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Tuesday, 16 January 2024 19:00

Hati-hati Melangkah! Featured

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Hello, welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Melihat Orang Utan “(2x)which means “Seeing Orangutan”.

You will read a conversation about “Hati-hati Melangkah(2x)which means “Watch your steps”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and Naomi, a tour guide at Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan. Naomi warned Chris to watch his steps when leaving the orangutan feeding spot. Let’s listen to their conversation.

Naomi   (W)   :   Kita akan melewati jembatan kayu. Hati-hati melangkah! Kayunya licin.

Chris     (P)   :   Wah, berarti kita sudah  dekat dengan sungai, ya?

Naomi  (W)   :    Iya. Malam ini kita akan menginap di kapal.

After listening to the conversation, I will introduce you to some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic.  “Hati-hati Melangkah(2x)which means “Watch your steps”. I will say it two times slowly, and please repeat after me.

hati-hati (2x)

which means Be careful

melangkah  (2x)

which means Walking

Hati-hati melangkah  ! (2x) 

which means Watch your steps

melewati (2x)  

which means Passing through

jembatan  (2X)  

which means Bridge

kayu (2x)

which means Wood

licin (2x)

which means Slippery

sudah dekat (2x)

which means Close

sungai (2x)

which means River

malam ini (2x)

which means Tonight

menginap (2x)

which means Stay the night

kapal  (2x)

which means Ship

In the conversation, you hear the sentence, “Hati-hati Melangkah(2x)which means “Watch your steps”. In the expression, there is the word hati-hati (2x) which means be careful. The phrase hati-hati (2x) which means be careful is used to ask someone to be careful or to watch out for something. In the context, the hati-hati (2x) which means be careful is used by Naomi to warn Chris to be careful or watch his steps when passing the slippery wooden bridge.

Here are other examples.

Let’s listen to some other examples using expressions hati-hati (2x) which means be careful in other sentences.    

Hati-hati di jalan, Chris (2x) which means Be careful on the road, Chris.

Jalan sedang ramai, hati-hati! ( 2x) which means The road is busy, be careful!

For your info, to cross the Sekonyer River to orangutan rehab center, the visitors will use a perahu kelotok or klotok boat. Perahu kelotok is a traditional wooden ship. The name kelotok comes from the noise it makes. Kelotok is still used for trips across rivers in Tanjung Puting National park. Currently, some kelotok boats have many facilities for staying overnight.

Before we end today’s Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, let’s have another go with the conversation.

Naomi   (W)   :   Kita akan melewati jembatan kayu. Hati-hati melangkah!. Kayunya licin.

Chris     (P)   :   Wah, berarti kita sudah  dekat dengan sungai, ya?

Naomi  (W)   :    Iya. Malam ini kita akan menginap di kapal. 

Listener, that was “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” for today about “Hati-hati Melangkah(2x)which means “Watch your steps”.We hope today’s edition will be useful for you who want to know more about the Indonesian language.

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