Jakarta. National Development Planning Minister/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa affirmed that construction of the presidential palace in the planned new capital city will commence this year and is projected for completion in 2024.
"We are optimistic of the groundbreaking for the construction of the presidential palace to start this year. On August 17, 2024, the president can lead the August 17 (Independence Day ceremony) in the new capital,” Monoarfa remarked here on Thursday.
Meticulous calculations have been made for the construction work to be completed in 2024 including by taking into account the vaccination program targets and the achievement of herd immunity, according to the minister.
The Bappenas head expounded that his ministry and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) have harmonized the materials for the new capital city and urban design master plan.
Deputy Minister of National Development Planning/Deputy Head of Bappenas Rudy Soeprihadi Prawiradinata confirmed that the design of the state palace is currently in the initial stage process.
The state palace will be designed to resemble an eagle shape by Nyoman Nuarta's Nuart architectural bureau.
"The design is an initial idea that can be expanded and discussed with experts in the field of architecture and planners," he stated.
The capital will be located in East Kalimantan and is expected to create new economic growth centers.
Furthermore, the new capital city is projected to boost economic equality across Indonesia and open up millions of jobs following the expected growth of economic sectors with high added value, he noted.
It is also estimated to boost the economic structure of East Kalimantan and help it stand at par with developed countries, he stated.
The government also believes that development of the new capital will help to boost per capita income of Indonesians, so that it is equal to those offered in high-income nations, he remarked. (Antaranews)