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Wednesday, 17 January 2024 21:19

Santolo Beach in Garut Regency Featured

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Garut is not only well-known for its typical fruit, Garut Orange, but also popular for its stunning panoramic beach, namely Santolo Beach. This beach is located in Cikelet District, Garut Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Santolo Beach, which was originally a gathering place for fishermen, has been developed into a beautiful tourism destination. It is also an area for fishing activities as a dock for fishing boats in Pameungpeuk. Enjoying panoramic views of the beach and marine life is one of the tourist activities that can be explored.There are also boat rentals available that serve tourists to enjoy the beach's quite challenging southern waves. Besides, they can enjoy fresh seafood in the form of simple dishes. For logistics and accommodation, several facilities are available for tourists, such as guesthouses and souvenir stalls. Santolo Beach is situated at an altitude of 0-200 meters above sea level.In the past, Santolo Beach was known as Cilauteureun Beach. Europeans, especially the Dutch, who came to this region had difficulty pronouncing the name Cilauteureun. Then, Europeans pronounced the word, Cilauteureun with the word Santolo. Santolo Beach once functioned as a pier to transport spices to large ships in the middle of the sea during Dutch ruling. Therefore, the coastal area has many Dutch heritage buildings built around 1850.

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