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Monday, 06 May 2024 11:30

US Returns Three Indonesian Historical Items Featured

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The United States returned three historical items of Indonesia, which were taken and sold illegally by black market and smuggling network in their country on Friday (26/4). The historical items return was done based on the decision of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for a case of stolen items smuggling in Southeast Asia with defendants Subhash Kapoor and Nancy Wiener.

Kapoor is an India-American descent art trader, while Wiener is a US citizen who practices illegal antique trade. As reported by Channel News Asia, in his official statement, Bragg said they have returned 30 stolen historical items from Indonesia and Cambodia being sold in the US. Besides from Indonesia, the US will also return 27 stolen historical items from Cambodia. The value of these antiques were estimated to be 3 million USD, as quoted by Times Now News.

The three historical items returned to Jakarta were statues from the Majapahit Kingdom Era that led the Nusantara in the 13th-16th century. Earlier, these antiques were confiscated by New York Court in 2023.

Indonesian Consul General in New York, Winanto Adi thanked for the return of Indonesian historic items. As quoted from Al Jazeera, this was dubbed as a valuable present for the 75th year of US-Indonesia diplomatic ties. 

Although Kapoor was arrested in 2011 and sentenced to prison, Bragg ensured the investigation still continues. During his leadership, Bragg through the Antiquities Trafficking Unit has found almost 1,200 stolen items from 25 countries including Southeast Asia, and some of which were from Indonesia. The value of these antiquities amounts to 250 million USD.

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