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Mosaic of Archipelago for today, Sunday, June 3rd, 2018, presents some information on Nuzulul Qur’an Celebration Motivates Loving Al-Qur’an, continued with District Militer Command 0605 Subang Hoped Soldier of Siliwangi Military Command III is getting closer and loved by the people. Mosaic of Archipelago will end with Secretary of Central Java Province Visits Merapi Refugees Point in Klaten.

Listener, Nuzulul Qur’an is a mean to motivate oneself to deeply understood Al-Qur'anso it will raises ones love that will deliver every individual Muslim on the best of devotion level to Allah the Almighty.Vice Governor of Aceh Nova Iriansyah stated it in her speechon the celebration of Nuzulul Qur'an's evening, at Baiturrahman Mosque, Friday (1/6) evening.

Nova said, Al-Qur’an is a complete life’s guidance since it contains a lot of wisdom, history, rule of law and morals. Besides, Al-Qur’an also contains knowledgeas a guide, motivation, and benchmark in organizing the life of Muslim society. Therefore, Nova urged the entire people of Aceh to learn and practice the content of the Qur'anso the ideals of building a smart and pious generation to God can be realized.The eventwas also filled with tausyiah (discourse) by Ustadz DR Fauzi Saleh MAwhich emphasized the importance of reading and implemented Al-Qur'an in everyday life.

In welcoming the 70th Anniversary ofSiliwangi Regional Military Command (Kodam) III, Military District Commander (Kodim) 0905 Subangdoes not hold many ceremonial and crashing activities. District Military Commander (Dandim)0605 Subang, Lieutenant Colonel (Letkol) Infantry Fikri Ferdian said to RRI in Subang, Saturday (2/5), the activity in welcoming the Anniversary of Kodam III Siliwangi is filled with various things that benefit the community, such associal devotion in the form of cleaningrivers, slums, blood donors, and other social services that can help the community in generalincluding Tabligh Akbar (reciting Quran) which is synergized with activities conducted by Resort Police (Polres) Subang on last Tuesday (29/5).

Fikri added, at the peak of the event his party will held Flag Raising Ceremony, as well as visiting Heroes cemetary, as an activity to trace back the history of Indonesian National Military (TNI) Kodam III Siliwangi. He hoped, all soldiers of Kodam III Siliwangi are closer and loved by the people because only by uniting with the people the military will be strong and can even benefit the people and Indonesia.

We end Mosaic of Archipelago with Secretary of Central Java Province visited Merapi refugees in Klatenpost eruption on Friday (1/6). Secretary of Central Java Province Sri Puryono accompanied by Regent of Klaten Sri Mulyani along with the entourage visited Merapi refugees in Balerante village hall, Kemalang, Klaten, on Saturday (2/6).

During the visit, Sri Puryono accompanied by Head of Regional Disaster Management Agency of Central Java Sarwa Pramana, Regent of Klaten Sri Mulyani, Regional Secretary of Klaten Jaka Salwadi as well as other officials visited monitoring posts of Merapi and evacuation at Balerante Village Hall. Sri Puryono hoped thehealth apparatus to begin anticipating what is deemed necessary to be prepared immediately.Preparation involves the arrangement of medical personnel, medicines and support facilities to be prepared early, including for shelter needs that may be required if an emergency comes.

Meanwhile, acting Health Office Task Force (PLT) of Klaten, Dr. Cahyono said, currently about 30 medical personnel have been prepared in turns in three shelters that may be used for displacement in case of emergency. He explained, for now Balerante village can still be served by local health center officers.On the other side, Head of Section of Balerante Village Tomi saidat the evacuation point Balerante Village Hall currently there are 11 residents consisting of 7 elderly and 4 toddlers.At night the refugees could be 70 to 100 people.But if the day usually people visit their house and do daily activities. That was Mosaic of Archipelago.



Published in Feature


Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, June 3 2018.

We begin with Kompas entitled, “Police Discretion is the Key”.

The management of trucks which are still operating during the peak of homecoming flow becomes police discretion. By considering the situation of the homecoming flow on the toll roads or the arteries of northern coasts – Pantura, the Police can force the trucks to stop in parking areas or to direct them to exit the toll road. That was stated by Land Transport Director General of Transportation Ministry Budi Setiyadi in Jakarta, on Saturday (2/6). The statement was following the potential traffic congestion because trucks are still not banned from operating during the peak of homecoming flow. The peak is predicted on June 9 or D-6 of Eid Holiday at the Cikarang Toll Gate, West Java and on June 10 or D-5 in Semarang, Central Java. The ban for the operation of trucks will be applied on June 12. Budi said, if trucks cause congestion during the peak flow, the police can stop them, make them exit the toll, or direct them to the parking areas. That becomes the police discretion by considering the traffic flow on site.

Moving on to Media Indonesia entitled, “Time to Solve Human Rights Cases”.

The determination of the government in solving human rights violation cases received positive responses. Some agreed that the cases must immediately be solved to stop draining the nation’s energy. United Development Party’s (PPP) Deputy Secretary General Achmad Baidowi in Jakarta on Saturday (2/6/2018) said his party would support whatever measure used by the government via the Attorney General’s Office to solve the past human right cases. Previously, the Attorney General HM Prasetyo said, the government would prioritize non-judicial settlement via reconciliation. According to him, judicial settlement was very difficult, because the cases were too old so that crucially lacking of evidences and witness. To encourage reconciliation, according to Prasetyo, the government is designing the National Harmony Council (DKN). Achmad Baidowi agreed, if the government really wanted to form the DKN, it must have be done as soon as possible. Support was also given by National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), Achmad Taufik Damanik. He welcomed the government to prioritize the non-judicial approach, yet the judicial moves must also still be done.

We end the Headlines with Republika entitled, “Motorcyclists in Homecoming Increases 30 Percent”.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said, motorcyclists became a key for the smooth traffic in this year’s homecoming. Therefore, control for the motorcyclists in the homecoming flow will be necessary. Transportation Ministry’s Land Traffic Director Pandu Yunianto in Jakarta, Saturday predicted, the number of motorcyclists in the homecoming would increase up to 30 percent this year. Meanwhile in 2017, there were 6.39 million units of motorcycle. If the number increases 30 percent, it means the number of motorcycle in the homecoming will increase into 8.5 million units. The people, according to Pandu, prefer using motorcycle for the homecoming due to cheaper cost.


Hasil gambar untuk foto medan kampung keling


Here is RRI VOI with Indonesian Wonder, a regular segment featuring Indonesian tourism including places of interest, popular destinations, culture and traditions. Today I will introduce one of the tourist attractions in Medan North Sumatra.


Kampung Madras or Kampung Keling is widely known as little India in Medan, North Sumatra. And just like the Indian village elsewhere, Kampung Madras became an interesting cultural tourism destination in Medan.


The existence of Kampung Keling strengthens the reputation of Medan as a multiethnic city in Indonesia. Especially today, Kampung Keling is not only inhabited by people of Indian descendants but also those from other tribes or ethnics who live the area of ​​Kampung Madras. Even so, the term Little India Medan is still attached to this village.

The origin of Kampung Keling Medan can be traced back to the 19th century. At that time many Tamil Indians were imported from their original country to work as laborers at Deli tobacco plantations. Plantation owners prefer to use imported labor from India because they were known to be hard workers and strong. As time went by, more Tamil Indians worked in Medan. In addition to working as plantation laborers, they also got jobs in the construction, and many also worked as traders.

Kampung Keling in Medan has an area of ​​10 hectares. Formerly this village was called by the name Patisah. Some people call this Kampung Keling by the name of Kampung Madras. The name Kampung Keling became the most popular designation in the community of Medan. Now, Kampung Keling in Medan is located around Zainul Arifin area. Initially the streets in this area also used Indian names. Like Calcutta road, Bombay street, Ceylon street, Madras street and others. But now there are many names were changed.

Tourists who want get to the location of Kampung Keling in Medan can use various means of transportation but the interesting one is motorized three-wheeled vehicle known as becak motor.

True to its origin, Kampung Keling is known as the center of Indian culture in the city of Medan. This village is an administrative area of ​​Madras District. Here tourists can   see a lot of old buildings with typical Indian architecture. The best known places are Shri Mariaman temple and Subramaniem Temple. In addition to the two temples there is also a mosque named Ghaudiyah which has a thick Indian architectural design. This is because the Tamil people who live in rural villages are not only Hindus but also some Muslims.

In addition to being a cultural tourist location, Kampung Keling in Medan can also be used as a place to hunt culinary typical of India, such as the famous Indian curry and martabak or chapatti . You can also buy typical Indian outfit like dresses and accessories here . For tourists who want to feel the life in Kampung Keling, can stay at the inn or hotel in Kampung Keling with varying prices. The most interesting thing about the Kampung Keling in Medan, however, is the cultural blend between strong Indian and local culture there.




Hasil gambar untuk foto asian games 2018

The grand event of the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta - Palembang which will be held in August is expected to provide great benefits to Indonesia. One of them is the direct economic impact on various sectors. Chairman of the 2018 Asian Games Organizing Committee (INASGOC) Erick Thohir, explained that the 2018 Asian Games will provide legacy and bring a big positive impact for Indonesia in terms of economy. Based on the preliminary calculations of the National Development Planning Agency Bappenas economic impact of visitors expenditure during their stay in Indonesia for the 2018 Asian Games amounted to Rp 3.6 Trillion with 88 percent coming from spectators and tourists, followed by athletes, media crew, officials', and volunteer expenditure. Accommodation is estimated to be the largest expenditure component that reaches 1.3 trillion rupiah. Chairman of the Organizing Committee Asian Games 2018-INASGOC Erick Thohir in a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday (30/05/2018)said the expected visitor spending also included the purchase of the 2018 Asian Games official merchandise.

Director of Merchandise of Asian Games 2018 Organizing Committee Mochtar Sarman said that the Committee prioritizes small and medium enterprises to become licensed official merchandise.This is an effort in promoting domestic products to the world. The 2018 Asian Games Organizing Committee has selected 17 companies and national SMEs as licensors to produce and sell the 2018 Asian Games official merchandise. Mochtar explains, 17 licensors had gone through a rigorous selection process related to the quality and originality of the product and the strength of the distribution network. In addition, the license holders must have the ability to absorb partners and empower the partners of UMKM and have good company credibility.

On the merchandise design side, Chief Executive of Asian Games - Erick Thohir explained that the whole products of the merchandiseare the work of Indonesians . Through the Asian Games, INASGOC strives to make Indonesian producers and designers rise globally. Interestingly, Erick explained that there is no State Expenditure Budget fund that is used for merchandise production, since it is done by partners with a profit-sharing scheme. Currently, the 2018 Asian Games official merchandise has been sold on the official website of the 2018 Asian Games, more than 2,000 franchise shopping centers, online shopping portals and official booths spread across several malls. INASGOC appealed to the people of Indonesia to always buy official merchandise, because the proceeds from the sale will be directly submitted to the country.