 351 participants from 50 countries. First Secretary of Information, Social and Culture of Indonesian embassy in  Sofia, Nurul Sofia to Antara News Agency said that besides having gold shoes, Indonesian delegate team under the Ministry of Research Technology and High Education also achieved one silver by Rio Fandi Dianco from  University of Indonesia. The bronze medals were grabbed by Alzimna Badril Umam and  Adryan Wiradinata from University of  Gadjah Mada,  as well as  Hopein Christofen Tang from  Bandung Institute of  Technology. Other Indonesian delegates who got award of Honorable Mention are Sie Evan Setiawan from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology , Laurence Petrus Wijaya and Mochamad Zulfikar Aditya from Bandung Institute of  Technology, Resita Sri Wahyuni  from University of Gadjah Mada. Indonesian Ambassador to Sofia, Sri Astari Rasjid met Indonesian team in Blagoevgrad to give spirit in order to achieve the best. The International Math Competition in Bulgaria was for universities students under 23 years. The achievement got by the Indonesian universities students proves that Indonesian university students are  excellent in the world.

The last information is coming from Jakarta, Indonesia. Jakarta City administration cooperated with Morocco embassy to perform concert of two musicians of  Indonesia-Morocco at  Balai Agung, Balaikota in Jakarta on Sunday evening (29/7) . Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan attended the event and enjoyed the performance of the musicians of Morocco form Casablanca city, Hadj Younes who was duet with one of Indonesian composers and pianists, Dwiki Dharmawan to play collaborative music rhythm, but they  kept using their own musical characteristic. Governor Anies Baswedan hoped through the concert, stronger relation can be built between Jakarta and Morocco, especially in promoting musical culture of each country .The bilateral cooperation between Indonesia-Morocco has been established since 1960. Through strong relation, the friendship and cooperation between Jakarta and Morocco had been materialized in 1991 by signing Memorandum of Understanding of sister city between Jakarta and Casablanca in many fields, such as expert exchange in city development, trade, tourism, culture and art, youths and sports.